I recently made a super steroid blend, I used sterile MCT oil as a base for it... every 3 ml contains:
250mg of sustanon blend
200mg Test E
200mg Test C
200mg EQ
100mg Tren A
I used 3% BA and close to 20%BB
I had been using 3ml ed, and decided to up the ante yesterday... I decided to use 3ml of my blend mixed with 3 additonal ml of MCT oil ed...
today I did rear delts, actually my GF did and it was painless, yesterday was medial delts, the days before I did inner and outer bi's and also Tris... I have strong calves but I may even try a few shots to that area as well...
how do I feel??? fine my arms and shoulders feel not pain, but more of a slight ache ... they actually feel like they are pumped from the gym... I have put 1/4 inch on my arms easy, and amazingly I can manage more weight now???
in no way do my injected areas look freaky, or bloated or unnatural... I am now under the impression that alot of pros must be using alot of this stuff...
my GF is so amazed at how its making my arms look that she is begging me to inject just a tiny dab into her lips... as much as I like a good set of DSL's I told her if she wanted to enhance her lips that a doctor would do collagen injections for a reasonable price, but I wont touch them...
I am not saying this is for everyone, but I am and have been a super hardgainer forever and at 34 my metabolism is just as fast as when I was 16... I have a wide back and nice frame but I am 6 foot 2 around 220 and eventhough I have arms much bigger than a short guy, they look skinny because of thier length...
I plan on coming off of juice for a full year after this cycle and just do a moth of igf-1 during my pct and follow that with 6 months of growth hormone. I think the mct oil is going to help me keep a respectable look until I decide to juice up again... I would love to stay on juice forever but I am really not what you would call a teddy bear when I am test...
I will post pics as soon as I get a little more results...