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Thread: Sustanon 250' Egypt

  1. #1

    Exclamation Sustanon 250' Egypt

    hi guys, can someone help? im from australia im 20yrs of age 5ft 11 and 70kg and i bought sustanon 250. 12mls all together. ive had 1ml so far and i dont feel any different besides a sore butt for 5days! how do i know what i go is fake or not?

    this is what it looks like.

    i have 10 bottles looking like these.

    and 2 looking like these:

    but the box's look like the one in the second picture.

    i checked the batch # its 94446 or something. and it says that number on all 10 bottles and the other 2 say some other 5 digit number & the neck has no green line and the neck is also a little thinner. does this matter?

    someone let me know how to tell for fakies, and if your supposed to feel different. i will really appreciate it. my planned weekly cycle in mls is 1223221 and i go to gym 4days pwk
    Last edited by fly_vti; 11-02-2005 at 01:20 AM.

  2. #2
    First time I took test propionate, my ass was sore for 5 days too ... it's a good sign ... did you get sickish (headache, lack of sleep) the day after u shot?

  3. #3
    Last edited by fly_vti; 11-02-2005 at 02:31 AM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by tatteredxangelx
    First time I took test propionate, my ass was sore for 5 days too ... it's a good sign ... did you get sickish (headache, lack of sleep) the day after u shot?
    yeah i did, but i thought it was all in my head. what do you mean its a good sign. does this mean its real? thanks man

  5. #5
    Yup, it's probably real, b/c mine sure as hell was.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto Canada
    I have used those before with great results....but a buddy of mine used the same one's, he just picked his batch up about 3 months after I did....He gained notta pound..there are a lot of fakes of those around from what I have heard....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fly_vti
    hi guys, can someone help? im from australia im 20yrs of age 5ft 11 and 70kg and i bought sustanon 250. 12mls all together. ive had 1ml so far and i dont feel any different besides a sore butt for 5days! how do i know what i go is fake or not?

    this is what it looks like.

    i have 10 bottles looking like these.

    i checked the batch # its 94446 or something. and it says that number on all 10 bottles and the other 2 say some other 5 digit number & the neck has no green line and the neck is also a little thinner. does this matter?

    someone let me know how to tell for fakies, and if your supposed to feel different. i will really appreciate it. my planned weekly cycle in mls is 1223221 and i go to gym 4days pwk
    dude... I have the same sus-250 just like your, It's real dude, yes it will make your ass sore, the soreness will go away when you on #4week.

    if you are only using 1cc week, you will feel sex drive kick in when on #3 week, you will fell more power on #4 week, and you will starting to grow on about #5 week, this is how I feel when I'm on 1cc a week..
    Last edited by juicy juicy; 11-02-2005 at 10:34 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    your gear appears to be legit. your ass will hurt because of the prop in sust and that is normal, but with sust you wont see gains untill your 4th or 5th week +plus make sure you EAT!

  9. #9
    thanks alot guys i appreciate all your help

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by juicy juicy
    dude... I have the same sus-250 just like your, It's real dude, yes it will make your ass sore, the soreness will go away when you on #4week.

    if you are only using 1cc week, you will feel sex drive kick in when on #3 week, you will fell more power on #4 week, and you will starting to grow on about #5 week, this is how I feel when I'm on 1cc a week..

    hey dude, yeah i took 1ml last week, and 2mls this week. so far i only got a sore ass, but im only at 2 weeks, should i feel different?

    this is my cycle plan: 1ml 2ml 2ml 3ml 2ml 2ml 1ml its weekly aswell.

    and another thing, because i feel pain in my butt. does that proove its real?

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