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Thread: Is it still possible for me to achieve FIRST cycle gains?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Is it still possible for me to achieve FIRST cycle gains?

    Okay, I went on roids to early in terms of maturity as I didn't have my diet fully in check, I drank, but I did work out very hard. As a result, on my first 2 cycles (I have only done 2) I achieved not many gains and nothing to make me considered "impressive" at the moment. I'm 5'10 with about 12%bf at 180 pounds. I move decent weights, around 225 bench for about 12 but that isn't much different from where I started at.

    Now to my question, since my diet is in check, I'm maintaining everything I have from last cycle, is it still possible to achieve those "first cycle" type gains on my 3rd cycle that I should have been striving for in the first place? I guess what im saying is the decay in roid efficacy related the persons starting weight making it harder for them to gain weight (ie. ronnie coleman not being able to metabolize enough roids to gain on his already massive 300 pound frame) or the overall number of cycles they've done and how "conditioned" the androgen receptors have become to the compounds. Get what im saying? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    This is difficult to answer. There is evidence that androgen receptors actually upregulate in the presence of more androgens. The more advanced you get in training, the harder it becomes to gain tho.

  3. #3
    Was ur diet not incheck when u did ur first two cycles?? be honest with yourself. Remember more drugs doesnt always mean better gains. You can take all the AAS you want but if you dont eat properly.... it will pretty much be a waste of money.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Wildcatbadass
    Was ur diet not incheck when u did ur first two cycles?? be honest with yourself. Remember more drugs doesnt always mean better gains. You can take all the AAS you want but if you dont eat properly.... it will pretty much be a waste of money.

    Yes, that is exactly what I am saying actuallly, perhaps you misunderstood? I'm saying that my diet was not in check and as a result i did not experience those typical first cycle gains. But does this mean that if I start my 3rd cycle with proper diet in check and all, can I still make the first cycle style gains?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    in my experience, NO. but depending on just how bad ur diet was, you may be able to get close.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I live at the gym
    how long have you been off? my experience is that achieving good gains is related to off time. I usually try and stay off about 6 months or 1.5 times the time on. this has helped my gains stay typically the same with minimal dosage increase. My first cycle was 75mg prop ED and now i am only at 110 mg ED for my 4th cycle and manage to gain and keep 15lbs of lean muscle every cycle. In order to keep gains you have to have your diet in check year around even more so when you are off. BTW how much are you considering "first cycle gains" 20lbs, 30lbs? I have never reached these numbers because my muscle and training maturity were nearing full genetic potential before my first pin ever broke the skin. I would say try to stay claen as long as possible and keep diet in check then use a moserate dose cycle 700 mg EW test maybe 500mg EW EQ or deca and keep everything right on point and you should experience good gains.

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