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Thread: Guys do i need the juice ?

  1. #1

    Guys do i need the juice ?

    backround: I tried cycle before which i had good results but F'ed up the PCT because i wasn’t well educated at the time. Ok now i was really banking on going the "natural way." I have taken myself from 150 to 165lbs , i eat clean , and A LOT . To the point i want to puke sometimes. Eating every 3 hours blah blah blah , mixing carbs with proteins , been there read that, tuna , chicken , steak, pasta (whole grain), brown rice , potato’s I LIVE OFF THS @#$@. I am just getting frustrated because i am spending all this money and i am not getting results. Work outs i have down pat. I do all heavy 6-10 reps , squats (I go little higher in reps), pull ups , dead's, rows, all the big movements. i see some improvement on weight but not my body ! Take a look at this pics tell me if you can tell a big difference. I know i took on a little more fat because i have ti up cardio a bit. Tell me what you think ?

    I am considering this because i am a small guy and I HATE IT ! People say you do all this and look at you. It gets me soo mad and i am getting to the point where i am going to say #R@R# it and go back to the dark side. I personally believe it’s my genes, I am a small guy and there is no more to the story. Sorry for the rant but i can only talk to you guys about this matter and no one else. Please don’t bash me , thanks.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	beforeweight.JPG 
Views:	185 
Size:	18.2 KB 
ID:	57458   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	after.JPG 
Views:	192 
Size:	18.4 KB 
ID:	57459  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    how many cals are you eating a day?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Autobot City
    post your diet up if you are nor getting enough Kcals you won't grow even with AAS

  4. #4
    i aim at 500 cal per meal , then 6-7 meals per day = 3000-3500

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by 24labor
    post your diet up if you are nor getting enough Kcals you won't grow even with AAS
    It looks like i am growing , putting on more weight and like i said i have noticed little weight gain on lifts but with the money/time i am putting into this i feel as though it should be more gains. I see more loses -money -time then gains muscle , strengh.


    I have even cut out my drinking almost entirely! I drink maybe once in a 2 week period!! I feel like I am making all these sacrifices (junk food, beer) and not repeating and rewards!

    Its just starting to effect me mentally also. How long can you cont. bust your @$$ night in and out at the gym and not see anything positive ?
    Last edited by Newtothegame234; 10-20-2005 at 04:35 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Autobot City
    Quote Originally Posted by Newtothegame234
    It looks like i am growing , putting on more weight and like i said i have noticed little weight gain on lifts but with the money/time i am putting into this i feel as though it should be more gains. I see more loses -money -time then gains muscle , strengh.


    I have even cut out my drinking almost entirely! I drink maybe once in a 2 week period!! I feel like I am making all these sacrifices (junk food, beer) and not repeating and rewards!

    Its just starting to effect me mentally also. How long can you cont. bust your @$$ night in and out at the gym and not see anything positive ?
    I know what your saying it took me a long time to gain some weight, but I ddi it. Guessing that your not gaining weight very ez i'd say your an ectomorph so you goal should be to just eat eat eat. You say you are taking in 3000-3500 Kcals? If your not gaining anything bump them up 500 Kcals and give that a try. It is proven that if you take in more calories the the body needs weight will be added and visa versa. Stay with it 165 is too small for AAS so try and bulk up by upping the Kcals 1st.
    Last edited by 24labor; 10-20-2005 at 05:09 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    in your beezy's vagina
    be smart about it if you weigh out the benefits to risks and they are in your favor, then do it right... thats all there is too it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    It seems you have made good progress already. Even with AASs, gaining muscle requires hard work and dedication.

  9. #9
    I understand all the risk and thats the reason why i didnt want to do another cyle in the first place. I just dont know what else to do. I mean look i gained weight but look at the pics , where the hell am i gaining it. Now i am doing cardio so that will help cut fat , making me even lighter ! but i know at the same time too much fat is bad. I have also stoped working out 5 days a week and changed to a 3 day split , why ? because i cant eat anymore so instead of trying to eat 500 more cal (like auggested, i tried) i figure i could burn less cal which should balance out to extra calories (not burned). Like i said i am getting so frustrated with my body and how i look. I just dont know what to do and it pisses me off to no end. There are people that never work out and look 1000 times better then me and i understand that will happen with genes but with all the f***ing work i do , cut me a god damn break.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by 24labor
    Stay with it 165 is too small for AAS so try and bulk up by upping the Kcals 1st.
    Thats is another reason why i havent started any gear yet beacuse i want to get as big as i can , then maybe try some . I totally understand that part.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Autobot City
    Keep at it every little gain is one step closer to your goal. The forum will help you along the way

  12. #12
    Yeah i been around and read a lot of info on here. Just gets me frustrated when i do all this work and dont get the results i want. I just got back from the gym so i am a little better . Had a good workout since i was so pissed off. Thanks for all info guys

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    definately wait, you will be happy you did. I wanted to juice at 175lbs, but I decided to just eat right and train hard and in 1 1/2 years I was up to 203. Be patient, give it time. Eat right, train hard.

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