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  1. #1
    Newtothegame234 is offline New Member
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    hear of Halodrol-50 ??? Its legal ...for now.

    I was talking to the guy at my nutrition place and i was ranting to him about not being able to gain weight. I told him i eat all the time , do heavy lifts blah blah. I tried his weight gainers and still 165 seems like the end for my body. He never mentioned it till now but asked my age and after i told him 24 he reached over and said ever try pro-hormones? It was Halodrol-50

    Now i am still doing my research (i wasn’t about to buy it on spot) but he says they are going to pull it off the market soon since it is like a legal steroid . My question is, are these "pro-hormones" any safer then "normal" gear? Are they just as good? I am reading review online but i want to hear from someone who has taken it before to get a "real" review. Well if you have some input i would greatly appreciate it, thanks !

    You guys also recommend any other sites that have creditable reviews for pro hormones. I know this site has excellent information on steroid but doesn’t list pro-hormones.

  2. #2
    CHANGELING is offline New Member
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    Halodrol is no prohormone. It is a metabolite of oral turinabol ...Halodrol 50 = 4-chlorodehydromethylandrost-4-ene-3,17b-diol.

    It is an anabolic steroid . It has the same 1-ene that OT has... it is only missing the 3-keto and has a 3-hydroxyl instead. Somehow they skirted the law.

  3. #3
    Newtothegame234 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHANGELING
    Halodrol is no prohormone. It is a metabolite of oral turinabol ...Halodrol 50 = 4-chlorodehydromethylandrost-4-ene-3,17b-diol.

    It is an anabolic steroid. It has the same 1-ene that OT has... it is only missing the 3-keto and has a 3-hydroxyl instead. Somehow they skirted the law.
    Ok this is what i want to hear. Now is this something that might be taken instead if illegal steriods ? any advantage/disadvantage ?
    Liek i said before . All these so called "reviews" of this product just copy and paste each other. I can find no studies and or proven facts.
    Last edited by Newtothegame234; 11-07-2005 at 01:08 PM.

  4. #4
    CHANGELING is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newtothegame234
    Ok this is what i want to hear. Now is this something that might be taken instead if illegal steriods ? any advantage/disadvantage ?
    Liek i said before . All these so called "reviews" of this product just copy and paste each other. I can find no studies and or proven facts.
    You will find no studies or proven facts. Legally I would say this is a very contraversial product. I would guess it will be banned sooner then later. Yes you could use this in place of Turinabol or maybe even dbol . If I were to take it, and I wont(simply becasue no one really knows how it it going to react), I would take the 50mgs a day (25mgs every 12 hours) for up to 6 weeks. I know what the label says but the is a CYA tactic. Liver protection is advised. ANd I believe some sort of SERM or Anti aromatasewould be needed. Stack it with EQ or test. You will test positve if you are a drug tested athelete. Positive for turinabol.

  5. #5
    punchrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newtothegame234
    I was talking to the guy at my nutrition place and i was ranting to him about not being able to gain weight. I told him i eat all the time , do heavy lifts blah blah. I tried his weight gainers and still 165 seems like the end for my body. He never mentioned it till now but asked my age and after i told him 24 he reached over and said ever try pro-hormones? It was Halodrol-50

    Now i am still doing my research (i wasn’t about to buy it on spot) but he says they are going to pull it off the market soon since it is like a legal steroid . My question is, are these "pro-hormones" any safer then "normal" gear? Are they just as good? I am reading review online but i want to hear from someone who has taken it before to get a "real" review. Well if you have some input i would greatly appreciate it, thanks !

    You guys also recommend any other sites that have creditable reviews for pro hormones. I know this site has excellent information on steroid but doesn’t list pro-hormones.
    go to the supplement forum here and there are some knowledgeable people that would be able to help you out after you wade through all the superdrol and m1t threads. i can't help you on the pro hormones question though. after starting real gear i see no reason to go back.

  6. #6
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
    Hackamaniac is offline King Without a Crown ~
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    I took a prohormone before M1t by anabolic extreme and I don't know if you can compare them but my strengh was through the roof but I always felt like shit when I wasn't lifting.

  7. #7
    CHANGELING is offline New Member
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    Don't be fooled. These "alternatives" are harsh on the liver just like steroids . That is why you felt like shit. Almost without exception if a AS causes marked gains in LBM and strength ove relatively short periods of time then it is is a safe bet that it is going to stress the body. that is the trade-off

  8. #8
    CHANGELING is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by punchrf
    go to the supplement forum here and there are some knowledgeable people that would be able to help you out after you wade through all the superdrol and m1t threads. i can't help you on the pro hormones question though. after starting real gear i see no reason to go back.
    If this were a supp I would is a steroid ! Everyone needs to know this.

  9. #9
    Newtothegame234 is offline New Member
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    I mean my question is , If this is a steriod why not just do dbol or something ? I would prefer the needle to help the liver .

    If i am taking anti-e's like i would with steriods , cycle, im sure a PCT then why not just do dbol ?

    I was going to try and get blood work done to find out what my test level are. When i goto the doctor should i said umm hey i want to get bigger and cant , i want to know if my test levels are low and if they are i want to take steriods.

  10. #10
    punchrf's Avatar
    punchrf is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHANGELING
    If this were a supp I would is a steroid! Everyone needs to know this.
    i agree with you on that but it's legal as of right now and that's the forum where you will have better luck getting answers on this specific compound.

  11. #11
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    People will ethier love it or hate it as with regular TBOL it is going to be slightly weaker than regular TBOL because of the hydoxyl derivative but 50mg per day will still produce great effects.

    It will NOT aromatase or convert into DHT so not preventative measures are needed.

    It wont be OVERLY(although still a 17aa methyl) harsh on the liver either but will still give altered cholesterol readings

  12. #12
    tatteredxangelx is offline New Member
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    Hmmm ... could i jump start a Sustanon /Deca cycle with it ... Gaspari nutrition is a mile away from me

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