Hey all, Im a 35 yr. old male who has been skinny all my life. My weight will fluctuate depending on the time of yr.With that in mind, a year ago I tried
two well known anabolics and had gained about 15 pounds w/in a month on them. My weight before was 126, weight after was 141. I really felt young
and energetic while using them, but unfortunately lost all my gains due to
not being able to do a post cycle regimin. I have not used them since then but am thinking about going on them again.. What should someone like me do to maximize my gains and actually keep them?, I know what compounds
do what, but more specifically I'm looking at the cost/benefit deal and what
certain compounds will give me the most bang for the buck. The two I used
were sus250/d-bol btw.
Thanks for your time and help.