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Thread: Help on 16 week cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Help on 16 week cycle

    I made a big mistake this time by not buying all my gear before I started my cycle. Heres the problem.....I bought 20 amps of SUS and two vials of DECA 300.....and 200/5mg dbols... The 20 amps I bought were the last my supplier had and he said he was getting more soon so I went ahead and started the cycle as follows:

    Wks 1-13 Deca 450mg
    Wks 1-14 Sus 500mg
    Wks 10-16 Dbol 25mg ed (to finish cycle still gaining)

    I'm now at week 9 and I only have two amps of sustanon left and it looks like i'm not going to be getting anymore. Enanthate is available but if I buy a 10 ml vial and shoot it 500mg a week for wks 10-14 will it be worth it. I know the long ester tests usually take 4-6 weeks to kick in so should I switch to enanthate or just start the Dbol (maybe up the dosage a little) and end in week 13 or 14.

    Gains have been great by the way I'm up from 204 to 226...hoping for 12lb more from the dbol.

  2. #2
    just switch to the enan, will make no difference to you bud.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    The point of no return.
    Yes make the switch to the enanthate, it will be fine, the sust has long esters in it as well as short.

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