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Thread: bromocriptine question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    bromocriptine question

    Is there any dangerous side effects with Bromocriptine, and do i need to cycle off of Bromocriptine, also when I stop use of Bromo, are the and spikes in my progestin levels, or do they return to normal?

    I will be taking 2.5mg everyday for 9 weeks along with b-6 at 200mg e/d for 9 weeks to fight the progestin from my test/tren cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    i wouldn;t run the bromo with my cycle the B6 should be suffiecient but if you were to notice any progest sides then hop on the bromo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    thnx! Will follow the advise...............besides gyno, what else should i watch out for with progestin.............also iuncase if i have to use Bromo, what are some of the potential side effects, and does it spike your progestinlevels after discontinuation

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    progestin related gyno i belive is characterized by leaking nipples.... in which cause the o shit button kicks on and you hop on bromo. Somewhere there is a bromo profile (think in the AS profile area) which will outline most of what you wantto know.
    if really worried try using ldex also which will decrease estrogen levels and i belive the combo of the two is what mainly causes symptoms. i dont remember all the mechanichs behind it so check out the profile page

  5. #5
    no that is Prolactin related gyno, not progesterone.
    Bromo works for prolactin, not progesterone.

    In answer to your question, there are some bad side effects with bromo the worst of which are phsychological, and difficult to change once they hit (I am in medicine btw). I would go with cabergoline instead, much better choice for reducing prolactin levels while keeping sides to a minimum.

    However I would ALSO run Letro here as well to block progesterone. Winstrol also helps with this as well a little.

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