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Thread: Cheating On Diet While Doing A Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    big denver, CO

    Cheating On Diet While Doing A Cycle

    anyway im on my third week of test e at 500mg/week. this weekend was my birthday and a few other things so since my diet has been perfect since starting this cycle i decided it was time to cheat. i ate nothing but shit for 2 days and im sure i ate a ton of salt. anwya today it feels like i have fluid in my chest or something. my chest is tight and it feels weighted down and breathing seems harder. is it possible that me cheating all weekend and eating all that shit is making me retain fluid in my upper torso? anybody else have a similar experience before? i think i ll just stick to a cheat meal or two next time. thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    big denver, CO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    big denver, CO
    i guess im alone on this one

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I have no clue but none else was responding so I thought I woudl say hello and just be sure to get back on your diet and eat clean from here on out. If problems don't go away, maybe a sign of something else??


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jdh
    anyway im on my third week of test e at 500mg/week. this weekend was my birthday and a few other things so since my diet has been perfect since starting this cycle i decided it was time to cheat. i ate nothing but shit for 2 days and im sure i ate a ton of salt. anwya today it feels like i have fluid in my chest or something. my chest is tight and it feels weighted down and breathing seems harder. is it possible that me cheating all weekend and eating all that shit is making me retain fluid in my upper torso? anybody else have a similar experience before? i think i ll just stick to a cheat meal or two next time. thanks guys.
    All the salt plus the juice and I am sure you are going to bloat. Why you feel it in more in your chest and not the rest of your body, who knows. Get back on track and if there is no improvment in the next week I would consider taking and e-blocker. Good luck on your cycle...I started 500mg/ew test e sunday!

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