I was wondering what asre guys experiences with woman when they find out your juicing. Is it something they care alot about and should never tell the truth or is just no big deal to them?
I was wondering what asre guys experiences with woman when they find out your juicing. Is it something they care alot about and should never tell the truth or is just no big deal to them?
Some of them care some don't but even the ones who care get over it when they experience the effects of Test in the bedroom....
Women understand the process of un natural enhancement better than anyone. They wear make up, lip stick, eye lashes, wiggs, get boob jobs, botox, collagen injections, take birth controll hormones, whatever it takes. They dont care. They just want to be with "the man". So be the man surf god, take no prisoners.
I told my ex. She got all mad and every time I would get mad at her shed be like "steroid rage!" It was so damn annoying..thing was..she was the psycho one and when i would argue back shed be like see! Thats what they do to you!
God I ****in hate thatOriginally Posted by chest6
I wouldnt tell anyone , shit can get ugly with her and she can rat you out , out of spite
ding ding. Told my parents. 3/4 of the school screaming when she got pissed at me in public. Guess what phrase came right out and everyone heard and looked at me?Originally Posted by IronFreakX
True word's of wisdom.....Originally Posted by IronFreakX
My girl doesn't care too much. She has her moments, but she also does some of my shots for me. Plus there's not a lot she can say, she's got her primo and clen in my drawer with all my shit.Originally Posted by Surfgod
Lots of threads on this topic.
Do a search Surf, and you'll be reading for days.
funny thing is..she didnt hesitate for a second when i got clen..she picked some up too. Still bashed steroids after that.Originally Posted by Ejuicer
My wife is cool with it-- she injects my glutes when i do tren e cause its to intense on the thigh-- and she dont realy throw shit up in my face about--- thank god
I mean later down the road when i get married ill have to trust my wife..so i would want to tell her. For now..with girlfriends..fvck no. That was a mistake
My gf cared at first but now she is cool with it. took some time though, had to do some explaining though. but sometimes i get the "roid rage" comment from her but i just ignore her
If my wife would find out I would prolly get the boot, maybe the pregnancy might give me a lil leverage but hell.. Wouldnt tell 4 sure, but some women r ok with juice though. just not mine..
My wife gives me my shots so she is fine with it. My opinion is if you have a wife, girlfriend, heck even a boyfriend (hopefully that is toward you gals) and they don't want you to do it and the only reason is due to ignorance not true concern you need to dump them. I am not condoning divorce over steroids but we all do things that our "loved ones" don't like and they are entitled to their opinion and we should open-minded listen but if they are going to do nothing but give you grief and you have to hide it why bother??
I am married and when I met my wife she found my gear and asked about it. I told her the truth. We have been married for 8 years. All I have done is educate her about gear. She knows how careful I am, blood work, pct, and also how hard I train and diet. So I don't hear any grief.I've been doing this for 16 years. I think being on a pre-contest diet is far worse than "roid rage"! For those of you who have a gf/wife who you haven't told, I will tell you, that don't for one second think they don't like the way you look. I am 37 and look around 30. My wife is always getting compliments from her friends about me. I believe, when a woman is around a confident good looking guy, they end up feeling confident as well. Sounds stupid I know!
Chances are, if your girl could take something to make her have the body she wants, she would take it too- if your girl gets mad she's probably a hypocrite. With that being said, I would just be up front with them. Mines been with me ever since I started researching. Her credits: most knowledgable non-gear using female that I know (about gear); many, many injections; she's gone on 3 "dates" down to Tj with me. Like I said, if at all possible, be up front.
Just be honest with her... I told my GF at the begenning of our relashionship. She's cool with it. She's into fitness and nutrition... maybe it helps. My ex wasn't into gym at all and didn't understand...
My advice: hopefully you know your woman better than any of us do.
You should figure this one out yourself.
You won't get better advice than that.Originally Posted by Triposinator
so far any and all of my girlfriends have been cool with it. only one (the last one) tried throwing it in my face all the time. everytime i got mad shed be like "your pathetic, its only cos of the stupid steroids". no darlin, the only reason i get mad is because you do absolutely ridiculous things, like fill your body up with poinon (alcohol) and then piss my bed
i meant poison*
Don`t give them petrol to trow on the fire. Some of them might be cool about it but not all. Then again, if you are thinking of spending rest of the life with a girl it might be hard hiding it forever.. Damn I need a cycle whore...
I think its dangerous to tell em. You have a lot at stake possible, if she really gets mad at you, eg work, friends, who knows.
I'm an athlete as well, so that could get real nasty.
Thing is, when do you tell her. Either early (you dont know her anyway),m and then kick her ass easy if she dont like it. Or later, when you know her, which is still a risk.
IMO, only when you're married let her know. Otherwise, none of her business.
Originally Posted by chest6
my wife knows.. she even helps but doesn't like to..
hell i have to inject her GH for her..
but read, alot of guys get thier wife/ex gf coming after them with the law for doing drugs.. and selling..
so no, if my wife didn't know.. that would be ok too.. my gf would never know..
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yeah, its cool to tell your girl bout what ur doing. mine......lloooonnnggg story. first she goes and tells one of my guy friends. ( iwould never tell him) then she tells her girlfriend (I WOULD NEVER NEVER TELL HER) then when both brothers get back from deployment, she tells them. im pissed becasue she's telling a lot of people so far. I should have NEVER told her. NEVER!!! biggest mistake of my life right htere. so now she's like after this first cycle your stopping! Im like, "Ok babe, you got it!" Yeah f*ckin right! she can suck my two peanut size balls right now! well when she first found out and got all pissed, we made an agrement to stop when we got married. then she didnt like that and wanted me to stop after the first cycle. THEN she just wanted me to stop. luckily she doesnt know too much and i told her that i CANT stop right now and HAVE to finish it out because it will screw up my system otherwise. she ate it. so im just gonna have to be REALLY SUPER DISCRETE!!! she is a hypocryte too cus she was anorexic and bulimic at one point. she goes anorexic at times as well. man f*ck that! and ive also gotten the "roid rage" thrown at me. so i threw right back, "PMS'ING BITCH RAGE!!!" and then she STFU.
oh and also, she goes to do a search on what steroids do to you. she believed every piece of sh*t information out ther on google! the very first thing to pop up was a news article and she believed it!!!! WWWTTTFFFF!!!!!!! then after trying to lecture me (i was playing video games and tuning her out) i told her she doesnt even realize that ciggarrettes are even worse for you and drinking everyday is worse than what im doing! ok, here is here comment,,,, "You can believe what you want to believe, and im going to believe what I want to believe." and wouldnt let me talk! ok, i have to listen to you but you cant listen to me! STUBBORN B*TCH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHH!!!! yes, i am having some roid rage. i dont think my gear is fake for any of you that has read my previous thread. im just a late bloomer.
My gf just tells me that I hope I know what Im doing, other than that she loves when Im on gear. But as for telling anyone else, no. I know for a fact she hasn't told anyone, and I dont tell anyone, well other thhan you guys.![]()
As I said earlier, educate your gf/wife if you intend to stay with her. My wife hears the gossip, "he's on steroids, that is why he looks like that". She knows the truth, diet training........ fat neighbors and their fat husbands will always be jealous.![]()
thats what i always say. i dont want to be the typical american. Overweight, and out of shape. seriously there are more fat people every day. its like there growing and spreading it to other people! and its a friggin disease? yeah maybe SOME people but not every god d*mn american thats overwieght! (which is bout 80 percent of the population!)
sorry for being so blunt. im just pissed at my gf. its like she would rather see me fat than musclehead. does she think im gonna go around and lay pipe in every girl that wants to f*ck? NO!
My wife loves a guy on the juice, But to bad were getting divorced and shes using it against me in court, and to get my family all over my case.......so be carefull bros
Originally Posted by growboy
Oh that sucks bro.. That is playing dirty.. yes you (we all) need to be careful of that.. don't need those hassles plus then the court/cops have their eyes on you.
good luck.
my girl has asked me a hundred times, "when are you gonna start your next cycle?" she loves me on cycle especially in the bedroom!!
thats y i will not tell her anymore. im getting some type of hidden safe or something. this is goin to be the most discreat thing i have every had. NO ONE WILL SEE IT! the problem is is that everytime i try to hide something (smoking, dipping) she finds out. good thing bout that cus i quit for good! but this, good thing i didnt tell her my nuts look like raisins! cus then she would ALWAYS check..and the acne thing, pshhh ill blame it on creatine! thats how bad it gets fore me!
My girlfriend is great... i met her on the set of one of an adult film, she was doing a lezbo scene and Jason the director was a friend of mine so he hooked us up for a scene the next day... most of the male talent sineplex uses is either in horrible shape or just assholes... She agreed to work with me going by apperances so I came clean right from the start... she couldnt give two shits... she injects my tris and rear delts for me, naggs me when she sees me with a soda, and prefers my body on a cutter, but likes my face better on a bulker...
She has had lyposuction, and has 44EE breast implants so she really cant say anything, she has seen my temper is just as bad off cycle if I am provoked so she dosent ever pull the roid rage card...
if you cant tell them then dont bother with them, my body is mine to do what I want to with and oppinions arent welcome..
My girlfriend can't wait for injection day, i think she feels its like inflicting pain on me, but she doesn't know that it doesn't hurt.....lol. She has tryed Clen and Nolva herself, and lost weight but, she thinks if she doesn't work out she will still lose weight by not eating that much. Damn women. I can tell her something till i am blue in the face and i think it goes in one ear and out the other. other than that, it feels like more women are drawn to me when i am on juice..... That means i should never stop.
Keep your personal business to yourself. Loose lips sink ships![]()
I dont have a gf right now I was just wondering cause I'm always meeting new ones and was wondering what they think. Thanks to all who answered and I think the ones are right who said to not be with the ones who dont understand and make you have to lie about it.
mine did the same thing..went right to google. Were we with the same girl?Originally Posted by legobricks
I swear they have done the exact same things..
mine told everyone..did the same exact stuffOriginally Posted by legobricks
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