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Thread: new guy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    new guy

    Hey, im a newbie trying to soak up as much info as i can. I'm 20, 170, and been lifting for about 4 years. I have been doing a lot of research about, but I haven't started a cycle yet. I'm thinking of starting one next year. Right now im practicing perfect dieting, and consistent training. I'm form Hawaii. Anyone else from Hawaii too?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Welcome. Start to browse around the different forums and read a lot, you will learn a ton of useful info this way. Also check out other forums such as diet to help you there and the new members forum, as this is where you should have posted this thread. Good luck.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Welcome aboard, bro from your nick I just thought you were from Japan...Enjoy
    the board bro!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    The best thing would be to - NOT DO A CYCLE!

    20 is young age, even if u have been lifting for 4 years u can still reach new plateaus by using supplements which are safer and work. Why not do a few creatine cycles? Cell-Tech is good and Vitargo CGL from Nutrex is stuff that really volumizes your muscles good, u can cycle creatines for as long as u can afford, thats the latest research is that u can use creatine long term and keep gaining!

    The reason i advise against steroid cycles for young or amateur bodybuilders is because u dont need to do a cycle if you are interested in having a "good body" , if u want to look good at the beach then just eat right and use regular supplements and train hard and train all your body + cardio. You shouldnt do a cycle as an amateur because after your cycle u will probably lose some-to-most of the gains made and very likely go back to a normal-to-bad diet and training program, therefore u will find it impossible to make the same gains with just training or supplements . so u will be back on the steroids on and on again just to maintain an "above-average-amateure" look!!

    My advice: Leave steroids for the pro's who compete

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