Thread: Cycle Plan
05-08-2002, 04:52 PM #1
Cycle Plan
1-12 test enth.750 to a gram t200
1-12deca300tt at 300
1-12 ut oh ---eq at400
6-12 winny or something
that makes for a synergistic combo
w/they above.?
pst cycle goodys good to go..
im a martial arts junkie, into kung fu so its
hard for me not to overtrain. Ive got a couple
of cycles down as well.
let me know what you guys think
everything is appreciated
p.s.i use ephedrine before most workouts
which usually takes care of excess water.
05-08-2002, 11:16 PM #2
^ ^ ^
05-08-2002, 11:24 PM #3
Shit bro!!! That's a lot of juice in one cycle. The only thing that really caught my eye was going form dbol straight to winny with no downtime on liver so it can "clean up". Test, deca , and eq. Damn. Good Luck bro. You should get see some results. Hopefully you don't go tits up, but you should see some results!!! lol I can't wait to hear about them.
05-08-2002, 11:59 PM #4
1.ive seen cycles that make this
look like childs play
2. alot of that mexican gear is underdosed
3. this is my third or 4th cycle
4. i cant cut back to much on the MA so
overtraing is somewhat inevitable
5.this is a prototype
05-09-2002, 03:22 AM #5
I am not sure I get the logic of this as well. That's a lot of gear. Sure some guys do "cycles that make this look like childs play" but they are either pro's that need a lot of gear to reach their max or maybe they are just fools!
You say that you do a lot of martial arts--bulking up will limit your flexibility and slow you down. So why do you want to do a lot of gear that could add unwanted mass?
I am cunfused! What's the goal you are shooting for?
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