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Thread: the low down

  1. #1
    a&fbaseball is offline New Member
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    the low down

    hey whats up everyone im new to tha site well im on my third cycle but this one i want to see yield results that are spoken about not necessarily ive seen. ive been able to get strength but showing it has been different. i diet well i just dont think ive found my right stack for what im looking for. ive bought 20 cc's of tren and 20 cc's with test ethanate. i chose ethanate over prop because im not to inclined with doing eod cuz i already gotta do it for the tren. also for the pct ive bought clen , clomid, and nolvadex . ive ran a cycle of test cyp, a cycle of tren and winny (but only had 10cc's of winny) didnt do that one right was in college and had problems getting it my first was just equipoise . my cycle this time goes as follows. 200mg of tren wk 1-4 then 4-8 goes to 300mg then test is 250mg wk-1-4 then 4-8 runnin 500 mg of test ethanate. then nolvadex 20mg ed wk 1-8 then clomid wk 5-8 ed @ 200 mg tappering down to 50mg with 10 days left so if anyone has any advice or info i would appreciate it.

  2. #2
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by a&fbaseball
    my cycle this time goes as follows. 200mg of tren wk 1-4 then 4-8 goes to 300mg then test is 250mg wk-1-4 then 4-8 runnin 500 mg of test ethanate. then nolvadex 20mg ed wk 1-8 then clomid wk 5-8 ed @ 200 mg tappering down to 50mg with 10 days left so if anyone has any advice or info i would appreciate it.
    I don't like your cycle already...No flame, I just think it's poorly outlined. What exactly are you goals? If you "think" you diet well, chances are you propbably don't. Again, no flame, but diet is numero uno when it comes to packing on the mass. You can take the best AAS/GH/slin/LR3-IGF-1 cycle and it won't do much if your diet isin't properly structured. Diet aside, here's how I'd lay out this paticular cycle...

    weeks 1-10: 500mg test e (250mg mon. and 250mg thurs.)
    weeks 1-8: 150mg tren eod or 75mg tren ed (however, a lot of cat's are sensitive to tren. Maybe you should start at 50mg ed or like you stated, 100mg eod. ED shots with tren will yield less sides, IMO.
    weeks 12-13: 20mg nolva, .25mg ldex, 100mg clomid, 200mg B6
    weeks 13-16: 20mg nolva, .25mg ldex, 50mg clomid, 200mg B6

    Here's the reasons I structured it differently...
    1) Pyramiding you test dose up won't do much for you. Run 500mg from the begining. (you will need more test e)
    2) Tren really won't kick in until about week 3, so if you cut it at week 4, you'd be selling yourself short of some kick ass strength gains. (you will need more tren, also)
    3) Test E takes a few weeks to get things moving inside of you, running it for 8 weeks just isin't enough. IMHO, 10 weeks minimum for all long estered AAS.

    Hope this helped ya out a bit. I must stress that you wait to begin your cycle until yopu have everything you will need, PCT included.

  3. #3
    a&fbaseball is offline New Member
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    Thanks man. well my diet i would say is pretty good it consist of only complex carbs, nothing refined and high protein 2 gms per lb of lean mass and 2 gms of carbs per lb of lean mass also alot of fruit and vegtables along with a multi-vitamin and milk thistle. my only question is that since running test the chance for gyno significantly goes up through my research it seems logical to take nolvadex at the beginning to eliminate chance for gyno. also that makes sense since ethanate is a long chain ester versus prop or cyp are short chain. so then i would need 25 cc's of test i.e. 3 vials. i forgot to mention about wanting to include clen as well. my purpose for this is solely to be able to consume the 2k to 2500 cal i would be taking and also to be able to get some definition. im trying to achieve a lean mass look and have read profiles and stacks and felt the test/tren is the way to go.

  4. #4
    a&fbaseball is offline New Member
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    im trying to go for the whole van dam blood sport look ha ha.

  5. #5
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by a&fbaseball
    Thanks man. well my diet i would say is pretty good it consist of only complex carbs, nothing refined and high protein 2 gms per lb of lean mass and 2 gms of carbs per lb of lean mass also alot of fruit and vegtables along with a multi-vitamin and milk thistle. my only question is that since running test the chance for gyno significantly goes up through my research it seems logical to take nolvadex at the beginning to eliminate chance for gyno. also that makes sense since ethanate is a long chain ester versus prop or cyp are short chain. so then i would need 25 cc's of test i.e. 3 vials. i forgot to mention about wanting to include clen as well. my purpose for this is solely to be able to consume the 2k to 2500 cal i would be taking and also to be able to get some definition. im trying to achieve a lean mass look and have read profiles and stacks and felt the test/tren is the way to go.
    Do you ahve issues eating 2000 cals a day? I know this dosen't go here, but would you post your daily diet. I have a hard time believing someone who has issues eating 2000 to 2500 cals a day would have a "pretty good" diet. No flame man, but damn, I need almost 2000 cals just to sit on my ass and play with myslef. As for the clen I'd run it throughout the entire cycle and PCT to help reatain gains. Test/tren is a good cycle, prop/tren is a better cycle, IMO. Definition is achieved through cardio and proper dieting. I'd check out the diet forums. They've got a ton of usefull info there.

  6. #6
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    2500 cals is'nt much and mostlikely not enough.
    check out the diet forum to fine tune your eating habits.


  7. #7
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    2500 cals is'nt much and mostlikely not enough.
    check out the diet forum to fine tune your eating habits.

    My thoughts exactly. ...Damn bro, looking swole in that avatar

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