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  1. #1
    muskel's Avatar
    muskel is offline New Member
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    First Cycle Test E + PCT

    this is gonna be a first cycle for my friend whos a competitve bodybuilder@roughly 100 kilos during the offseason. He is 32 years of age and would like to pack on some mass.

    Dianabol weeks 1-4@20mgs a week taken throughout the day in 3 hour intervals sublingually (5mg tabs)

    Testosterone Enanthate weeks 1-12@500mg a week shot on mondays and fridays

    HCG weeks 1-13@500 a week = 250 mg shot during Test E days before test injection in a different location.

    Nolvadex week 14@40mg a day
    week 15@30mg a day
    week 16@20mg a day

    So now comes the question parade:

    1)when to shoot the test? in the mornings or evenings ?
    2)What about Proviron ?
    3)what about Proscar/Propecia to prevent hair loss
    4)should i stack injectable B vitamin complex? if so then when and how much? i was thinking one injection every day. Gonna check an ampule i've got home and let you know whats in it.
    5)should i stack clenbuterol ? when and how much..thinking post cycle

  2. #2
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Back in da box!
    Quote Originally Posted by muskel
    this is gonna be a first cycle for my friend whos a competitve bodybuilder@roughly 100 kilos during the offseason. He is 32 years of age and would like to pack on some mass.

    Dianabol weeks 1-4@20mgs a week taken throughout the day in 3 hour intervals sublingually (5mg tabs)Not sublingual-swallowed, also bump to at least 30mg ed

    Testosterone Enanthate weeks 1-12@500mg a week shot on mondays and fridays

    HCG weeks 1-13@500 a week = 250 mg shot during Test E days before test injection in a different location.IMO no need to shoot HCG all the way through.Every 4th week should be good and between last inject and PCT

    Nolvadex week 14@40mg a day
    week 15@30mg a day
    week 16@20mg a day

    So now comes the question parade:

    1)when to shoot the test? in the mornings or evenings ?Mon Morn/Thurs Evening
    2)What about Proviron ?IMO, don't need it
    3)what about Proscar/Propecia to prevent hair lossOnly if he is prone to male pattern baldness
    4)should i stack injectable B vitamin complex? if so then when and how much? i was thinking one injection every day. Gonna check an ampule i've got home and let you know whats in it.Not necessary unless he is vitamin B deficient, once a month is good.
    5)should i stack clenbuterol ? when and how much..thinking post cycleLots of thought on clen, do some more looking and make up your own mind IMO.
    Mine is the bold
    Last edited by shortie; 10-28-2005 at 02:26 PM.

  3. #3
    THE PUMP's Avatar
    THE PUMP is offline Member
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    rip off Ireland
    up the dianabol for a start to atleast 30mg and take the test shot monday morning and thursday nite thats every 3.5 days bro and run pct like this, nolva, 2 week after last test shot, 2 weeks at 40mg then 2 weeks at 20mg, dont think hcg be need for 12 weeks bro.

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