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  1. #1
    Anabolik's Avatar
    Anabolik is offline Associate Member
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    dbol at the beginning and at the end of a cycle

    What are ppl's opinions on the following.

    Say Im doing an 8wk test/deca cycle (which I am). I'm now taking dbol at 35mg ed for first 4 weeks.
    But how about doing it for 3 more weeks at the end. Week 9-11. Right up to clomid therapy and may be even a week more into clomid therapy but by tapering off to 20mg/d for week 12 with minimal impact on hpta?

    That way the liver gets 4 weeks to recover, and the dosages arent high in the first place to cause much damage to the liver. But most importantly, being a very short acting androgen, it can be run right till the day clomid starts, thus keeping androgen levels high for a maximum possible time.

    Of course, a fast acting test ester could be used in a similar fashion, but its certainly more problematic with frequent injections and does have a greater impact on own test production, right?

  2. #2
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    i wouldnt run it into the clomid bro it defeats the purpose the clomid is trying to bring back your nat. test levels and the dboll will be supressing them .

  3. #3
    Anabolik's Avatar
    Anabolik is offline Associate Member
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    well... yes perhaps running into clomid week is going too far, though there is some anecdotal evidence that at about 15-20mg ed dbol has very little if any effect on edogenous test.
    But what about the idea on the whole? Running dbol at the very end and upto clomid therapy?

  4. #4
    Ilyich's Avatar
    Ilyich is offline New Member
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    yeah. Ill give it a shot at same dosages: 35mg.

  5. #5
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    IMO, you can use dbol anytime during your cycle. Make sure you give your liver a break and you will be fine. I would not recommend running is while in clomid therapy.

  6. #6
    samoth's Avatar
    samoth is offline Member
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    though there is some anecdotal evidence that at about 15-20mg ed dbol has very little if any effect on edogenous test.
    I am really getting disturbed by this rumor. The only real studies from reliable research scientists shows methandrostenolone to have a significant impact on the bodys endogeneous testosterone production is doses ranging from 10 to 20 mgs. I find it almost humorous when I hear people say that you can basically take 20 mgs of dianabol a day indefinetly and have no negative effects! I do realize that steroids are drugs, drugs which make people feel good. Naturally, people do not want to cease taking the drug which makes them feel good. We can try to rationalize to ourselves all we want about how such-and-such may be safe, but lets not spread false information.

  7. #7
    Anabolik's Avatar
    Anabolik is offline Associate Member
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    heh... who said anything about indefinite administration of dbol ? Although some do like to stay on dbol year round, just brining it down to lower dosages in the 'off' periods. But what I was talking about is maximising the efficiency of my cycle by taking dianabol towards the end. After the last injection and until clomid therapy.

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