today makes it 10 days into my prop and fina cycle, 150mg eod of prop and 100mg eod of fina.
The fact is over the last 2 shots my body has reacted extremely negatively to the gear. Initially, i thought the pain would be tolerable (with quad shots) but it turns out i was wrong.
I did a delt shot on Tuesday so i could work my legs on wednesday, and it turns out i couldnt work my legs on wednesday, because my arm/ shoulder was all swollen, and i could not balance the bar when doing squats, i had no choice but to stop!
i came back to the gym on thursday to try again, and had a little more success- but my arm was still all nasty, swollen with puss so it hurt a lot
Thursday evening, after my leg workout i did another shot in my quads; friday and today i feel like i belong in a wheelchair.
Additionally, i had to skip 2 workouts due to the swollenness in my shoulders, because it was red and swollen, there was no way i could do my workout since it involved moving my arms!
the point i am trying to make.....and please don't call me a that for whatever reason my body is rejecting and acting very negatively to short acting gear. The pain it has been causing has been at times horiffic, and if i can't do my planned workouts because of the pain, what the hell is the point of taking gear???????? It is acting in effect counter productive to my goals
My solution: Take a few weeks off and start a cycle with LONGER ACTING gear. My late spring/ early summer cycle consisted of test-e and deca, shots twice a week and i got excellent results........Not to mention that the pain after the shots was MUCH, MUCH MUCH more tolerable and MUCH less painful than these prop/ fina shots have been lately.
Fortunately, the sides i got from fina were not bad at all. So fortunately in the cycle i will start in 3-4 weeks or so, will include ALL longer acting gear- including tren enanthate, since the sides of the actual tren are not bad for me.
i wanted to let people know- this short acting gear, prop and fina, at least for me and i doubt i am the only one, is much, much more painful than longer acting gear is. And i can't tolerate it any longer, so i am beginning pct immediately (not for too long, since i only took shots over a 9 day period)
oh yeah, and today my leg's killing me so much, i have to wear a heating pad over it to try to limit the incredible pain