I have been reading about gear made by IP CHina and that it may not be legit. I was wondering if any1 knows anything about this ...
I have been reading about gear made by IP CHina and that it may not be legit. I was wondering if any1 knows anything about this ...
well heres what i can tell you...a good buddy of mine has used the ip test e, cyp and deca off and on for the past couple of years, and he has seen alot of good gains, hes enormous, of course he uses a shitload of it.... i have never used it and honestly havent heard alot of good things on this board about it...oversdosed, underdosed, not even real, etc, but it has worked for him. i wouldnt personally use it because its almost a toss up on if it will be dosed right or even real at all. just my 2 cents though
IP has one of the worst reps. of all the UGL's. I got some test enth. with shit floating around in it. I gave it back to my source and said forget it, you inject it.
stay away form IP shit .
It's a crap shoot. It's the only source I had for a few years(00-02). I've heard the quality has gotten better. Better to spend more money and know what your getting.
Glad I saw this thread, thanks for the heads up guys. The source i found only has IP stuff. I have a couple more months before I'm ready to cycle so this will give me time.
Never tried IP injectables cause my source has ARL stuff, but he has some IP oral gear.
yeah, i used the IP oral winni with awsome results (100mg ED)Originally Posted by Darkness
I've used IP with good results. Test/EQ/Winny
i have used ip orals, winny,var,and dex, they work pretty good, the amboms they make are shit, as for the inject, i have had some boys use the sus and get great gains off it. But like others said i would not use the inject for any reason.
Never used it but in anabolics 2005 they comment on how good of a ugl it is. Been around for a little while too. Did you guys see the news paper article with this board on it. Here are the lab results from a reporter who purchased AAS online from some of our friends. You never know what your getting
What does ARL stand for?Originally Posted by Darkness
Nice link, one of my backup suppliers was on there, good info to know! As for IP, I've had good and bad stuff, I guess it depends on when and what you order, UGL are never really consistant with quality.
I like the one brand of Winstrol with 82% higher concentration than labeled. Like that ever happens.
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