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Thread: Tren gains... on Tren-A and Test-P

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Your cycle logic is flawed.

    Why is the cycle so short?

    The masteron will lower the shbg so IMO drop the winny or masteron.

    IMO shbg may not bind to trenbolone very well so i wouldn't worry about shbg.

    Test prop 100mg ed 10wks
    Fina 75mg ed 8wks
    Masteron 50mg ed as you see fit.
    Add an aromatize inhibitor.

  2. #42
    Looks like it has been answered, why hijack a thread over it?

    Truman, I like the cycle. My experience with Prop+Tren was good. Hard lean gains within the first 3-4wks. Too late to start the Eq IMO, should've started cycle with it, yet to try masteron but In a couple months I'll let you know.
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 12-20-2005 at 10:37 AM.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    Dont mean to duplicate a post but no one seams to want to answer me...Heres my proposed cycle its pritty similar to the once in question

    Dbol @ 50mg ED week 1-2

    Anadrol @ 100mg ED week 2-4

    Winny @ 50mg ED week 4-6 - Mainly to FURTHER reduce SHBG - Yes it will be harsh on liver but its only 6 weeks of Orals i will run milk thistle...

    Tren A @ 75mg ED Week 2-5

    Prop @ 100mg ED 1-6 Weeks

    Mastron @ 100mg ED 1-6 Weeks

    HCG 1500iu's/Week
    Tren A is going to greatly reduce SHBG so Winstrol is not necessary.

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