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Thread: THIS SITE as a big problem!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    THIS SITE as a big problem!!!!!!

    i joined this site a few month ago to get and share infos on bb and what come with it.yesterday i ask a simple question,thay was "i got deca,tren,dbol,hcg,clen and dex.ive been looking 3 month for legit test but didnt find. what could i do with them to get the best result out of them".then guys like THE PUMP,LUNACY,TESTOSTERONA is telling me off,saying that i will find no source here,your a @#$ old.FIRST the reason i say i dont got test is because everybody would of tell me "you have to do test with them dont you read the board,why dont you study bla!-bla!-bla!.lets pretend i was source fishing why would people loose their time telling me off,why dont you ignord me insted.SECOND people should think twice before telling people off! you never no who you messing with.THIRD then a MOD as deleted my post cant i have a explenation for that? LUCKY! we still have some good member like TOPVEGA,BRONXLACES,TRISDOG and SEBASTOP thanks for your reply!! now just for the record " I DONT NEED NO SOURCE WHAT SO EVER I GOT MY OWN THAT ALL".

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    What is your steroid question in this thread? Why would you post your rant in the steroid question forum??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Made In Ohio.
    how long did it take for you to type all that? lol... you might have wasted like 2 or 3 good minutes of life crying to the people who told you off. if your that sensative then i would say that you need to go drink a budweiser, eat a steak, and watch the man show. (man things) if that doesn't work... you should get your estrogen levels checked... Got Boobs?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    901 N 2nd St Philadelphia
    yes there are some very strong opinions that float around here about what to use, when to use and how to use. You just have to take it all with a grain of salt and not get flamed when someone says something about your cycle.

    Most people here are really trying to help out another bb. sometimes you will get opinions that come from nowhere so just wait for the next. thats all you can do.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Mr.freeze..... I know how you feel dude... when people ask questions on this site, that's means they really need help, if some one know the answer it will be nice if they can answer it.....I know some people on this site don't know jack sh!t and giving a wrong info and fvcking around and that's just not cool.
    Last edited by juicy juicy; 10-26-2005 at 02:52 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Well Mr Freeze i wouldnt let the bullshit stop u from useing this site. all bullshit aside their is a lot of great info in here to utilize just search and still ask the worse thing that can happen is u get some jerkoff talking shit but then u also get some realy goo info from others....

  8. #8
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    South Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePump
    how long did it take for you to type all that? lol... you might have wasted like 2 or 3 good minutes of life crying to the people who told you off. if your that sensative then i would say that you need to go drink a budweiser, eat a steak, and watch the man show. (man things) if that doesn't work... you should get your estrogen levels checked... Got Boobs?

    lol - classic

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nor cal
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.freeze
    i joined this site a few month ago to get and share infos on bb and what come with it.yesterday i ask a simple question,thay was "i got deca,tren,dbol,hcg,clen and dex.ive been looking 3 month for legit test but didnt find. what could i do with them to get the best result out of them".then guys like THE PUMP,LUNACY,TESTOSTERONA is telling me off,saying that i will find no source here,your a @#$ old.FIRST the reason i say i dont got test is because everybody would of tell me "you have to do test with them dont you read the board,why dont you study bla!-bla!-bla!.lets pretend i was source fishing why would people loose their time telling me off,why dont you ignord me insted.SECOND people should think twice before telling people off! you never no who you messing with.THIRD then a MOD as deleted my post cant i have a explenation for that? LUCKY! we still have some good member like TOPVEGA,BRONXLACES,TRISDOG and SEBASTOP thanks for your reply!! now just for the record " I DONT NEED NO SOURCE WHAT SO EVER I GOT MY OWN THAT ALL".
    some people are quick to jump to conclusions. maybe the wording you used in your last post wasn't that great. it does sound like you need test though. if you were to try and run those all together if thats what you are suggesting good luck with recovering. there are some people that claim deca or dbol cycles are where it's at though. there are some threads about deca, dbol, or tren only floating around if you do a search but most of them are filled with flaming that would not help your cause. i've done deca only and dbol only before and the gains were there but i had a very hard time keeping more than a few pounds.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    look man, your post title was "LEGIT TEST" you continued to say. "I have a serious problem, after 3months of searching i can't find test." that, to me, sounds like your looking for a connection for some "legit test" because you've been "searching for months." don't call me out on this board bro. if you knew the rules, you would have worded your question differently. if you're going to be posting reclessly, find a different board. this is not the place

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    lol could u take an english composition class?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Looks like you need test and a grammar lesson.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Dirty Jerzey
    i read both of your threads and it kinda looked as if you were source fishing, if you werent than better wording would prob be best.

    i agree you got it pretty bad, however looks like you threw the first punch bro, and all you had to say was no im not source fishing, sorry for the wording, can u guys help??

    but instead of doing that u got on the defensive and insulted other members...... i have no symapthy for you.

    so in reality its YOU that has A BIG PROBLEM..... you have a bad attitude, and jumped on people for just pointing out the rules, and asking for clarification as to what the nature of your thead was..... GROW UP

    Quote Originally Posted by mr.freeze
    buddys!!! im very far from trying to find a source, maybe you could go back to school and learn how to read it would be very good.
    here is the link to that thread... you guys decide
    Last edited by KDRLINUS; 10-26-2005 at 02:21 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by diezell
    lol could u take an english composition class?

    Who said you could steal my thunder?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.freeze
    i joined this site a few month ago to get and share infos on bb and what come with it.yesterday i ask a simple question,thay was "i got deca,tren,dbol,hcg,clen and dex.ive been looking 3 month for legit test but didnt find. what could i do with them to get the best result out of them".then guys like THE PUMP,LUNACY,TESTOSTERONA is telling me off,saying that i will find no source here,your a @#$ old.FIRST the reason i say i dont got test is because everybody would of tell me "you have to do test with them dont you read the board,why dont you study bla!-bla!-bla!.lets pretend i was source fishing why would people loose their time telling me off,why dont you ignord me insted.SECOND people should think twice before telling people off! you never no who you messing with.THIRD then a MOD as deleted my post cant i have a explenation for that? LUCKY! we still have some good member like TOPVEGA,BRONXLACES,TRISDOG and SEBASTOP thanks for your reply!! now just for the record " I DONT NEED NO SOURCE WHAT SO EVER I GOT MY OWN THAT ALL".
    Maybe these people thought you were hinting around for a source. Instead of calling people out create a new thread and word it clearly so there are no mistakes.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Who said you could steal my thunder?
    haha my bad bro

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Thank you for the constructive critiscism mr.freeze.

    Quote Originally Posted by mr.freeze
    THIS SITE as a big problem!!!!!!
    Again, your gramatical errors do make it a little more difficult to help. I am upset that you did not get the feedback you would have liked. Yes, hearing use the search function (which is only a utility for the more advanced anyhow) and research more is kinda discouraging. On the same token, when i get source checks for or something as ridiculous it is discouraging as well. i would have preferred the member to be more versed in the etiquette and rules around here so i would be able to help. Not to single you out at me if i can help guide you

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    wow... a lot of people lookin' at this page... on that note, Y M C A - it's fun to stay at the Y M C AAAAAAA!!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    as for my title LEGIT TEST! its a way to get your attention more then just "NEED HELP FOR CYCLE" and get 1 or 2 reply.are you happy mr.TESTOSTERONA!!! and sorry ROIDATTACK for my grammar i come from montreal and im french!!! why did a MOD deleted my thread for, it was a simple question???

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Jersey
    perhaps you should start a thread in french - at least you wont get flammed then as we will have no clue what the hell u are talking about - well ----thats kinda how we came to this here but u get the point

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.freeze
    as for my title LEGIT TEST! its a way to get your attention more then just "NEED HELP FOR CYCLE" and get 1 or 2 reply.are you happy mr.TESTOSTERONA!!! and sorry ROIDATTACK for my grammar i come from montreal and im french!!! why did a MOD deleted my thread for, it was a simple question???
    that says it all!!!im french

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    You say a mod deleted your post with no, explanation, they could of thought the same as the other members and thought you were asking for a source. So deleting the thread is better then banning you.

    Once your thread was deleted you should of stopped and thought could my thread be breaking the rules. Then reworded it, I'm going to say your thread probably fell into the "not another one" category. That's why you got the answers you did. Is that right, no.

    We were all new and some still are, but in their rush to be part of the crowd. They think putting people down, will make them look better then the other person, it just shows immaturity on their part.

    You make a good point, we don't know who we're dealing with on the net. So threatening people is useless, but with that in mind, you still don't know who you're dealing with when someone tries to befriend you and sell you something, so beware on that end as well.

    We all need to remember this is a no flaming board, so lets keep it that way. Belittling people because of a question they ask, shows your character. If you think you're better then people here what's to stop you from trying to take their money? Don't trust people that belittle others, to make themselves feel better about themselves


  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.freeze
    as for my title LEGIT TEST! its a way to get your attention more then just "NEED HELP FOR CYCLE" and get 1 or 2 reply.are you happy mr.TESTOSTERONA!!! and sorry ROIDATTACK for my grammar i come from montreal and im french!!! why did a MOD deleted my thread for, it was a simple question???

    Ohhhh, ok. Sorry bout that bro. In the future you are going to have to be more clear if you want good responses.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.freeze
    i joined this site a few month ago to get and share infos on bb and what come with it.yesterday i ask a simple question,thay was "i got deca,tren,dbol,hcg,clen and dex.ive been looking 3 month for legit test but didnt find. what could i do with them to get the best result out of them".then guys like THE PUMP,LUNACY,TESTOSTERONA is telling me off,saying that i will find no source here,your a @#$ old.FIRST the reason i say i dont got test is because everybody would of tell me "you have to do test with them dont you read the board,why dont you study bla!-bla!-bla!.lets pretend i was source fishing why would people loose their time telling me off,why dont you ignord me insted.SECOND people should think twice before telling people off! you never no who you messing with.THIRD then a MOD as deleted my post cant i have a explenation for that? LUCKY! we still have some good member like TOPVEGA,BRONXLACES,TRISDOG and SEBASTOP thanks for your reply!! now just for the record " I DONT NEED NO SOURCE WHAT SO EVER I GOT MY OWN THAT ALL".
    You aren't mature enough to use AASs.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    Mr Freeze, if you were not "fishing" I aplologize for accusing you of it, but if you have read as many posts as I have on as many boards as I belong to it looks like that to me. Insofar as attacking you, I simply made a comment in my first statement you could have very easily re-read your post, understood the miscommunication and reworded the post, end of story. As far as the rest goes, this is a great board and it is full of wonderful people who know a lot and are very helpful, so a group characterization of the board as having a prob is a mistake IMO. Again I apologize for my statements and think that if you posted the question again with a little less emphasis on not being able to get any test and how hard you tried you might get some good answers, god knows there is enough AAS brains around here to help.
    Last edited by shortie; 10-26-2005 at 03:48 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    Mr Freeze, if you were not "fishing" I aplologize for accusing you of it, but if you have read as many posts as I have on as many boards as I belong to it looks like that to me. Insofar as attacking you, I simply made a comment in my first statement you could have very easily re-read your post, understood the miscommunication and reworded the post, end of story. As far as the rest goes, this is a great board and it is full of wonderful people who know a lot and are very helpful, so a group charachterization of the board as having a prob is a mistake IMO. Again I apologize for my statements and think that if you posted the question again with a little less emphasis on not being able to get any test and how hard you tried you might get some good answers, god knows there is enough AAS brains around here to help.
    You are a good man Bro, it takes a man to apologize and not play into more maddness. Props to you shortie


  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Don't trust people that belittle others, to make themselves feel better about themselves


    Well said johnny, I wouldnt trust me either.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Back in da box!
    If Seba hadn't quoted me to be honest I would go back and delete my nastygram. I will anyhow, if SebaStop will delete his quote of mine it will be gone-

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Damn 21 people looking at this thread--- Its getting more attention than my wife gives me

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I feel you bro. Not to name names, but there are a lot of new guys here, ( like one's who joined in sep. 05 ), who are just hungry to put someone in their place or ridicule them for any lack of knowledge they might have. Take the bad with the good. No matter where you are in the world, there's always gonna be a$$holes.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Back in da box!
    Mr if you check your old thread I think I have hopefully given you more clarity on your question.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Well said johnny, I wouldnt trust me either.
    You said it not me The statement is more of a character check for all of us. It's easy to jump on the bandwagon, when it seems like someone broke the rules. I catch myself getting frustrated with the same source checks, I even started a thread gave the protocol for doing source check and I'm still getting them. I have "don't ask me for a source" in my sig and I still get people asking me.

    So I can understand frustration of repetitive threads or what could be interpreted as fishing for a source. Sometimes it's just better not to answer them, instead of going off on them. If it's not productive, why waste your time answering?


  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    best board on the web. we even have franco columbo as a member.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by DDDNTZ
    I feel you bro. Not to name names, but there are a lot of new guys here, ( like one's who joined in sep. 05 ), who are just hungry to put someone in their place or ridicule them for any lack of knowledge they might have. Take the bad with the good. No matter where you are in the world, there's always gonna be a$$holes.
    Am I one of those guys?

  35. #35
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    Dec 2003

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Back in da box!

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    finaly! i think im going to make my self a list of members that is wasting people time in this forum.ill try to keep in touch with the good guys thanks to all!!! END OF THIS THREAD!!!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.freeze
    finaly! i think im going to make my self a list of members that is wasting people time in this forum.ill try to keep in touch with the good guys thanks to all!!! END OF THIS THREAD!!!
    not done yet!!! +1

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.freeze
    finaly! i think im going to make my self a list of members that is wasting people time in this forum.ill try to keep in touch with the good guys thanks to all!!! END OF THIS THREAD!!!
    Are you a mod?

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Lol!!!! One Of The Funniest Threads Out There

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