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Thread: Friend's 1st Cycle...Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Eating chicken with pasta

    Friend's 1st Cycle...Help

    Hi guys,
    a friend of mine decided to go on a cycle with some gear he got.
    He'll make a cycle wich looks preety much like the one i'm on the last two weeks.
    The gear is..Deca durabolin 10x , Sustanon 250 11x, winny 37x plus 70 tablets of clenbuterol,
    and for pct i advised him to take nolva, and as for anti-estrogen clomid or proviron or arimidex.
    The thing is he wants to know the dosages of each drug..Well i got my dosages from u guys so give the bro some help as u did with me...Thank u in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Look behind you.
    What is the concentration of the deca? And are you saying he has 11mg of sust 250? Too many compounds for first cycle. Leave out the winny save for a cutting cycle. Good first cycle is 400-500mg test (sust in your case), with 300-400mg of deca. He may need more gear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Eating chicken with pasta
    These staff is all he has..i sugested he only goes on with susta and proper pct...He won't listen...Kinda like what i did before cycle
    What do u mean concetration of Deca?????It's 200 mg/2 ml from Norma each vial......

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Eating chicken with pasta
    Any other suggestions? BUMP

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    bro he doesnt have enough gear for a decent cycle. I think you are saying he has 11 amps of Sust 250 ? At 500mg/week thats only enough for five and a half weeks. He also only has 10 amps of Deca, at 200mg per amp, he needs two amps a week so thats only enough for five weeks.

    Answer = Get more gear

  6. #6
    1st cycle should = test and test only

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    id stick with just test only if its your first cycle, id take sus 125mg EOD for 12 weeks, wait until you have enough for a full course, dont start with just half...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    id stick with just test only if its your first cycle, id take sus 125mg EOD for 12 weeks, wait until you have enough for a full course, dont start with just half...
    imo i would forget about sust and go with test e or c at 400 to 500 mg a week

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by patrickmill
    imo i would forget about sust and go with test e or c at 400 to 500 mg a week
    Exactly, most cats don't want to shoot themselves twice a week, let alone EOD. I don't like sust, and never have. I'd rather use test enth and prop for the first four weeks and be done with it. ED shots don't bother me, but the price for sust where I am is outrageous!

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrickmill
    imo i would forget about sust and go with test e or c at 400 to 500 mg a week
    he as got sus,,,not testE or Cyp
    a single ester test would be better and would mean less shots also would help to keep the blood levels constant,, but he as got sus not test E or Cyp so Shots at EOD would be fine, like i said

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mamias20918756
    The gear is..Deca durabolin 10x , Sustanon 250 11x, winny 37x plus 70 tablets of clenbuterol,
    I think that he should hold off until he gets ALL the gear he needs INCLUDING PCT. I can't stress enough how important it is that one should have ALL his ducks in a row before begining the cycle. That way, if something goes arye, and the cycle needs to be cut shot, PCT won't be an issue becaue he'd already have it. Personally, I'd advise him to get a few vials of some single ester test like enth or cyp, and get some more deca so he can run it at a doseage fo 400mg weekly along side 500mg of test. You still have not stated what strength his gear is. Are the winny tabs 5mg, 10mg or 50mg? Is his deca 200mg, 250mg, or 300mg? Here's how I's structure the cycle...

    weeks 1-5: 125mg sust eod
    weeks 5-12: 250mg test e or c e3d
    weeks 1-10: 400mg deca ew
    weeks 9-14: 50mg winny ed
    weeks 15-19: PCT (nolva, clomid, ldex, clen)

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