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Thread: npp/teste/winny

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    in your beezy's vagina

    Question npp/teste/winny

    How does this cycle look

    weeks 1-8 Test E 350mg
    weeks 3-9 NPP 300 mg
    weeks 6-10 Oral winny 350mg (50 mg a day )

    Hows that look? i know 15 days after last inject of test e to start pct and 36 hours after last winny pill, but exactly how long should i wait after last NPP injection for pct? ive heard the halflife is 4-5 days and would injections of NPP every 3.5 days in the same syringe with the test e be suitable for stable blood levels? or should i do them more often?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    Half life calculations look right to me for PCT times. You should inject NPP eod IMO.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i think u should increase ur test dose a little

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I'd run it 10 week, since you are using test e, if you want to keep it at 8 use prop, but run the npp and prop from the start, even if you stay with test e, run the npp from the start.

    If you go prop/npp/winny run the winny one week passed the npp/prop and start PCT the day after last winny dose.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    in your beezy's vagina
    ok so if i used prop instead of test e since it is only a two and a half month cycle how does this look then: ( the doses have also been upped a little for test and NPP )

    Weeks 1-9 prop 65mg/ed = 455mg/week
    Weeks 1-9 Npp 130mg/eod= 455mg/week
    Weeks 6-10 Winny 50mg/ed=350mg/week

    - pct starts week 11 -

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by leansauce
    ok so if i used prop instead of test e since it is only a two and a half month cycle how does this look then: ( the doses have also been upped a little for test and NPP )

    Weeks 1-9 prop 65mg/ed = 455mg/week
    Weeks 1-9 Npp 130mg/eod= 455mg/week
    Weeks 6-10 Winny 50mg/ed=350mg/week

    - pct starts week 11 -
    assuming you are getting prop dosed at 100mgs/ml why not 150mgs eod or 75mgs ed? same with the NPP>

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by leansauce
    ok so if i used prop instead of test e since it is only a two and a half month cycle how does this look then: ( the doses have also been upped a little for test and NPP )

    Weeks 1-9 prop 65mg/ed = 455mg/week
    Weeks 1-9 Npp 130mg/eod= 455mg/week
    Weeks 6-10 Winny 50mg/ed=350mg/week

    - pct starts week 11 -
    Bro you can do the prop eod and that look fine


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    in your beezy's vagina
    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    assuming you are getting prop dosed at 100mgs/ml why not 150mgs eod or 75mgs ed? same with the NPP>
    your right with your assumption of 100mg/ml, the reason why im running 65mg/ed instead of 75mg is i have no problem working out the math and the measurements for a more odd number and i do not think the higher dose is necessary for me considering my last cycle of prop was only 50mg/ed. and this will give me about an extra week and a half to my cycle
    im shooting the prop everyday because on my last cycle i started with eod and started experiencing some acne oily skin and mood swings then switched to ed and i think my blood levels became more stable cus the sides went away for the most part. from what ive read it is totally unnecessary to shoot NPP ed so im just going to mix it with the prop eod. im hoping that even stopping the NPP a week before i stop winny the 5 day half life will keep my joints "lubed up" to avoid the drying out from the winny
    im dosing the NPP equal to the prop because i get soo sexually out of control off of prop i dont think that any amount of nandrolone i take while on prop unless a ludicrous amount will cause me any problems
    correct me if you think im wrong for not thiking that the winny will still dry my joints up even if im running the NPP as long as i can until pct since that is probably the main turn on plus the high anabolic low androgenic nature of the nandrolone compound fits into my cycle which i purposely am trying to stay away from harsh androgens, test being the highest out of these three compounds due to the oily skin i get from taking androgens such as dbol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    in your beezy's vagina
    update finalized cycle!!

    made a couple changes added some eq this is what my cycle is gonna be!

    Week 1 test cyp 750mg and eq 900mg
    Weeks 2-12 test cyp 375mg/week
    Weeks 2-12 Eq 450mg/week
    Weeks 9-14 NPP 350mg/week
    Weeks 11-15Winny 50mg/ed

    Pct starts week 16 same as above otherwise

    HCG weeks 7-9 and 13-15 200 iu eod
    Letro weeks -2 – 15 .5mg tapered to .25 last week
    Nolva weeks 16-19 20mg ed tapered to eod week 19
    Clomid weeks 16-17 100mg/ed first four days 50mg/ed last ten days

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