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Thread: [B]i need help on my second cycle[/B]

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    mancester. England

    [B]i need help on my second cycle[/B]

    i have done a deca only cycle befor for 10 weeks (that was befor i found this site and found out i should have staked it with another)

    i am 21 years old 5ft6 12 stone
    i am trying to lose a 1.1/2 stone mainly fat before starting it

    i can only get hold of anadrol stust250 deca winniy dbol

    i was just asking wether anyone could advise me on wat you would thinkis best.

    i was thinking

    weeks 1-10 stust250

    weeks 1-6 dbol

    i would like to keep some of my gains when i finish


  2. #2
    Whats 12 stone? Is that 120lbs??

    I'll do what eggz does haha:

    1-12 sust 500mg (twice weekly..monday morning Thursday night)
    1-4 dbol 30mg ed
    1-14 nolva 10mg ed
    1-18 ldex .25 ed
    (18 days after last shot)15-18 clomid 100mg ed
    (18 days after last shot)15-18 nolva 20mg ed
    Last edited by chest6; 10-29-2005 at 01:35 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fino
    i have done a deca only cycle befor for 10 weeks (that was befor i found this site and found out i should have staked it with another)

    i am 21 years old 5ft6 12 stone
    i am trying to lose a 1.1/2 stone mainly fat before starting it

    i can only get hold of anadrol stust250 deca winniy dbol

    i was just asking wether anyone could advise me on wat you would thinkis best.

    i was thinking

    weeks 1-10 stust250

    weeks 1-6 dbol

    i would like to keep some of my gains when i finish

    I think most on this board will advise you to awit a for more years and try to reach you genetic limit a little more before taking the plunge.

    However, if you set on it, this is my advice.

    Sust is ok for a first cycle, not perfect but ok. A single estered Test would be better, like, Enanthate or Cypionate, as injections wouldnt be that frequent.

    Sust needs to be injected EOD due to the short acting Prop ester in it. Though it can be injected 2x per week and still see good results.

    Run it for 12 weeks with Dbol 30mg/ED for the first 4 weeks.

    If keeping your gains is important? You must get some Nolva and Clomid. Or just Nolva. They will bring your naturalt testosterone production back after being suppressed from injecting a snthetic testosterone, such as, Sust.

    I think a little more research is needed before starting any length cycle, whatever the compound.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    mancester. England
    when would i start to run the nolvadex and how long for if the full cycle is 10 to 12 weeks. thanks for the advise

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fino
    when would i start to run the nolvadex and how long for if the full cycle is 10 to 12 weeks. thanks for the advise
    Keep it hand. Its needed to stop gyno, which is growth of the nipples, something you really dont want. If you get itchy, constantly hard, irritating, sore or puffy nipples it needs to be run immediately at 40mg/ED until symptoms subside, then at 10-20mg/ED throughout you entire cycle.

    It may not be needed, but you must have it hand unless this problem occurs. If your worried run it at 10mg/ED for the 12 weeks of your cycle and bump it to 20mg/ED after your last testosterone administration, and run it during PCT of course.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    mancester. England
    with the stust i was going to take it every monday and thursday.

    wat would you say i should do with the enanthate or cypionate if i can get a hold of it.

    i think i will start it from the beging i dont want bitch tits.

    i wont start my cycle till i have got a hold of sum
    Last edited by fino; 10-29-2005 at 02:04 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Inject it the same frequency.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    mancester. England
    what does PCT stand for. and can i take the dbol 3x10mg with meals
    Last edited by fino; 10-29-2005 at 02:18 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by fino
    when would i start to run the nolvadex and how long for if the full cycle is 10 to 12 weeks. thanks for the advise
    did you see what i wrote?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    mancester. England
    wats idex its not high lighted so i cant look it up sorry.

    i can only get hold of nolvadex did you meen run it for

    10mg a day wilst on my cycle

    then 20mg for 18days after.

    when should i take it in the mornnings or night time?

    and what will the clomid do for me.

    is it essential because i dont think i could get hold of it?

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