Ok, I think I am getting my gear this weekend, but probaly wont start a cycle until school ends for the semester so I can make sure I get some good rest in there. Regardless, I can use the time I have to get more info on this… I am looking at doing a cycle of deca and sust, with a pct of Clomid. I just need a little guidance on the dosages, and if this should be a good cycle for me?
Me= 22 y/o 5,10” 190 18ish%bf, been working out on and off for 3 years. Been going at it hard for about 6 months now and have the time to keep going at it hard for along time to come.
From what I know I can expect around 30lbs of gain? How much of that will stay on me after the cycle with good rest, nutrition and workouts? Thanks for the help so far guys, this site has been a HUGE help.