well i am very well researched, but my experience is limited to only one cycle which was prop at 350mg week and deca at 250mg a week and i ran both for three months and it is now 3 months since my last inject and i am planing on beginning the cycle i talked about in the above post in a couple of weeks. anyways i had no progesterone problems, also took letro winny and b6 for that cycle, and i gained 25lbs! which i kept all of after cycle and even actually gained an additional five pounds during pct but my body fat went up a little during pct so im sure that was just fat, but the weight i put on while on cycle was quality with no increase in body fat. i had no bloat problems i would believe due to the letro and the only side i experienced while on the cycle was some acne which i no longer get but used to have a problem with in high school. acne went away like 6 weeks after cycle wasnt too bad, im planning on being more prepared for the likely breakout on my next cycle so as to stop it before it does get bad. i can not compare the deca to other AAS other than what ive seen happen to my friends, and i would say that even with the low dosage, the nandrolone difinitely made that cycle. despite its negative side of total system shutdown, the positives i received from nandrolone, not to mention lack of androgenic sides, will make it an essential substance in my future cycles.
i too have read that NPP is more of a cutter (but still considered a bulker) where as deca is an obvious bulker, just like with test i would belive it is the long ester which is causing the bloat problems, so this cycle i decided i would switch the short ester test and long ester nandrolone around and throw in some eq to see what its all about

you know kinda kill two birds with one stone
and most importantly i really dont think the deca in my last cycle shut me down a whole lot more than i would have been shutdown without it and with all the anti progesterone substances i had that aspect also definitely taken care of
the exacts of my next cycle are:
Weeks 1-12 cyp 400mg/week
Weeks 1-12 eq 480mg/week
Weeks 9-14 NPP 350mg/week
Weeks 11-15 winny 350mg/week
should be sweet