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Thread: need advice on upcoming cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    need advice on upcoming cycle

    going to start a new cycle,

    500mg test e / week 1-13 (750mg first week, frontloading)

    200mg deca / week 1-13

    50mg anadrol/day for week 1-4

    i will have 80mg nolva/day for week 1-4, 60mg/day week 5 and 40mg/day week 6-13 (20mg everyday, the rest just in case of gyno)

    PCT clomid and nolva.

    Also, could i do this cycle without the deca and still get really good results?

    cycle experience: 1,5
    250mg sustanon week 1-12
    200mg deca week 1-12
    25mg dianabol week 1-4
    nolva on hand
    PCT: clomid + nolva
    500 mg test e week 1-12
    50mg winstrol week 7-12
    nolva on hand
    PCT: clomid + nolva
    !!! had to cancel it after 6 weeks coz of shoulder injury and surgery!!!

    weight 216 lb (98 kg)
    height 5.9 ft (181cm)
    been lifting for aprox 4-5 years

    thnx for any advice i might get.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I would do a maximum of 20mg nolva ED throughout your cycle unless you see signs of gyno. Remember most guys don't see any gyno and use no nolva whatsoever, except maybe in PCT. Nolva is a receptor blocker, that is it mimics estrogen and binds to the estrogen receptor, but does not cause the same effect on the receptor as estrogen does. Thus, it blocks the effects of estrogen because estrogen cannot bind to its receptor. At 20mg nolva ED you've almost maxed out on the blocking of receptors, and taking 60mg ED will give you little added benefit. Also, your body (even though you're male) needs some estrogen to function properly. All males have estrogen in their bodies and not all males have gyno, so blocking all of your estrogen receptors for the entire length of a cycle (say 12 weeks or more) is not a great idea either. Ideally, you'd take 20mg nolva ED and .25mg arimidex ED, that way you have less blockage of estrogen receptors, and less free estrogen (arimidex eliminates estrogen from the blood), giving you a nice synergistic effect.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    not so much nolva, and only use it if you need to for gyno. other than that, youll just be lowering IGF for no reason.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    i wont be using that much nolva, i just wrote it down that i will have 80mg ed available for week 1-4 and so on, in case of gyno, but ill only use 20mg. i mean i rather have more nolva than i need on hand then less. and the arimidex i have to look into that, its really expensive but ill manage.

    what about the rest of the cycle, does it look good ??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

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