Stats: 6'4'', 252(now). 3d cycle.
Cycle goals: rock hard lean muscle gain with *of course, body fat reduction.
Well it's now just over a week in and i'm up a bit over 8bs. Yes, i respond very very well to steroids. I'm still doing cardio 3-4x week in the am for 40mins for health reasons. My diet is in check and i'm eating clean. I'm a bit bummed cause even at 1mg arimidex ED, i still managed to put a layer of water over my abs. (it really gets me cause they were just there and now gone ..... anyways i'm stronger and i'm working my abs hard cause i'm sure there is muscle building going on..... Anyways i'm thinking about revamping my cycle a bit and I would like some input..
Wk 1-14 Test E 750/wk
Wk 1-8 Tren E 500/wk
Wk 1-6 T3 50mcg/day - for protien syn.
Wk 1-3 Test Prop 75ed/Tren A 75ed/Masteron Ed
Wk 1-6 Tbol @ 60mg/ED
Wk 8 1000iu HCG 5 days
Wk 12-16 masteron 100mg/ed
Wk 12-16 Var 60/ed
Wk 1-PCT 1mg Arimidex /eod
PCT – Jentic’s PCT (from elite)
IGF1 wk wk16-20
I want to run a 10day dnp cycle (200-400ed) around week 7 before i go to mexico for xmas (lol i know i'm vien) I'm also going to run clen wk 6-8 and throw in proviron at 50mg/ed week 5-8 (to hopefully loose some more water and harden up some more) What do you guys think about that to sharpen me up for the beach while mid cycle?
Now after that I will examin how effective the dnp is for cutting fat but i'm thinking about running the rest (after week 8) of my cycle like this
Wk 8-16 Test E 250/wk
Wk 8-16 Primo 800/wk
Wk 8 1000iu HCG 5 days
Wk 12-16 masteron 100mg/ed
Wk 10-16 Var 60/ed
Wk 10-16 proviron 50/ed
Wk 1-PCT 1mg Arimidex /eod
PCT – Jentic’s PCT (from elite)
IGF-1 wk 16-20
The purpose of this would be to hold less fat and water and end my cycle with a more chizzled rock hard phyique.....
Guys please feel free to flame, comment, etc.