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Thread: Thin (really thin!) 35 yr. old male needs opinions.

  1. #1

    Thin (really thin!) 35 yr. old male needs opinions.

    Hey all, Im a 35 yr. old male who has been skinny all my life. My weight will fluctuate depending on the time of yr.With that in mind, a year ago I tried
    two well known anabolics and had gained about 15 pounds w/in a month on them. My weight before was 126, weight after was 141. I really felt young
    and energetic while using them, but unfortunately lost all my gains due to
    not being able to do a post cycle regimin. I have not used them since then but am thinking about going on them again.. What should someone like me do to maximize my gains and actually keep them?, I know what compounds
    do what, but more specifically I'm looking at the cost/benefit deal and what
    certain compounds will give me the most bang for the buck. The two I used
    were sus250/d-bol btw.

    Thanks for your time and help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    How tall are you?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    unfortunatly, with out a good base to build on, you will loose most of your gains after a cycle..

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by corpse1970
    Hey all, Im a 35 yr. old male who has been skinny all my life. My weight will fluctuate depending on the time of yr.With that in mind, a year ago I tried
    two well known anabolics and had gained about 15 pounds w/in a month on them. My weight before was 126, weight after was 141. I really felt young
    and energetic while using them, but unfortunately lost all my gains due to
    not being able to do a post cycle regimin. I have not used them since then but am thinking about going on them again.. What should someone like me do to maximize my gains and actually keep them?, I know what compounds
    do what, but more specifically I'm looking at the cost/benefit deal and what
    certain compounds will give me the most bang for the buck. The two I used
    were sus250/d-bol btw.

    Thanks for your time and help.
    i began at 140 pounds, now 200 plus (220 will be heavenly !).
    ultralight boned,6 inches wrist,30 inches waist, 5´9 inches tall.
    you can do it.

  5. #5

    Height-weight etc.

    Thanks for replying, I'm 5'10". My weight fluctuates between 123/136 i'm a
    lot heavier during the winter months (all them thx-giving and Christmas
    dinners . Anyway, as someone whos in his mid thirties, this stuff
    really made me feel good (mood wise). Is this normal w/gear?.

    what I used: Muscle techs, cell tech/nitro tech along with the gear. I ate
    like a pig too!....lots of fish, red meat, oatmeal, brown rice etc. I tried M1T
    initially, but that stuff gave me a migrane.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    the reason you dont gain is b/c you dont eat!! You say your weight fluctuates during the holiday season b/c youre eating more. Just think if you eat more all the time

    Read this thread and eat like this every day and I guarantee you will put on some size. Steroids dont work unless you know how to eat and without that solid base you'll lose most of the gains

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by corpse1970
    Thanks for replying, I'm 5'10". My weight fluctuates between 123/136 i'm a
    lot heavier during the winter months (all them thx-giving and Christmas
    dinners . Anyway, as someone whos in his mid thirties, this stuff
    really made me feel good (mood wise). Is this normal w/gear?.

    what I used: Muscle techs, cell tech/nitro tech along with the gear. I ate
    like a pig too!....lots of fish, red meat, oatmeal, brown rice etc. I tried M1T
    initially, but that stuff gave me a migrane.
    you have to eat a lot !

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    If you don't make a commitment to health(Diet) and fitness(training) for a lifetime endeavor,then it will be a total waste of time for you to run a cycle.Especially at the weight you are currently.It's obvious you don't have the discipline needed at this point to maintain gains made off a cycle.Once you can make a 100 % commitment for life(Health/fitness),then I'd consider running a cycle.In the mean time,I'd focus on diet and training.


  9. #9
    ...and besides, eating is delicious!

  10. #10

    Thanks for the tips

    Hey all, thanks for the help. Obviously, at the time I was on the gear, I understood the importance of diet. What I want to tell all those who say
    I need to eat. I do eat, we (a four member household 2 of which are under
    the age of 7) are on the hook for a four hundred dollar a month grocery
    bill, so I do eat, and eat a lot, its just my present metabolism just does not
    allow me to keep on any weight. Over the last fifteen yrs. I have gone thru
    every trick and gimmick known to man, and the assistance I recieved from
    some friends was the first time I have ever experienced explosive growth
    on that level, and in such a short amount of time. So yeah, I eat a lot. I
    know my training regimin could use a serious kick in the rear, but thats the
    least of my worries. Anyway, thanks for the tips, I hope to hear more.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    So you eat 6 solid meals every day?Consistently on a weekly basis?


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by corpse1970
    I need to eat. I do eat, we (a four member household 2 of which are under
    the age of 7) are on the hook for a four hundred dollar a month grocery
    bill, so I do eat, and eat a lot,

    i spend more than that on food and I live by myself and am quite a concientious shopper too!

    Do you know how many calories you eat everyday? How many cals come from protein, carbs, and fat? These are things you need to know. can help you track these things

  13. #13
    No matter how much you think you eat a day you should count up all the cals you eat on an average day. Also, count up how many grams protein, carbs, fat you eat. Then we can see if you eat enough to gain weight. Also, since you are a hard gainer, you need more cals then the normal bodybuilder to gain weight since your metabolism is so high. Keep this in mind.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by corpse1970
    Hey all, thanks for the help. Obviously, at the time I was on the gear, I understood the importance of diet. What I want to tell all those who say
    I need to eat. I do eat, we (a four member household 2 of which are under
    the age of 7) are on the hook for a four hundred dollar a month grocery
    bill, so I do eat, and eat a lot, its just my present metabolism just does not
    allow me to keep on any weight. Over the last fifteen yrs. I have gone thru
    every trick and gimmick known to man, and the assistance I recieved from
    some friends was the first time I have ever experienced explosive growth
    on that level, and in such a short amount of time. So yeah, I eat a lot. I
    know my training regimin could use a serious kick in the rear, but thats the
    least of my worries. Anyway, thanks for the tips, I hope to hear more.

    no men. you dont eat enough !
    i eat a lot ! you not !
    you have to eat 300 gr of protein. is a lot of food,is like 1 kg of meat
    and for carbs, god ! you have to know,let me tell you.

  15. #15
    try to aim for a protein and carb packed meal every 2 hours, you shouldnt have any problems. and if you do, add more food.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by corpse1970
    Hey all, thanks for the help. Obviously, at the time I was on the gear, I understood the importance of diet. What I want to tell all those who say
    I need to eat. I do eat, we (a four member household 2 of which are under
    the age of 7) are on the hook for a four hundred dollar a month grocery
    bill, so I do eat, and eat a lot, its just my present metabolism just does not
    allow me to keep on any weight. Over the last fifteen yrs. I have gone thru
    every trick and gimmick known to man, and the assistance I recieved from
    some friends was the first time I have ever experienced explosive growth
    on that level, and in such a short amount of time. So yeah, I eat a lot. I
    know my training regimin could use a serious kick in the rear, but thats the
    least of my worries. Anyway, thanks for the tips, I hope to hear more.

    I don't know exactly what you are eating, but to say you eat a lot and weigh in at 126 or even a whopping 140 at 5'10" is simply not adding up. As for metabolism...I know there are hard gainers but damn....i would assume that a solid 6 meals a day with high metabolism would mean great gains in lean mass.
    I guess the the information most of us want to know is "what is your typical daily food consumption?" What are you typically eating on a daily basis...just write that out for kick things off....hopefully your response is better than Tommy Maddox' throwing arm (the bastard!!). Sorry for the outburst...I'm still bitter about that loss. AND it is that SOB's(Maddox) fault.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN
    ...and besides, eating is delicious!
    im sorry, i have to disagree. I mean I try to mix things up, but eating 3 chicken breasts, 3 cups of rice, a dozen or so egg whites, a couple cups of oatmeal, a couple protein bars and a serious protein shake pwo every day, I get tired of eating!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by bradd5150
    im sorry, i have to disagree. I mean I try to mix things up, but eating 3 chicken breasts, 3 cups of rice, a dozen or so egg whites, a couple cups of oatmeal, a couple protein bars and a serious protein shake pwo every day, I get tired of eating!
    I'd starve to death on your diet.....seriously!!


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN
    ...and besides, eating is delicious!

    eating used to be delicious... now it's a fuking chore...

    bro i know where u r coming from. i weighed 130lbs in jan. of this year. i thought i ate alot, and didn't know why i cldn't gain weight. then i found this site and began reading. found the diet forum. from jan. till june i put on 35lbs with no gear, just lifting and eating. from june till now i have put on another 30lbs with gear, diet , and lifting. i weighed in 2day at 197 lbs so it can be done... but u have to have diet and training in order first. like pinn said u have to dedicate 100% effort into it and make it a lifestyle...

  20. #20
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    eating used to be delicious... now it's a fuking chore...

    bro i know where u r coming from. i weighed 130lbs in jan. of this year. i thought i ate alot, and didn't know why i cldn't gain weight. then i found this site and began reading. found the diet forum. from jan. till june i put on 35lbs with no gear, just lifting and eating. from june till now i have put on another 30lbs with gear, diet , and lifting. i weighed in 2day at 197 lbs so it can be done... but u have to have diet and training in order first. like pinn said u have to dedicate 100% effort into it and make it a lifestyle...

    My hat goes off to you bro. 67 pounds in 10 months. What the f, over? That is tremendous. GREAT JOB. Honest. I'm not being a dip-shiat. I really think thats a job well well well done. Question: Were you always in the 130lbs range or did something happen and you(surgery or massive depression) dropped weigh?


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Having a good diet is harder than knowing how to lift and having a good traning routine. You just cant make omelets without eggs! Understand?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by Knight1811
    My hat goes off to you bro. 67 pounds in 10 months. What the f, over? That is tremendous. GREAT JOB. Honest. I'm not being a dip-shiat. I really think thats a job well well well done. Question: Were you always in the 130lbs range or did something happen and you(surgery or massive depression) dropped weigh?

    i was in the 140's.. then me and my soon to be ex-wife started having problems. i was deeply depressed actually went down to 120lbs for awhile. just wasn't eating, sick to my stomach, etc. started drinking heavy... then in january i had to make a choice. keep drinking and feel sorry for myself, or use the pain and anger to my benefit. i had lifted before for years but never seriously. so i joined a gym, lurked around here reading on the diet forum, and made a lifestyle change. didn't drink for months. i literally worked, ate, trained and slept.

    not trying to hijack the thread... just thought i'd let him know it can be done, but it is a lifestyle thing... especially if u are older and don't have all that test running thru your body..

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by bradd5150
    im sorry, i have to disagree. I mean I try to mix things up, but eating 3 chicken breasts, 3 cups of rice, a dozen or so egg whites, a couple cups of oatmeal, a couple protein bars and a serious protein shake pwo every day, I get tired of eating!
    not me !
    i become a
    i have a lot of books.
    men, eat shrimps,lamb,prawns,phessant,venison,with exotic spices etc
    or eat this one:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0719free18.jpg 
Views:	374 
Size:	122.2 KB 
ID:	57537  
    Last edited by oswaldosalcedo; 10-22-2005 at 07:45 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    i was in the 140's.. then me and my soon to be ex-wife started having problems. i was deeply depressed actually went down to 120lbs for awhile. just wasn't eating, sick to my stomach, etc. started drinking heavy... then in january i had to make a choice. keep drinking and feel sorry for myself, or use the pain and anger to my benefit. i had lifted before for years but never seriously. so i joined a gym, lurked around here reading on the diet forum, and made a lifestyle change. didn't drink for months. i literally worked, ate, trained and slept.

    EXCELLENT!!!!!!Big props to you Yankee Boy!!Congrats on the lifestyle change!


  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I'd starve to death on your diet.....seriously!!

    well, thats not EVERYTHING, but just getting at my point, eating every 2.5hrs aint easy. btw, ive gone from 206lbs to 213lbs in the last two weeks so I must be eating enough for me. u must be one big mofo.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by corpse1970
    Hey all, thanks for the help. Obviously, at the time I was on the gear, I understood the importance of diet. What I want to tell all those who say I need to eat. I do eat
    Unless you have a wasting disease, I'm going to respectfully tell you that you don't eat enough. Eat enough, and I promise that you will gain weight.

    If you are sure that I am wrong, then I ask you to please start a log of everything you eat and post it. Then slowly increase your caloric intake. Eventually, you will begin to gain weight.

    Many inexpensive foods that can be used for bulking. Peanut butter, bread, rice, sweet potatoes, etc.

    btw: those gains from your cycles were mostly water weight.

    PS I was 145 lbs a year ago. Weighed in at 198 yesterday at the doctor's office.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    "I EAT A LOT"

    When I first started that's what I used to say, but then I added up my calories, and came out to be around 2300..

    So you need to do 2 things
    1)RECORD your calories, not just think "I eat a lot", shoot for 3.5-4k calories!
    2)Split it up into 6-8 meals during the day.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    right now i take in around 5000 cal a day... it is tuff. my job doesn't help.. winning the lottery sure wld help...

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    A hut in Atlanta Georgia
    Dude... i weighed in at bout 88lbs when i 1st started gym.
    I was literally smaller than many girls...
    After 3~4yrs of training i went up to bout 140lbs all naturaly
    Did loads of reading and research on AAS and only
    considered it when i thought i was ready...
    I did a 10week Sust250 cycle... managed to keep all 15lbs i gained
    Btw i'm 5'6"... but yea... just go checkout the diet forum...
    I used the clean bulk diet... really helped...
    Now if i didn't get some food chucked down my throat
    every 3hrs i would die of starvation....
    Force feed ureself at 1st and sooner or later u'd
    get usd to me on this... being 88lbs and
    gainin 50lbs naturally wasn't easy but it feels great
    once you've done it.
    Basically eat eat eat every 3hrs and train smart
    Good Luck

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