when ordering or posessing steroids or prescription meds like nolva or clomid, is it a felony or a misdemeanor if you're caught? i'm sure it depends on how much there is too. how much more severe is roids than nolva or clomid?
when ordering or posessing steroids or prescription meds like nolva or clomid, is it a felony or a misdemeanor if you're caught? i'm sure it depends on how much there is too. how much more severe is roids than nolva or clomid?
depends on if the nolva or clomid are pill form or liquid research products. liquid is legit pills are another thing.
thats what i have heard anyways.....
Nolva and clomid are by perscription only and are class I scheduled (lowest class) and under FDA control. AASs are class III scheduled and have much more severe penalties and is under DEA control. Felonies or misdeamors depends on your local laws, state laws, quantity in possession, intent to sell, etc.
If you are caught with nolva or clomid the penalty will be quite light however.
This doesn't really apply. It is weather it for 'research purposes' and 'not for human consumption'Originally Posted by flyhalf
alright, that makes sense. thanks man
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