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Thread: first cycle help.

  1. #1

    first cycle help.

    Ok, I think I am getting my gear this weekend, but probaly wont start a cycle until school ends for the semester so I can make sure I get some good rest in there. Regardless, I can use the time I have to get more info on this… I am looking at doing a cycle of deca and sust, with a pct of Clomid. I just need a little guidance on the dosages, and if this should be a good cycle for me?
    Me= 22 y/o 5,10” 190 18ish%bf, been working out on and off for 3 years. Been going at it hard for about 6 months now and have the time to keep going at it hard for along time to come.
    From what I know I can expect around 30lbs of gain? How much of that will stay on me after the cycle with good rest, nutrition and workouts? Thanks for the help so far guys, this site has been a HUGE help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Well I would like to see you workout naturally for a while longer first, I doubt you have came anywhere near your natural potential. Anywho I am sure you will go ahead anyway. If you have access to a single ester test rather than the sust you would be better served. The sustanon must be injected every day to gain the full benefit from it. A good dosage for beginners is 400-500mg/ week split in two shots each week for long estered tests. that alon with anti e's and pct would be fine for a first cycle. The deca isn't necessary, but If you do include it 300-400mg/ week again split twice per week would be fine for a first cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    over the hills & far away
    my advice to you would be:

    -workout naturally until you reach your genetic peak
    -drop some bodyfat first (i'd say below 14%)
    -take a single ester test such as enanthate or cypionate @ 4-500mg EW for about 12 weeks split into 2 shots a week, and maybe jumpstarted with 25 or 30mg of dbol for the first 4 weeks
    -make sure you have EVERYTHING you need BEFORE you start (nolvadex included)
    -30 lbs is attainable but i would shoot for the more reasonable 20lb range and if you go over that then cool...
    -pct is the most important part of a cycle IMO. <-- this will have the biggest impact on how much 'gains' you keep...along with eating, training, sleeping, yada yada yada...
    -i would not recommend deca in a first cycle

    this is just MY advice to YOU.....hope it helps

  4. #4
    Well, hopefully this cycle will work for me because its what I have access to right now. I will re-think this when the time comes in December to see if I want to cycle then or wait a little while longer. But until then I want to have as much knowledge under my belt as possible. If I can hold off I will, but that kind of boost is hard to turn down.

  5. #5
    Ok, regardless if I hold off for a while, is this still an all right cycle?

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