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Thread: Question About Your Nipples While Your On...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ontario - GTA

    Question About Your Nipples While Your On...

    Yeah as weird as the topic sounds... I have a question about your nipples while you are on a cycle.

    Right now I’m taking
    -85mg of Test prop ED
    -200mg of EQ Monday and Friday mixed in with the prop
    -20mg of NOLVA ED
    -and just over half way though my cycle I added some M1T

    Ok I’ve made some tremendous gains, I am totally satisfied. (that will be another post when I complete my cycle - a review)

    With that being said I’m about in my 9th week (out of 12) and I noticed sometimes a liquid comes out of my nipples when I squeeze them. I'm sure that doesn't sound to hot, however I know I’m not the only one who has had this. Its not much just a little when I squeeze it, however today was a bit more than usual that’s why I’m writing this.

    Is this a sign of gyno? If so I am not experiencing any other signs of gyno such as stiff or sensitive nipples, other than that liquid coming out of them, I have no other issues with them.

    Can anyone put my mind at ease by explaining what this is?
    If it’s a sign on gyno?
    Should I be worried or not?
    Should I up my NOLVA dosage to 40mg ED?

    Thanks boys


    Last edited by Roid Rage; 11-04-2005 at 04:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    well that shows that prolactin levels are up which is ussualy from deca or tren , the 19 nor -derivatives have more of an effect on prolactin and progesterone. try running 300 mg of vit b6 , and increase ur AI. u must be really prone cuase those are very very moderate dosages.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Are your nips puffy, itchy, sore?

  4. #4
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    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by happysumo
    Are your nips puffy, itchy, sore?
    no i said i have no other sides at all...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by big N
    well that shows that prolactin levels are up which is ussualy from deca or tren , the 19 nor -derivatives have more of an effect on prolactin and progesterone. try running 300 mg of vit b6 , and increase ur AI. u must be really prone cuase those are very very moderate dosages.
    that is a bit techincal bud heh...

    how is B6 going to benefit me? i thought that was for your skin to help prevent acne... maybe i'll pick some up.

    What are you referring to as AI?

    What about my other questions? is this signs of gyno? should i increase my nolva? is this something to be concerned about?

    Thanks chief
    P.S. yeah i kept the dosage low dude to it being my first cycle however my gains were really solid i probably put on about 25 lbs and lowered my bodyfat % by 2%. I'm at about 202 lbs at the moment with about 8% bf maybe 7% if i'm not bloated
    Last edited by Roid Rage; 11-04-2005 at 06:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Yeah, I would bump up the Nolva to 40, until you get some letro. Then drop the Nolva and run letro at 2mg everyday, cause you have gyno baby.
    Get your blood work done too.

  7. #7
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    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by happysumo
    Yeah, I would bump up the Nolva to 40, until you get some letro. Then drop the Nolva and run letro at 2mg everyday, cause you have gyno baby.
    Get your blood work done too.
    how can you say thats gyno? i have no other symptoms and my nipples/chest definetly do not look like any type of gyno... hold on i have a pic i took about 5 days ago...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Ontario - GTA
    here are 2 pictures that show my nipples... what do you guys think? doesn't look like gyno to me. Those 2 are probably no more than a week old.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	chest-abs1.jpg 
Views:	3524 
Size:	34.7 KB 
ID:	58050   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	chest1.jpg 
Views:	6655 
Size:	31.2 KB 
ID:	58051  

  9. #9
    Mine used to do that.. the weird part is they started doing it after cycle and now that i'm back on they stopped.. the only thing i can think is that i run letro while on cycle maybe that stopped it. My nips always get alittle puffed and sore on cycle but always go down after

  10. #10
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    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by ToTheBuckeT21
    Mine used to do that.. the weird part is they started doing it after cycle and now that i'm back on they stopped.. the only thing i can think is that i run letro while on cycle maybe that stopped it. My nips always get alittle puffed and sore on cycle but always go down after
    well theres someone i can relate too... So you never developed gyno? How important do you think it is to run letro? Think its 100% nessessary or will NOLVA take care of it?

    from my pics would you say it looks like gyno is developing? because it sure as hell doesn't to me.

    Were you worried about it? when you noticed your nipples started doing that? I have about 2-3 more weeks until this cycle is done so...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Wow man???? Your pics have no gyno but that's the weirdest thing I've ever heard?? So both you and tothebucke have experienced this?? This is a new one to me, good luck though with solving your problems. Sorry to hear about that.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    b5 is for acne bro b6 lowers prolactin levels down a good bit , that how it will help u ,so bump up ur AI aromatise Inhibitor , and add b6 , it will go away after u discontinue .

  13. #13
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    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    Wow man???? Your pics have no gyno but that's the weirdest thing I've ever heard?? So both you and tothebucke have experienced this?? This is a new one to me, good luck though with solving your problems. Sorry to hear about that.
    Well thats what i mean i'm not to concerned but when people come in here like happysumo and just conclusions and tells me i have gyno is a bit annoying.

    I dont have the normal symptons of gyno so...

    Thanks big N that is some good advice... i just had b5 and b6 mixed up... clearly.

    I'll buy some b6 ASAP ... however i'm still a bit confused when you tell me to bump up my AI? what ai? As far as i know i'm not taking any AI... hmm anyone have any idea ?


  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by big N
    b5 is for acne bro b6 lowers prolactin levels down a good bit , that how it will help u ,so bump up ur AI aromatise Inhibitor , and add b6 , it will go away after u discontinue .

    Yeah, Letro is a Aromatise Inhibitior. I know you dont have any other signs for gyno. But you are lactating out of your nips, take the letro, see what happens.

  15. #15
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    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by happysumo
    Yeah, Letro is a Aromatise Inhibitior. I know you dont have any other signs for gyno. But you are lactating out of your nips, take the letro, see what happens.
    Guess i'll have to get some... thanks for clearifying my AI question amigo.

    Anyone know of any places that sell letro in canada?
    Last edited by Roid Rage; 11-04-2005 at 07:01 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    np bro , let us know if u further need help

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by big N
    np bro , let us know if u further need help
    a location in canada that sells letro would be helpful

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    estrogen causes gynecomastia (deposition of adipose tissue around the breasts). Nolva blocks estrogen.

    progesterone and prolactin cause lactation (release of milky fluid from glands in the breast, and yes males have these glands too)

    Thus, taking nolvadex will do you no good since you show no signs of gyno. You need a progestin blocker or progestin eliminator, or if you can find one a prolactin antagonist.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    estrogen causes gynecomastia (deposition of adipose tissue around the breasts). Nolva blocks estrogen.

    progesterone and prolactin cause lactation (release of milky fluid from glands in the breast, and yes males have these glands too)

    Thus, taking nolvadex will do you no good since you show no signs of gyno. You need a progestin blocker or progestin eliminator, or if you can find one a prolactin antagonist.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    sorry bro dont know .....but liek i said its prolactin related thus teh lactating of teh nipple , get ur self soem cabergoline work liek a charm .....aka dostinex . u can get it from any research site . bromo would be ur next choice ...

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by Montgomery
    estrogen causes gynecomastia (deposition of adipose tissue around the breasts). Nolva blocks estrogen.

    progesterone and prolactin cause lactation (release of milky fluid from glands in the breast, and yes males have these glands too)

    Thus, taking nolvadex will do you no good since you show no signs of gyno. You need a progestin blocker or progestin eliminator, or if you can find one a prolactin antagonist.

    MONT nice bud, that was a much easier read. Thanks for breaking it down a bit chief.


  22. #22
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    Tig Ole Bitties!
    Quote Originally Posted by Roid Rage
    a location in canada that sells letro would be helpful

    if i were you, i'd click on LETRO and buy it from the site sponsor.. VERY fast shipping. Remember though, canada sucks. So do their shipping offices. Once a package comes into the hands of an employee from the canadiian post, its a 50/50 chance that you'll get your package. If you don't feel comfortable with those odds, you can go to this website: Its a somewhat popular search engine that may help you find a location inside of canada (maybe even in your own city) that sells letrozole. Now, I'm no prolactin antagonist, so don't take my word for it, but letro should inhibit(stop and possibly reverse) the aromatization that is occuring, whether progesteron relate or estrogen related, thus solving your problem. JMO, but anyone who is taking steroids should know what an Aromatise inhibitor is and what it does, just in case something like this happens. And another thing, THROW YOUR M1T AWAY AND KICK THE GUYS ASS WHO SOLD IT TO YOU. That is all


  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by gaa9679572
    if i were you, i'd click on LETRO and buy it from the site sponsor.. VERY fast shipping. Remember though, canada sucks. So do their shipping offices. Once a package comes into the hands of an employee from the canadiian post, its a 50/50 chance that you'll get your package. If you don't feel comfortable with those odds, you can go to this website: Its a somewhat popular search engine that may help you find a location inside of canada (maybe even in your own city) that sells letrozole. Now, I'm no prolactin antagonist, so don't take my word for it, but letro should inhibit(stop and possibly reverse) the aromatization that is occuring, whether progesteron relate or estrogen related, thus solving your problem. JMO, but anyone who is taking steroids should know what an Aromatise inhibitor is and what it does, just in case something like this happens. And another thing, THROW YOUR M1T AWAY AND KICK THE GUYS ASS WHO SOLD IT TO YOU. That is all

    I bought stuff before from AAR and never had problems with shipping. Thats not an issue i just figured i't be a bit more convient if i knew a place that sold it here in canada.

    Anyhow spare me the M1T rant, heard it 101 times. And i'm a bit tried of explaining my situation inregards to it.


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    bro if u wish to resolve the lactating issue i told u what u need to get..

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by big N
    bro if u wish to resolve the lactating issue i told u what u need to get..
    I know ... ? i never said anything besides praised you fellas for the help, i will be getting them ...

    Anyhow i just made another observation... i just noticed this does not HAPPEN all the time... for example nothing came out today... and some others days nothing comes out... some days just a drop some days a bit more...

    is this normal for someone who lactates?


  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    it varys , everyonbe is different , i gues thats a good thing that its not commin out all the time .

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