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Thread: clen for pct

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    clen for pct

    Should I take Clen for post cycle??? I heard it helps keep gains but are you not suppose to continue to train and eat hardcore after cycle to make sure your still growing, so you can effectively keep gains??? In that regard is it good to take Clen? Mabey should be taken but not with purpose to lose weight? I guess I am trying to ask would it be good to take clen after enanthate cycle 500mg/week for 12 wks to keep gains along with beefcake diet?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I say always use clen for helps prevent the catabolism. eat alot train less harder etc etc, and a perfect pct then you should keep alot of your gains.. ive heard from pple that slin or igf-1 on pct is a better choise cuz you put on even more size, not nnly struggle to maintain gains

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    rip off Ireland
    clen is not anti catabolic in human and i wouldnt run it during my pct whats the point in tryna cut when you have to up your calories it defeats the purpose if you wana bulk up then bulk up and do a cycle to cut up another time, maybe test prop and clen and benadryl to keep the recepters fresh.

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