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Thread: Deca Before Test

  1. #1

    Exclamation Deca Before Test

    I paln on starting my deca @250mg for 8 weeks. I want to start it 2 weeks before my test e @500mg for 12 weeks and then my PCT for 2 weeks 2 weeks after my last injection of test. Is there any thing wrong with this. My major concern is Deca Dick. i'm going to be taking Letro @1.25 EOD to prevent water retention. please let me know if i should have any other concerns.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    u should start all @ once

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Yes start all at once, why do you want to start Deca two weeks earlier than the Test, it makes so sense to do that

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Yes start all at once, why do you want to start Deca two weeks earlier than the Test, it makes so sense to do that
    Well i don't get my Test For another weeks or so

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dsosa51
    Well i don't get my Test For another weeks or so
    Bro that is a shit reason for not doing a cycle properly. Wait till you have everything and then start

  6. #6
    Thanks man i think i'll wait and do it right

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    5'9" 200 lbs
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Bro that is a shit reason for not doing a cycle properly. Wait till you have everything and then start
    LMAO and......Agreed

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I keep hearing about how to never take deca alone, how people get deca dick and all thee bad things about it....yet i've taken deca alone before in small amounts alone and gained 15 lbs solid. I just finished taking 10 shots of deca 300 and gained another 15 lbs and finally broke through my bench plateau of 475. My dick has been working beautifully throughout the whole thing, even now still horny ass hell, then again i'm a natural sex addict...but I think the deca dick thing is depending on each person. I don't think theres a need to pile too much sh!t into your body at once anyways as I think it will really shut you down bad. It's just an opinion and personal experience , I know i'll probably get some heat for saying that but it's all good...some should try to see what works for them before going all out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Playboy305
    I keep hearing about how to never take deca alone, how people get deca dick and all thee bad things about it....yet i've taken deca alone before in small amounts alone and gained 15 lbs solid. I just finished taking 10 shots of deca 300 and gained another 15 lbs and finally broke through my bench plateau of 475. My dick has been working beautifully throughout the whole thing, even now still horny ass hell, then again i'm a natural sex addict...but I think the deca dick thing is depending on each person. I don't think theres a need to pile too much sh!t into your body at once anyways as I think it will really shut you down bad. It's just an opinion and personal experience , I know i'll probably get some heat for saying that but it's all good...some should try to see what works for them before going all out.
    Absolutely correct my boy. A lot of people here just regurgitate what they hear other people say. You wont know if its true unless you actually try it yourself. You know from others thats there is a probablity of Deca Dick but not a 100% one, if you are willing to experiment then go for it as long as you aware of the potential sides.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    over the hills & far away
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Absolutely correct my boy. A lot of people here just regurgitate what they hear other people say. You wont know if its true unless you actually try it yourself. You know from others thats there is a probablity of Deca Dick but not a 100% one, if you are willing to experiment then go for it as long as you aware of the potential sides.
    i don't think deca would be my first drug of choice to be doing this self-experimentation..... agreed that drugs affect everyone differently, deca dick seems to be very common for people such as myself who have taken it alone. JMHO

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