I'm a "novice" and have been doing my research in preparation for a first cycle. Here is what I've planned:
Deca-Durabolin for 10 weeks in a pyramid scheme for dosage (starting with 200, increasing by 50 each week, peaking at 400 in the 5th and 6th weeks, then tapering down to end at 200 the last week)
Also, I would stack this with 15mg Dianabol for the middle 6 weeks, possibly taking a Nolvadex 20/ Proviron 50 combo during this time.
My main concern is maintaining gains at the end of the cycle, since this is where I've encountered the greatest discrepancies in what is reccomended. (Some books even go so far to say that steroids are a waste of time because you will lose virtually everything when you go off).
What I'm tentatively planning at this point is Clomid 100mg for the 11th week, followed by Clomid 50 mg for the 12th week. After this, Clenbuterol 140, gradually decreasing over 8 weeks. I'm not sure if I should gradually decrease calories at the same time.
I think this combined with the pyramid intake should minimalize a major catabolic phase, but I'd like to hear the opinion of some of the gurus who visit this board. I'm also curious what kind of gains such a program might help one to gain. I'm 6'2", 200 lbs and would like to add a bit of bulk.