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Thread: What is the biggest test cycle anyone here has done?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    On Rampart, Girlfriend!

    What is the biggest test cycle anyone here has done?

    I just got my hands on some T-400 and I have access to a LOT more, at not too bad a price. I was just amusing myself with the thought of running about a gram a day. I don't mind the injection site pain... in fact, it is kind of a turn-on for me. I obviously don't worry about aromatization, either. I did a shot two days ago, 2.5cc of the T-400 just to check my reaction to it, since I have never ran this stuff seriously before. It is a pronounced dull ache but not enough to interfere with my training. Every time I have ever gone over 2g per week of any kind of test, I have been pleased with the results. It is like a whole new level. I am now wondering about what 5 to 7g per week would do. I will either be running it alone or maybe with a little tren E and of course my estradiol. Any input is welcome. And yes, this is a serious post. Everyone I know, practically, sticks to 500mg/week or something like that, so I really don't have anyone to ask who can give me an authoritative answer.

    Love to all

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Back in da box!
    "My neighbor's dog has a four inch cl*t"-the wisdom of Adam Sandler.

    Sorry Anna, got no idea how that would work for a woman, but maybe someone here could answer. Bump

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    On Rampart, Girlfriend!
    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    "My neighbor's dog has a four inch cl*t"-the wisdom of Adam Sandler.

    Sorry Anna, got no idea how that would work for a woman, but maybe someone here could answer. Bump
    Well, I am actually not fully female yet. I was born male and still have "those" parts. I don't have to worry about "roid clit".

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Bollick
    Well, I am actually not fully female yet. I was born male and still have "those" parts. I don't have to worry about "roid clit".

    Wait, dude, is this serious?? I always thought it was a woman in your posts. So your really a man converting over to a woman, but trying to develop bigger muscles to look more like a man?? I dont get it, clue me in

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    Anyways.... To answer you Question
    500mg per day of ethenate (ran it with arimidex of course)..
    kept some great gains.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    gettin lucky in kentucky
    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Bollick
    Well, I am actually not fully female yet. I was born male and still have "those" parts. I don't have to worry about "roid clit".

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    gettin lucky in kentucky
    please tell me this is a joke...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    this thread is awesome

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    It's no joke!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    All the test in the world isn't gonna give you a vagina.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Are you really a shemale?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    The most i've heard is 4.2 grams of test per week.

    And at that dose the user was getting extreme prostate pain whenever he pissed...

    The addition of tren at that'd be pissing liquid kidney everytime i went to the bathroom

    Why 5-7 grams?

    Do you know anyone that's been over 5?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Anna... I have no fukin clue. I have run a low dose 500 a week as my first cycle a year ago....didnt keep shit, second was a gram a week and I gained more ...but had twice the sides....didnt keep shit .... next cycle is half my first...very low dose, I have gains and no neg sides.

    I think you just may get more of those being more muscle ...but not much considering that I am gaining the same on this low dose as the high dose without the neg sides...zits, agression etc.

    I think if you go to that much, your playing seriously with some fire....why do you wanna do that exactly? what are your goals?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    This is kind of a silly question, you shouldn't worry about what other people have done, some people do like 4 to 5 grams of test a week but they die at the age of 40. I would say a gram a week of test would be the limit, your going to get bitch tits probably at a gram a week without an estrogen blocker like arimidex, because even if your going to have this surgery your tits won't look very nice if they're gyno bitch tits, I've done 750 mg of enathenate before but I ran it with arimidex plus novadex, do what you want but 4 to 5 grams of test a week would be retarded, I don't even know if the pros do that much.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    On Rampart, Girlfriend!
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    The most i've heard is 4.2 grams of test per week.

    And at that dose the user was getting extreme prostate pain whenever he pissed...

    The addition of tren at that'd be pissing liquid kidney everytime i went to the bathroom

    Why 5-7 grams?
    Just thinking it is pretty much a practical limit... 2.5cc injection daily would be a gram per day. Really, just musing, dreaming, wondering, sort of maybe possibly planning.

    Do you know anyone that's been over 5?
    No. Everyone I know except one dear friend and ex lover sticks to low doses, like a half gram of test and a half gram of other stuff each week. I have gone over 2g per week but never even approached a gram per day of just test. It really wasn't practical for me when all the test available to me at a decent price was 200 or 250mg/ml.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Anna....if you haven't approached 1 gram of increase of 5-6 grams is a stretch wouldn't you say?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    On Rampart, Girlfriend!
    Quote Originally Posted by alltherage
    This is kind of a silly question, you shouldn't worry about what other people have done, some people do like 4 to 5 grams of test a week but they die at the age of 40. I would say a gram a week of test would be the limit, your going to get bitch tits probably at a gram a week without an estrogen blocker like arimidex, because even if your going to have this surgery your tits won't look very nice if they're gyno bitch tits, I've done 750 mg of enathenate before but I ran it with arimidex plus novadex, do what you want but 4 to 5 grams of test a week would be retarded, I don't even know if the pros do that much.
    I don't have to worry about gyno... in fact, I cultivate it. When you run around 60mg/month of Delestrogen (branded estradiol valerate) a little aromatization is no big deal... I just cut back on my estrogen if emotional sides get too bad. More breast growth would be a benefit, not a side, for me.

    I have also heard that many pros run way less than that, though of course they seldom go off cycle. I have also heard about insane cycles that would have the gear oozing out of my eyeballs if I tried it. I am just looking for some perspective into the fringes, and thinking about exploring the limits.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    Whats the deal, tried BBing as man and didn't win so you thought you'd give the woman's circuit a go? I'm sorry this has to be a joke, it is simply too funny to be true.

    Now, the most I have ever heard of anyone taking is a gram a day, no I can't tell you how it worked out, this was back in the days before the steroid control act of 1990 passed and Cyp practically grew on trees. But I understand this was not an uncommon practice with pro BBers. Some of you young guys might not know this but at one time suppliers advertised in the backs of flex and other muscle pulications(lol).

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    On Rampart, Girlfriend!
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Wait, dude, is this serious?? I always thought it was a woman in your posts. So your really a man converting over to a woman, but trying to develop bigger muscles to look more like a man?? I dont get it, clue me in
    The correct term is "transitioning". But yeah, you have a handle on it. I trained and ate and juiced before I ever started transitioning, and I see no reason to stop. If Andrulla Blanchette and Kim Chizevsky can carry around all that muscle, then certainly I can try, as well. What is the difference between a TS who enjoys bodybuilding, and a genetic female who enjoys bodybuilding? I am not disqualified from lifting or using just because I hope some day to have an "F" on my driver's license. Thank you for your interest, though.

    Now, back to the topic... has anybody used mega doses of test, who cares to relate their experiences?


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Anna....if you haven't approached 1 gram of increase of 5-6 grams is a stretch wouldn't you say?
    BTW: is this guy/dude for real?!?!

  21. #21
    i think you need councelling, not steroids.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    On Rampart, Girlfriend!
    Quote Originally Posted by Dalton5
    All the test in the world isn't gonna give you a vagina.
    Of course not, silly! Did I imply that? Actually, I am looking into two different plastic surgeons in Thailand for that, Drs. Sanguan and Chettawut, both of who studied under Dr Preecha, who is responsible for the state of the art in that specialization but is now semi-retired.


  23. #23
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    On Rampart, Girlfriend!
    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    Are you really a shemale?
    Actually, I am a TS, and "shemale" is actually a derogatory term used to describe "non-ops", that is, those who appear to be TS, who live as females and use hormones and sometimes plastic surgery to appear and feel more feminine, but do not intend to ever have SRS (Sexual Re-assignment Surgery). Usually, these are actually just very, very gay boys with breasts and lipstick, and do not actually self-identify themselves as women. A TS is someone who is born with the physical characteristics of one sex, but whose gender identity is opposite, and who resorts to medical and surgical help to make the body match the mind. I use the term "shemale" in my profile only as a bit of self-deprecating humor I suppose, in line with my admittedly sometimes outrageous online persona. I actually reserve a good punch in the nose for those who do not know me well, who would call me that without a sincere smile on their face. So no, I am not a shemale, though I am a TS. But this is getting a bit off-topic.


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Bollick
    Of course not, silly!

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Anna....if you haven't approached 1 gram of increase of 5-6 grams is a stretch wouldn't you say?

    anna i must agree with nark,uppin the dose from 1 gram to 5-6 grams is just a tad on the silly side surely even you can see that.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Some Fort out there...
    Great thread, WTF

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    On Rampart, Girlfriend!
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Anna....if you haven't approached 1 gram of increase of 5-6 grams is a stretch wouldn't you say?
    Well, you mis-read me a little, Darling. I said I had never approached a gram per DAY. I have often gone over two grams per week. But the gram per day mark is the level I am curious about. Not that I will definitely do it, but the option presents itself and I am open minded enough to look into it.


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    On Rampart, Girlfriend!
    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    Whats the deal, tried BBing as man and didn't win so you thought you'd give the woman's circuit a go? I'm sorry this has to be a joke, it is simply too funny to be true.

    Now, the most I have ever heard of anyone taking is a gram a day, no I can't tell you how it worked out, this was back in the days before the steroid control act of 1990 passed and Cyp practically grew on trees. But I understand this was not an uncommon practice with pro BBers. Some of you young guys might not know this but at one time suppliers advertised in the backs of flex and other muscle pulications(lol).
    Thankis, Shortie, for your input. No, I am not considering competing at all. I have only competed twice, in local shows, and frankly, the expenditure of time and money was not worth it to me. I can no longer compete as a man, due to breast growth (considering implants next year) and female pattern fat distribution, and I would never be able to compete as a woman, even post-SRS, due to the tremendous amount of discrimination against TS. Competing is not in the cards for me and I actually have no interest in it. My competition occurs every time I look into the mirror.


  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Bollick
    Well, you mis-read me a little, Darling. I said I had never approached a gram per DAY. I have often gone over two grams per week. But the gram per day mark is the level I am curious about. Not that I will definitely do it, but the option presents itself and I am open minded enough to look into it.

    I realise now that i misread...

  31. #31
    anna what do you charge for half and half

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by lowstace
    anna what do you charge for half and half
    Will someone please get rid of this pain in the ass?

    Second off, if Anna is a TS get off her back about it. Have you people who are being rude to her noticed she responds with nothing but respect back to you? Give the flaming a break, you're just showing how immature and stupid you are. How would you feel if your son came out with a gender crisis? Would you call him names and ridicule him in public as well?


  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    What the f**k is your problem you stupid he bit*h or she bit*h whatever it is you're just plain stupid and just reading your comments I feel stupified. What the hell are you going to do taking 7,000mgs a week honestly? You have to be the stupidist person on these boards infront of hoss.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by PLAYA4LIFE
    What the f**k is your problem you stupid he bit*h or she bit*h whatever it is you're just plain stupid and just reading your comments I feel stupified. What the hell are you going to do taking 7,000mgs a week honestly? You have to be the stupidist person on these boards infront of hoss.

    It's funny you say such things, but use the word "STUPIDIST!" Learn some correct grammar and English you dumb prick before blasting other people over THEIR (NOT YOUR) sexual orientation or gender bias. Grow up kid.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    stupidest is a word you f**king moron, how bout you read up on your ABCs and vocabulary.

  36. #36
    hahaha i think this ts is a fu*king joke...totally disgusting

  37. #37
    hahahah i think we sould make this thread a sticky lol

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    easy ,ladies!!!!!

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Has anybody seen finding nemo?

  40. #40
    [QUOTE=Hellmask]Has anybody seen finding nemo?[/QUOTE

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