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Thread: First Cycle! Final Touches... Please Advise!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Lisbon, Portugal

    First Cycle! Final Touches... Please Advise!

    I only Have 8 weeks to cycle as I have to be be back on the court mid January 2006

    8 Week Cycle:

    . Test Cypinate 400mg Weekly (x8)

    . Deca 500mg Weekly (x8)

    . Avanar 30mg Daily for Initial 4 weeks

    PCT 3/4 weeks

    . Novaldex

    . Clomid

    During cycle:

    . Protein shakes 3 per day
    . B12 Blast (How much?)
    . B5 4 grams daily
    . Milk Thisle
    . Amino Acids (how much?)

    Please all advice is welcome. Product choice/Duration/Intake

    Thank you ahead for your time.

    I am currently 10 weeks Pos-Op from a shoulder operation. Micro surgery to my right rotator cuff (SLAP injury) very slight tear. And am hoping to speed up my recovery and build the necessary muscle mass around my shoulder (mainly) to sustain the shoulder rotation during my serving action to prevent a re-current injury.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Ontario
    Personally I wouldnt be using any gear this soon after your op. If anything, you'll be putting yourself at more risk for injury if it's still in the healing process.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Thats a big cycle for a first one! Why not just Test?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    My Operation was the 31st of August and I plan to start end of this month.
    I have done all my reabilitation and have been at full range of motion for about 3 weeks now.

    The injury is recovered and am now strengthening the shoulder (past 3 weeks) so that it may support the racket movement.

    I am doing this to inhance my muscle building primarily and to re-gain the muscle I had before (and some hopefully)

    I was also hoping the Deca would help with the Lubrification of the shoulder while exercising!

    Please let me know... I dont want to put my shoulder at any added risks.


  5. #5
    increase the test to 500 mg. Drop the deca to 400mg at most. Most people will tell you run the test for at least 12 weeks

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The point of no return.
    Personally, I think doing a cycle so soon after your operation is a bad idea. I'd give it a year to fully heal and strengthen on its own.

    Secondly, that cycle is not the best. I'd suggest researching some more. By the time your shoulder is ready you will have the knowledge to do a proper first cycle.

  7. #7
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    Bumpin Eggz and EJ, AAS is very hard on the connective tissues, even deca. You may have had a slight injury before that could very easily become a serious injury with AAS use. You need to have actively been in the weight room for a couple years naturally IMO just to have your tendons strong enough to take the stress.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    Thanks eGGZ for the advice.

    The surgeon said I would be back on the court begging of January close to 100%.
    He has said said the tear was very small and the Tendon repair is done.
    The problem is now that my shoulder has to be "Up to par", meaning that for me to feel 100% on the court I would need the correct muscle mass to support the shoulder (Back, chest, shoulder). My injury was from as the surgeon described it "Wear and Tear" due to a lack to weight trainning from my part to sustain the shoulder rotation (200+ km/h serve).

    My goal with this cycle (or another you may reccomend) is to aid towards building the correct muscle mass faster. I am not looking necessarily to build mass but to allow myself to work out more often thus speeding up the process.

    The Deca I have read has many properties that will aid in joint and in cases tendon recovery. I have scheduled matches starting Feb 15th of next year and I want be as able as possible.

    Once again thank you for your time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Lisbon, Portugal

    Any Reccomendations?

  10. #10
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    I listed mine above. It apparently isn't what you want to hear, but steroids cause the muscle to grow so fast it will overpower your tendons/ligaments and you small tear could go big time. Proper weight training for one year or more will strenthen the connective tissues in you body to handle the stresses that AAS workouts can produce.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Listen to what everyone is saying. Your proposed cycle is not long enough. Deca should be run at least 10 weeks (it takes 4/5 weeks for it to kick in). You want to make sure your Deca is at least 100mg lower than your test and you want to run it a week less than your test.

    Do a cycle correctly, or don't do it at all. You won't be happy.



  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    OK. Thanks for the advice.

    I was looking to speed up the recovery.

    Before I do start my on court trainning in January I will need to build a certain amount of muscle.

    Any reccomendations on supplements I could take the help with my weight trainning? None Anabolic that is!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by TENNISADD2005
    OK. Thanks for the advice.

    I was looking to speed up the recovery.

    Before I do start my on court trainning in January I will need to build a certain amount of muscle.

    Any reccomendations on supplements I could take the help with my weight trainning? None Anabolic that is!
    Creatine and Glutamine, along with a good source of whey protein.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Northern California
    Putting the finishing touches on your first cycle?
    IMO you need to start over again from the ground up.

    Too many compounds for a first cycle.
    All around your doses need to be adjusted anyway.

    It's your first cycle. This will be the best. I don't think this cycle will be too efficient if you are trying to use it to recover from injury. Also this can lead to further injury of a very delicate rotator cuff.

    Recovery takes time, and you are trying to rush a cycle.
    I would wait until I had plenty of time to do a proper cycle.

    My proposed cycle for you at this time?
    I just don't see a valid reason for AAS in your current state.

    I think lots of rest, good nutrition, and light work would be the best at this point.
    Good luck bro!
    Last edited by Reprisal 6; 11-09-2005 at 03:36 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    High protein diet, creatine, joint supplement, and a good multivitamin is what you should use, and slide into the weights easy, buitlding strength slow but steady so your tendons match the pace of your muscle growth.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    I guess I was too anxious... Hard being away from the courts.

    So a High protein diet, creatine, joint supplement, and a good multivitamin is all I need.

    I have added about 14 pounds of fat during the last 11 weeks Pos-op... any reccomendations towards "cutting"/weight loss?

    Also... I have recently begun taking Ritalin LA 30mg on a daily basis (ADHD) and it has helped me a lot with my concentration and work ethic.
    I am very aware than Ritalin works as a diurectic therefore dehydrates the body.
    I asked my PC many times if the Ritalin could have been the cause of my injury (Initial Ritalin use and 1st Injury sysmptoms around same date)
    I know that dehydrated my tendons would be therefore stiffer and more prone to injury.
    I have now started to take Sodium/Potassium packets in the morning as well as Isotonic drinks @ Electrolites before and during practice.
    I still find it very hard to retain liquid though and find myself going through 4 t shirts per practice (not pretty site). Any reccomendations to counter the dehydration caused by the Ritalin?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    n cali
    TEST ONLY sounds good to me 400mg/wk Just so you can see how your body reacts to it. Dont worry dude even with just test your going to blow up and feel great

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironmanjay
    TEST ONLY sounds good to me 400mg/wk Just so you can see how your body reacts to it. Dont worry dude even with just test your going to blow up and feel great

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Lisbon, Portugal

    ""Also... I have recently begun taking Ritalin LA 30mg on a daily basis (ADHD) and it has helped me a lot with my concentration and work ethic.
    I am very aware than Ritalin works as a diurectic therefore dehydrates the body.
    I asked my PC many times if the Ritalin could have been the cause of my injury (Initial Ritalin use and 1st Injury sysmptoms around same date)
    I know that dehydrated my tendons would be therefore stiffer and more prone to injury.
    I have now started to take Sodium/Potassium packets in the morning as well as Isotonic drinks @ Electrolites before and during practice.
    I still find it very hard to retain liquid though and find myself going through 4 t shirts per practice (not pretty site). Any reccomendations to counter the dehydration caused by the Ritalin?""

    Any reccomendations here?

  20. #20
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    Sorry bro, I have no knowledge of how to deal with that issue, but I am sure someone hear can give you some input.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    Personally I wouldnt be using any gear this soon after your op. If anything, you'll be putting yourself at more risk for injury if it's still in the healing process.
    I def. think the need to rush and break up again! don'tcha think so

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Lisbon, Portugal


    Yeah I guess not! Definitly in a couple months though :-) Hell yeaH.. LoL !!

    Thanks for all the advise guys

    Any advise on cutting? Weight loss? Got about 15 to Loose to get back to 8%

  23. #23
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    Just pulled my head out, the creatine will help you retain water a bit, at least it always does for me. As far as cutting b/f that is IMO a function of diet/cardio-which you should be good at anyhow for tennis. But if you have diet questions there is gobs of info in the diet forum.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    When I said a couple I meant more like 7 months or so...

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up

    Thanks Shortie....

    CREATINE it is then

    Amino Acids
    Joint supplement

    Sound good?

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Good luck, hope you heal fast bro-

  27. #27
    ok bro,

    test - 500
    deca- either 300 or 400

    run the test for 12 weeks and the deca for 10, if you need a good pct let me know.

    Amino Acids would be covered with centrum vits, 1 a day is fine.

  28. #28
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    The article above is what got my attention initially... Got me thinking!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by JerzeyBoy
    ok bro,

    test - 500
    deca- either 300 or 400

    run the test for 12 weeks and the deca for 10, if you need a good pct let me know.

    Amino Acids would be covered with centrum vits, 1 a day is fine.
    WTF? Do not listen to this man-he obviously didn't read your whole post!

  30. #30
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    Deca, as I understand it is good for the joints due to it's progesterone effects on connective tissue. But as stated, it's not the solution you seek due to the nature of your problem.

  31. #31
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    I hear ya! I just wanted you to know where I was coming from!

    I'll set up a good diet and 8 week weight program with the creatine, protein (..) and let you know how it goes

    I am thinking May for my 1st cycle... You'll be the 1st to know when I decide to make that move

    Going to ease into the shoulder slowly and hopefully I will back on the court by January

    Thanks a Bunch Bro!

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Lisbon, Portugal
    Optimum 100% Whey Protein, 5 Lbs, Gold Standard (x2)
    NO-Xplode (x2)
    GL3 L-Glutamine

    Pantothenic Acid, 250 Capsules
    Liquid B-12, 8 Fl Oz, Natural Fruit
    Optimum Amino 2222 Softgels, 300 Softgels

    How does this Look? Ordered them Today to bring overseas

    I am an ADULT! Well 22... (My mother says I am very mature for my age... !! HaHa)

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Joint Boost With MSM

    Just added a couple of these to my "cart" thanks to Mr Doc.sust.

    My shoulder is going to be 100% in no time Hell yeahhhhh...

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    5'9" 200 lbs
    Wish you good luck dude, may the Test be w/ you..........

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TENNISADD2005
    I only Have 8 weeks to cycle as I have to be be back on the court mid January 2006

    8 Week Cycle:

    . Test Cypinate 400mg Weekly (x8)

    . Deca 500mg Weekly (x8)

    . Avanar 30mg Daily for Initial 4 weeks

    PCT 3/4 weeks

    . Novaldex

    . Clomid

    During cycle:

    . Protein shakes 3 per day
    . B12 Blast (How much?)
    . B5 4 grams daily
    . Milk Thisle
    . Amino Acids (how much?)

    Please all advice is welcome. Product choice/Duration/Intake

    Thank you ahead for your time.

    I am currently 10 weeks Pos-Op from a shoulder operation. Micro surgery to my right rotator cuff (SLAP injury) very slight tear. And am hoping to speed up my recovery and build the necessary muscle mass around my shoulder (mainly) to sustain the shoulder rotation during my serving action to prevent a re-current injury.

    if you play sports i would get into HGH, winny, anavar, and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate.

    If i were you i would start HGH

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    you know Canas just got caught for steroids. Deca stays in your for something like 18 months.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Lisbon, Portugal



    Canas got caught 12 months ago with a Diurectic in his system not Steroids (Diurectic to hide the steroid... probably... yet... will never know )

    Mariano got caught... or L'Agence french newspaper states he has gotten caught... also not with Steroids but a Diurectic!

    And as I stated above I have ADD therefore I am permitted to take Ritalin.....

    .... Ritalin is a Diurectic....

    But Yes you are right... Deca is the one steroid that cannot be "masked" or hidden (from what I have read) but the Argentine Guys (Puerta & Canas) are on another Anabolic product... not Deca

    I need to find a good profile picture................

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