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Thread: new guy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    new guy

    hey everyone love this site ive been following it for awhile. ive been lifting through highschool and a few years into college now off and on with somewhat limited success. Im 21 years old 6'3 185 lbs now after taking a sorta half ass test and anabar cycle a couple of semesters ago in wich i gained 10-15 pounds from some tool who didnt really know what we were doing but acted like it, ive learned alot on this site. Im the classic skinny guy that cant gain weight, that 15 is all really ive been able to gain sense i was a freshman in highschool. I got some protein some whey and creatine and been hitting the weights hard for the last year and a half to two years and really want to do a better educated cycle. I want to do a 10 week enanthate/deca cycle with nova and followd by chlomide. this sound like a good idea? i want to do somthing basic. i was going to try to eat like 4000 callories a day and would look a lot better at like 200-215. Please give any advice you would like. Hopefully i can chat it up with you fellas abit and learn a thing or too also i need to learn the basics about finding a source for these items. After reading advice ive kinda come to this contradictory conclusion- you can get a source by getting to know vets and emailing or pming but also that you cant or shouldnt?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    you probley dont need 4000 calories. id say closer to 3500. i wouldnt do deca either. run a simple test e and eq cycle 500mg test per week and 400mg eq per week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    u wld probably be best served by staying natty for awhile and learning to eat and train right before u add any gear to the mix... u are going to need to be able to do both those things anyway if u are going to get the most out of a cycle... that being said.... if u were going to do a cycle test and deca for 10 weeks isn't that good an idea. that;s to short for deca imo... u wld be better off just running test e or c for 12 weeks by itself at 500mg a week...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    eq will help give you a hella appetite. i eat every 2 1/2 hours, i couldnt of done that without eq, but top is right, you will get good gains just off test.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Northern California
    1 to 2 years isn't that long to be training.
    You don't need steroids yet.
    Hard gainer?
    more discipline to your diet and plenty of rest.
    Should do the trick
    If you don't know how to grow without steroids, you wont gain much on them. Then you will lose everything when you come off

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Do not buy steroids from anyone on this site or sources given to you from anyone.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    what are the benefits of EQ and test rather then deca and test?

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