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Thread: keeping the gains advice!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    keeping the gains advice!

    I started at 157pounds, and after 1 ten week cycle (400 test e, 300deca, PCT= HCG + clomid) I ended the cycle at 185pounds. I always had problems eating enough, but that is my constant goal now.. just to keep eating. It has been 7 weeks since my last injection. I am surprisingling still at 180 pounds!

    I did start taking creatine, which could of helped me keep a little water weight (maybe 4-5 pounds), but still I am very happy with the gains and want to do anything possible to keep the gains for a few months all the way until my 2nd cycle begins.

    What advice does everyone have for Keeping the gains, keeping the weight on...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    South Carolina
    I have found this to be the most difficult thing....I go up to 230 and am as strong as an ox.....3 weeks removed I am 210 and "weak"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I usually try to eat enough carbs som i still have some good energy plus pct and clen i usually gain like a lb or two of fat during post cycle becasue i am eating to keep energy and sterengh up in the gym but then i just run the few lbs off later is easier to lose then to gain

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    If you gain fat, how would u use Winstrol to cut that fat? Can you run it after a cycle for a few weeks to get cut up? Or do you have to set up a whole cycle for the stuff?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by amature225
    If you gain fat, how would u use Winstrol to cut that fat? Can you run it after a cycle for a few weeks to get cut up? Or do you have to set up a whole cycle for the stuff?

    Winny wont cut your bf. This is a misconception. IMO, I wouldnt run winny alone, there's no point. You should run it with some kind of test. If youre looking for the least bloat, test prop is the way to go, but that's talking about ED injections. If youre comfortable with that, go for it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Winstrol will cut weight, in that it drops water but its not burning fat.

    To keep your gains, eat a ton. Inorder to keep my gains i have been eating, lowering cardio, clen, slin and igf-1.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    to keep the wieght is pretty simple.... all u have to do is figure out how many cals u need per day depending on ur weight, height, bmi, and how active u r during a full day...

    for example say u need about 3000 cals a day, if u eat that 3000 cals per day u wont gain or lose weight, u will stay the same.... but try to keep the the foods clean, if u dont want fat

    good luck bro

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by amature225
    I started at 157pounds, and after 1 ten week cycle (400 test e, 300deca, PCT= HCG + clomid) I ended the cycle at 185pounds. I always had problems eating enough, but that is my constant goal now.. just to keep eating. It has been 7 weeks since my last injection. I am surprisingling still at 180 pounds!

    I did start taking creatine, which could of helped me keep a little water weight (maybe 4-5 pounds), but still I am very happy with the gains and want to do anything possible to keep the gains for a few months all the way until my 2nd cycle begins.

    What advice does everyone have for Keeping the gains, keeping the weight on...

    i think keeping the weight also has alot to do with wether or not the weight u finished the cycle at is in your natty range or greatly above it. using myself as an example i was 165lbs at start of cycle 5'10". i was below what i shld have weighed if i had been eating right and hitting the gym. i finished my cycle at 197lbs. after water and a little fat loss i might be 185lbs. provided i keep my intake at a little above my maintenence level and exercise right i shld be able to hold onto the weight. now a couple cycles down the road if i was to say finish at 220/225lbs i think hanging onto this weight will be alot harder because i don't think my body was meant to be at this weight. as well as that much muscle wld demand alot more maintenance calories... it sucks. the bigger u get the harder it is to hold onto.. i see y some people are lifers, and have alot of respect for the pro bb's who hold onto crazy amounts of muscle.. jmo

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