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Thread: DBOL Problem

  1. #1
    BigPete is offline Associate Member
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    Angry DBOL Problem

    I have a friend who has been on dbol for 8 weeks now and I told him that it's only used for a jump start in your cycle and it should not be used for no more then 5 weeks. He said he plans of stayin on just dbol for 3 months!? He could end up messin himself up right?! What should I tell him?

  2. #2
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I'm no authority on this and one of the other experienced members needs to confirm this but I would think any 17aa taken for that long would end up leaving his liver looking like a raisin

  3. #3
    rangerdudeleads is offline Senior Member
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    His liver is gonna want to jump out and kick his ass, 3 months on db0l is way too long.I took it for 5 weeks i think and didnt stack it and felt I wasnt money just taking dbol but if hes gonna do it then hes gonna mess up his liver probaly.

  4. #4
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    what dose is he running? He'll probably be fine, although it's not recommended...just make sure he takes ALA and some tyler's liver detox...

  5. #5
    gettinthere is offline Associate Member
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    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    Well, at moderate doses and NOTHING else affecting his presumably already healthy liver, he probably will be ok physically. The real question is, why run anything that long? Escpecially dbol ? Does he know anything about stacking and cycles?

  6. #6
    REM is offline Member
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    at first i planned on taking 50mg then i changed
    my mind well actually you guys made me changed it
    then i decided to do 30mg but the way my work
    schedule is right now i can't affort to take
    15mg twice so i'm only taking 15mg once
    hopefully it will give some results...

  7. #7
    zeemzima is offline New Member
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    isnt it best to spread the doses out throught the day, to take it like 4 times a day, 10mg each dose? thats what i read.

  8. #8
    REM is offline Member
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    oh i forgot to said what i really wanted to say
    like IRONFIST said if you ala and m-thistle and
    low doses changes r u be ok but who knows bro,
    i'll be doing it for 6 to 7 weeks 15mg up 20mged
    that's it don't want to end up on the list
    for liver stand by that is if i don't die bf
    i joint the list he he he he....
    maybe your friend be ok too

  9. #9
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    he'll PROBABLY ok, but thats definitely not a good idea even if he has a good liver.

  10. #10
    REM is offline Member
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    yeah that's how is been reccommended to spread
    dose split morning and night this way your liver can absorb and filter it better than high dose

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