Im 9 days into my cycle of:
Test Prop, 50mg ED
T3 25/25/25/50/50/50/75/75/75/100/100/100/75/75/....etc
Clen /20/20/40/40/60/60/80/80/100/100/120/120/100/...etc
Letro 25mg ED
This is what i've been exeriancing.
Constant site swelling, I cant even sit without some discomfort, I hear that was supposed to go away after about a week.
Also I've been feeling really weak/sleepy all the time shouldnt the clen and T3 have me all wired??
I must say I have been getting some results from this so far, after only one week my BF has noticiably gone down. Also I have a noticable increase of strength (from when i wasnt juicin)
Im still doing alright on the cycle. I just dont understand why im always soo tired. I make sure i get atleast 8 hours of sleep a night. but still im always exausted at the end of everyday (even non-gym days) Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what i can do to boost my energy level.
I should also say this is my first cycle. Im 22, 200lb 6ft