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Thread: Depression and Roids?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    BbY Canada

    Depression and Roids?

    Hey guys just want to know if their is any info on depression and roids. Im 5 weeks into my first cycle (Deca 400 per week, sust 500 per week and nova for anti e every day) I,ve had some crap going on on the home front but the crap has been prety constant but once i started my cycle after two week i started to feel down and every day i think about cheking out now. I'm very aware that this is stupid but i can't get it out of my head. Could It be the Roids.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    yes, it could very well be the juice. your hormones are fluctuating to exxtreme levels wich can cause depression. i delt with it on test and deca also.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by growboy
    Hey guys just want to know if their is any info on depression and roids. Im 5 weeks into my first cycle (Deca 400 per week, sust 500 per week and nova for anti e every day) I,ve had some crap going on on the home front but the crap has been prety constant but once i started my cycle after two week i started to feel down and every day i think about cheking out now. I'm very aware that this is stupid but i can't get it out of my head. Could It be the Roids.
    You mean, checking out permanently? Is so bro you should quit the gear immediately, I have had mood swings, depression and other issues while on gear but never once thought about taking myself out-that's a effed up thought you don't want within ten feet of your head IMO. If it started with the gear, I would strongly consider cutting it short.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    BbY Canada
    What did you do? did you taper off or did you run it out. I want to run it out because I'm loving the roids otherwise I'v never felt better physicaly but never felt this way mentaly.

  5. #5
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    well maybe if you don't want to stop them... then find a way to creatively rid the thoughts from your mind. be it writing, playing an instrument, or a game or so. whatever it takes to get those thoughts out of your head. i've been there before without even using steroids and i was just having a bad time in my life for a few years and i was a down person and i wish it on nobody. do something about it man. it could just get worse and you don't want that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Same thing was going on with me, but I was taking 1000 mg sust, and 100 mg tren ED. nolva also. don't know what was going on, but it got better when I stopped the tren. maybee you need to make some changes. checking out isn't good. good luck bro.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    BbY Canada
    Thanks guys I guess I've taken the first steep by geeting people that I trust to watch me, and Given my gear to a buddy to do the shots and I,ve told him to pull the plug if he sees me geeting worse

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Made In Ohio.
    might be a wise decision

  9. #9
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    How much nolva are you taking? The reason I ask is that while we think of nolva as an anti-e it actually acts more like a synthetic estrogen in the body and will raise estradiol levels, and while most of us experience emotional sides with clomid, nolva could actually be the source of your problems.

  10. #10
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    20mg per day in the morning

  11. #11
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    Dump it down to 10 mg/day and take at night IMO, you have your highest concentrations of estrogen at night, this is when you want your nolva competing for those receptors.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Thanks I'll do that.

  13. #13
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    Seriously, if you don't start to see your mindset come back-consider quiting, but I think the lower Nolva may help. Good luck

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    BbY Canada
    thanks for The info and support it helps

  15. #15
    I know it sucks to quit your cycle but if you are seriously thinking of "checking out" then you need to get off of it and do it quickly. It's not worth it. I agree with shortie that nolva and/or clomid can cause mood swings and other side effects due to the estrogen factor. However, it could be the test or deca. Test has effected some people in the past and I've heard from a friend or two that deca made them moody but that's not too common. I would follow Shortie's advice but if you are still feeling negative then toss the sauce! Your health is more important. Get your issues on the homefront straight before you try again.

  16. #16
    how long can depression from roids last roughly??

  17. #17
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    Beyond Swole
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky IV
    how long can depression from roids last roughly??
    It varies from person to person. Some never get it, some get it bad. But your health is more important if you are entertaining thoughts on checking out. And if you do stop your cycle, you've been on long enough to do pct. Don't forget about pct, cuz your hormones can get even crazier bro. Good luck to you.

  18. #18
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    Oct 2005
    I know roids can cause depression. I took my friend to his primary doc and he gave him test and deca for his depression. After blood work came back of course. Doc said he thought it was because his test levels where to low( free test an total test). He tried anti depressents for almost 2 years with no luck. Now after about 6 wks of starting his shots he is feeling great. I guess everyone is different..

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    It varies from person to person. Some never get it, some get it bad. But your health is more important if you are entertaining thoughts on checking out. And if you do stop your cycle, you've been on long enough to do pct. Don't forget about pct, cuz your hormones can get even crazier bro. Good luck to you.
    thanks,,i stoped using the gear half way through the cycle becuase of it,,can i use letro now? i heard it lifts natural test levels while destroying estrogen..its already been three months but i still feel like shit from time to time, also bloated up a little

  20. #20
    how bout start a low dose of dbol to increase the dopamine, and maybe drop the deca. Iv heard that deca causes depression, but i have nothing documented. But i think pulling the plug on the juice is trouble waiting to happen because most people feel like shit after cuming off, so if anything go on a low dose of test something like 125mg/ew might be a good idea until u can get rid of those thoughts, that way ur test levels are a tad bit higher than the average person (and low test levels causes depression) so that wont be a factor and then try coming off. BUT I HAVE NO EXPERIENCE WITH ROIDS AND DEPRESSION THIS IS JUST AN IDEA FOR MORE EXPERIENCED PEOPLE TO DWELL ON.

  21. #21
    opps i didnt mean to have this post here
    Last edited by musclehead1; 11-21-2005 at 01:14 AM.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by growboy
    Could It be the Roids.

    in particular

    nandrolone- progestins can have very negative impact on mood

    nolva- this has a 10 day half life so if you are dising every day you likely have quite high plasma levels of tamoxifen

    aromatic product of testosterone

    reccs-use an AI.
    low dose the serms if you intend to use them throughout cycle

  23. #23
    I had to stop taking tren a few weeks into it...I hear tren causes the worst anxiety/depression of them all. It was crazy...If I was in a room full of people I'd start to have panic attacks.

  24. #24
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    deca causes me to get down frequently but nothing to the extent you are talking about.

  25. #25
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    Actually guys, growboy PM'd me here about 4 days ago, said that things were not getting better at home, but that he was still feeling better since he cut his nolva in half-sounds like he's getting his head screwed on straight. Isn't thinking of checking out anyhow.

  26. #26
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    You can't put all the blame on the anabolics and the others but im sure its not helping. From what i read it seems like the majority of his depression is stemming from problems at home and the hormones are amplifying his problems. Yes aborting his cycle early is a wise choice but for him to truley get any better he needs to somehow fix these problems or if that is not the case im sure talking to someone for help would be very beneficial to himself.......justa thought

  27. #27
    I get a real high and i have cycled deca 300mg and sust 250mg twice. i feel awesome, aggressive and keen to get up and go.
    Maybe my natural test levels offer me nothing!!!

  28. #28
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    I've been de****g with some form of anxiety attacks or depression for the latter half of my life at some point. It's my personal choice to just the **** up and deal with the problem without any drugs. It's not to the point where I feel I need to be medicated. I've been on that shit before and it made me a walking emotionless zombie, which actually made me feel worse about myself, and when I ended up coming off of it cold turkey i crashed real hard. When on cycle the problems do start to get amplified a little bit, but I've found different ways to deal with it. Maybe medication is the solutionf or you and you're able to function and feel normal on it. It's just that my personal experience is that I'd rather deal with the problems everyday but still have the chance at having actual feelings, than feeling like a walking dead person. Good luck bro, maybe you want to incorporate an Anti-Aromatase into your cycle and drop the SERM to relieve some of the psychological sides...

  29. #29
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    Disruptions in emotional well-being, including depression, have been linked to serotonin imbalances/deficiencies in the brain.

    Higher endogenous testosterone concentrations have been linked to increased Serotonin(feel good hormone) and lack of serotonin increases aggressive behaviors both in animals and man

    Some people are friendly on a cycle of testosterone and some are really agressive, something i can not explain

    There are herbal ways to treat depression by increasing serotonin, St. Johns Wort and 5 HTP increase serotonin levels

    It is not clear how St. John's wort works to treat depression but it increases serotonin levels

    5-HTP has shown a distinct ability to increase serotonin levels

    the items can be purchased at the all sports banner above

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    901 N 2nd St Philadelphia
    I am very depressed that my gear never showed up from the last scammer I ordered from. So yeah, Steroids cause depression.

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