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Thread: The Clear?

  1. #1
    growboy's Avatar
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    The Clear?

    I've heard on radio and tv latly in regards to the baseball--steroid issue that some players were taking a substance called the clear. Is this a slang for gear, a type of gear, or a desighner roid?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    "the clear", yeah, I wonder about its potential. What do you think it might be comparable to?

  3. #3
    Latimus's Avatar
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    undetectable chain i assume? The guys who make that kind of gear are mad scientists..and millionairs ofcourse.

  4. #4
    thndrgod33's Avatar
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  5. #5
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    The clear was one of Victor Conte's ideas. It was he who ran BALCO. Basically designer steroids have a molecule moved so that the molecular structure changes and is thus undetectable.

  6. #6
    Lunacy's Avatar
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    If I am not mistaken, the clear was a search on yahoo or something.
    Last edited by Lunacy; 11-05-2005 at 02:12 PM.

  7. #7
    Lunacy's Avatar
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    Tetrahydrogestrinone is a designer steroid used only by elite athletes. There were only a very small number of athletes who knew about, and had access to THG. THG was created by modifying two other known steroids , trenbolone , and gestrinone. Trenbolone has become one of the most popular steroids on the black market over the last couple years. Gestrinone (Dimetriose, Florizel) is used for treating endometriosis. The modifications made the drug undetectable in steroid tests, which is the reason for all the current hype on "THG". Tetrahydrogestrinone, no one is certain how long this drug has been used, but tests are now being down on urine samples from the 2002 olympics. This is the biggest steroid scandal since the 1988 summer olympics where Ben Johnson tested positive for anabolic steroids. Any records, or medals won in the 2002 summer olympics will be taken away if the athlete's urine sample contains Tetrahydrogestrinone

  8. #8
    100m champ's Avatar
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    Even tho Victor ratted.. that wont put a dent into undetectable drugs.. there still around and elite athleates will always find a way too them.. The only way those undetectbale drugs were found was when someone ratted or when that dude got busted on the canadian border trying to get it into the U.S

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100m champ
    Even tho Victor ratted.. that wont put a dent into undetectable drugs.. there still around and elite athleates will always find a way too them.. The only way those undetectbale drugs were found was when someone ratted or when that dude got busted on the canadian border trying to get it into the U.S

    Actually Marion Jones and Tim Montgomery left their coach Trevor Graham. He sent them a $60k bill and they told him to "stick it" so he later admitted to being the one that sent the syringe full of THG to the the governing body of international track and field. Hence, the lid was now blown.

    THG is structurally related to Gestrinone, an unregulated steroid that has no anabolic properties. However, when you ethylate it (in this case adding four hydrogen atoms to the ethynyl group), you get a very potent anabolic agent. It remains a progestin, just like its parent compound, so the progestational effects ought to have helped with Bonds's ailing joints, while the anabolic effect of this compound should've added noticeable strength gains.

    THG is resistant to aromatization and is a 19-nor steroid, leading me to believe it would behave very much like Trenbolone . In fact, when I look at the dosing protocol (only a few mgs/day), it reinforces my beliefs greatly, leading me to conclude that it would actually be very similar to methylated Trenbolone (Methyltrienolone , R1881), only far less toxic.

  10. #10
    Lunacy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    Actually Marion Jones and Tim Montgomery left their coach Trevor Graham. He sent them a $60k bill and they told him to "stick it" so he later admitted to being the one that sent the syringe full of THG to the the governing body of international track and field. Hence, the lid was now blown.

    THG is structurally related to Gestrinone, an unregulated steroid that has no anabolic properties. However, when you ethylate it (in this case adding four hydrogen atoms to the ethynyl group), you get a very potent anabolic agent. It remains a progestin, just like its parent compound, so the progestational effects ought to have helped with Bonds's ailing joints, while the anabolic effect of this compound should've added noticeable strength gains.

    THG is resistant to aromatization and is a 19-nor steroid, leading me to believe it would behave very much like Trenbolone. In fact, when I look at the dosing protocol (only a few mgs/day), it reinforces my beliefs greatly, leading me to conclude that it would actually be very similar to methylated Trenbolone (Methyltrienolone, R1881), only far less toxic.

    Mike, it is a 17-aa, so that would make it more toxic, correct?

  11. #11
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    No, it's a 19 nor.

  12. #12
    Lunacy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    No, it's a 19 nor.
    OK, then how where they able to drink it if it wasnt a 17-aa???

  13. #13
    Lunacy's Avatar
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    "There is nothing special about Tetrahydrogestrinone. The only reason it is getting so much attention is because it was undetectable in steroid testing. Trenbolone alone, which THG was created from, is a strong steroid. However THG is much more toxic. Gestrinone was modified at the 17a-position which then made THG an oral steroid. It was used by placing the liquid under the tongue, and allowing it to absorb. This modification made the drug a 17aa steroid, which makes it a lot more toxic on the liver than other injectable anabolic steroids . There is no need to search for THG when there are other, more safer, and readily available steroids on the market"

  14. #14
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    Tetrahydrogestrinone (THG) was recently identified as a novel steroid used illicitly to improve athletic performance. Although its structure is closely related to gestrinone, a 19-nor progestin, and resembles that of trenbolone , THG was never marketed, so information on its hormonal properties is not known. In this study, we demonstrate that THG is a highly potent androgen and progestin in a yeast-based in vitro bioassay system expressing human androgen and progesterone receptors. It has no estrogenic activity and no antagonism for any of the three steroid receptor classes.

  15. #15
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    Lunacy, so much is unknown about this drug. This isn't a contest. Take a deep breath. Read this link, it supports both our understandings.

  16. #16
    Lunacy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    Lunacy, so much is unknown about this drug. This isn't a contest. Take a deep breath. Read this link, it supports both our understandings.
    It's cool bro, not a contest at all. Just sharing facts bro. Good read and thanks for the link.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Props bro. I respect your quest to know everything about something like a particular aas. A breath of fresh air compared to alot of kids your age asking "who, what, when, where and why" without trying to find out first for themselves.

  18. #18
    Lunacy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    Props bro. I respect your quest to know everything about something like a particular aas. A breath of fresh air compared to alot of kids your age asking "who, what, when, where and why" without trying to find out first for themselves.
    Well, I have a BS in Biology, so I tend to think like a scientist in most aspects of life, especially what I am putting into my body. Thanks again bro.

  19. #19
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    Its actually both 19-nor and 17alkylated. Just clearing that up

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