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Thread: Tired of being SICK!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Tired of being SICK!

    I've got all my gear, all my pins and I'm all set. My REAL problem now, I seem to be getting sick lately. It probably has to do with the cold weather, but it pisses me off when I tell myself I'm going to inject tomorrow night, cross over into "The Dark Side" and post about how things went.... and I wake up with a f*cking cold!! I've heard eating fruit helps, and I feel I'm taking in adaquet water, it's probably just the fruit I've been laying off for the past couple weeks.

    In all honesty I've gotten 3 colds in the past month, and they were just the 2-3 day runny nose and stuffy head-colds, but they hit hard enough to keep you out of the gym. You know what I'm talking about, the "walking in the cold w/o a jacket" type of cold.

    Now I know this isn't the "Disease Section" but could a couple bros help me out on this? I plan to keep an extensive log and I personally feel I have the genetics to go far. I LOVE training and bodybuilding (as do 99% of you I'm sure) but it's really hard on you when half of your week is spent in bed and not the gym! Any ideas at all guys? Eat more fruit? More juice? I remember there was a vitamin you could buy that supposedly helps fight colds and helps the immune system, but what are other ways of keeping your immune system TOP notch?? Any ideas at all would help! Thanks for any advice and supplement tips from anyone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I can sympathize with your situation. I used to experience the exact same thing. A few years ago, I did some research and came up with the following information:
    1. Intense workouts deplete your body of glutamine. Glutamine is a key component in immune system function. If not doing already, add 10 mg L-Glutamine right before bed time, and 10 mg upon waking (minimum).

    2. Liver health is extremely important. Cleanse it! Milk Thistle is good, but not enough. Try the liver cleanse. It's not pleasant, but it works!


    3. Booze. Try to limit intake (absolutely no binge drinking), or better yet, give it up entirely. Booze not only promotes aromtization of test to estrogen, it also adversely affects liver function and resulting immunity.

    4. Alkalization. Lactic acid raises serum pH, which through various mechanisms, raises histamines (substances that produce allergy-like symptoms which put stress on the immune system) Use an alkalizing agent before bed. 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in half glass of water. You can also use a mixture 2:1 of sodium and potassium bicarbonate.. this is healthier, lower sodium. And, of course, don't use the store bought "baking soda" for this. These contain toxins like benzene. Get it at your pharmacy.. you'll need a prescription from doc. Isn't the world crazy? You need a prescription for friggin' clean (non-toxic) baking soda these days. You don't need one for the toxic ones. Go figgur.

    Hope some of these ideas help. They did for me!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    I'm not in the medical field.But I can tell you that you need to be in good health while running a cycle.Anabolics do lower your immune system,so it is much easier to get sick on cycles.
    I always get sick at the end of Prop/Fina cycles.It's just something I know to expect when the cycle winds down.Although I don't get colds on cycles that involve drugs that aren't quite as harsh.So go figure....


  5. #5
    hey bro ill be glad to help. the past 2 months i started injecting b-12 shots 1ml eod & taking my usual multi vitamins (source of life, brand), it has everything in it, + some b-6@ 250mgs. i have to tell u that i have never felt better, more alert, awake, energized & i havn't gotten sick since i started b-12 shots, heck, i havn't been sick for about 8 months. but i know the b-12 has alot to do w/ me feeling good. also try not to go in & out of the house w/ this cold weather w/ short sleevs, from the gym after sweating always where a sweater coming out, & get alot of rest so ur body doesn't get drained (i sound like my grandmother, god bless her). hope this helps bro & dont start a cycle until u r 100% after a week of feeling better.
    Last edited by BOBBY D; 11-15-2005 at 02:55 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I just recently got sick. My gf gave it to me. She had it 3 days prior to when i had it. And i was over it 2 days before her. I had tons and tons of glutamine... she had none.

    I usually have a hard time getting over colds but i only had this one for about 3 days tops. But the glutamine seemed to help alot.

    Rest as much as possible. And stay outta the gym. your body is already trying hard to fight off cold...last thing it needs is to repair muscle too.

  7. #7
    If its just a headcold (nothing wrong with ur body, cough, chest pain, aching body etc) keep goin to the gym...i remember seeing this somewhere that as long as the cold is centralized in the head u SHOULD keep exercising. But if its down into your body u should relax. Iv heard a drug called "cold-fx" helps but iv never tried it (but i believe u take this after you get the cold). I think the b-12 shots, a GOOD multivit, glutimine, and vit C should do u good. Personally i load up on vit C and zinc when i feel a cold coming on (along with a multivit). Hope that helps.

  8. #8
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    Sep 2005
    Wow... amazing information guys! This really helps a lot! As soon as I'm done typing this, I'm downing some glutamine, a COUPLE multi-vitamins and some Vitamin C. Thanks for everything so far and all your support. Knowing that other people are going/have been through shit type of thing before also calms me down and gives me hope.

    ANY more posts will be appreciated, but I think I have a decent amount of information so far. A couple quick questions for you, see if you know anything about any of these:

    *When you say wear a jacket, do you just need something to keep the warmth in? Or are you talking about a thick enough jacket so that you're sweating and hot even outside?

    *Can you OVERDOSE on any of the vitamins mentioned? Since I'm sick, I'd think a little extra supplementation would help. What do you guys think?

    *Lastly, I talked about fruits and juices in my first post. What role do these play in preventing and fighting off colds? I'm not concerned about fructose at the moment, just getting rid of this cold and getting HUGE on my coming up winter bulker!!

    Thanks for EVERYTHING and any other answers to those questions.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    Wow... amazing information guys! This really helps a lot! As soon as I'm done typing this, I'm downing some glutamine, a COUPLE multi-vitamins and some Vitamin C. Thanks for everything so far and all your support. Knowing that other people are going/have been through shit type of thing before also calms me down and gives me hope.

    ANY more posts will be appreciated, but I think I have a decent amount of information so far. A couple quick questions for you, see if you know anything about any of these:

    *When you say wear a jacket, do you just need something to keep the warmth in? Or are you talking about a thick enough jacket so that you're sweating and hot even outside?

    *Can you OVERDOSE on any of the vitamins mentioned? Since I'm sick, I'd think a little extra supplementation would help. What do you guys think?

    *Lastly, I talked about fruits and juices in my first post. What role do these play in preventing and fighting off colds? I'm not concerned about fructose at the moment, just getting rid of this cold and getting HUGE on my coming up winter bulker!!

    Thanks for EVERYTHING and any other answers to those questions.
    Vitamin C is water soluble. No. But, unless you're low already, a megadose will not improve immunity in the short term. Also, Vitamin C if taken in high doses (over a few grams per day) can lower serum pH, again, causing problems, even kidney stones if used over long periods in this manner. Keep dosage below 1 gram per day.

    Are you not taking a good multivitamin already? Hope so. That along with Liver tabs are excellent sources of B vitamins and other liver friendly enzymes.

    Glutathione. Whey protein. Selenium, NAC (n-acetyl-1-cysteine) Good source of glutathione. Great for immune system.

    EFAs, especially ALA from Flax Seed Oil. It will do you wonders. Trust me.

    Juices. Leave them unless you want to get fat. Juice is low in nutrition, high in simple carbs, and nutrient poor. Fruits in moderation. Malic acid in apples is great, so eat some fresh apples. Kiwis and frozen berries (blueberries, etc.) great choices.

    I highly suggest the liver cleanse program, or a chelation therapy de-tox.

    Lastly, if you feel sick, stay out of the gym. Intense training lowers immunity. Get rest, get on with targetting immunity just as much as you focus on the training'll get better faster.. and ready to become a gym maniac, no worries.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    I never liked the term flu season. There are actually more germs around in the summer, since it's hot. The problem is the cold weather and going from a hot building to a sudden outside temp drop is a big shock to your immune system. Also, more ppl stay inside during the winter and more people means more disease.

    If you are sick, the last thing you should do is shoot up some test since this will further suppress your immune system. If you always dress warmly and keep your house cooler (to be more like outside temp) you shouldnt get sick.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by Phlax
    Vitamin C is water soluble. No. But, unless you're low already, a megadose will not improve immunity in the short term. Also, Vitamin C if taken in high doses (over a few grams per day) can lower serum pH, again, causing problems, even kidney stones if used over long periods in this manner. Keep dosage below 1 gram per day.

    Are you not taking a good multivitamin already? Hope so. That along with Liver tabs are excellent sources of B vitamins and other liver friendly enzymes.

    Glutathione. Whey protein. Selenium, NAC (n-acetyl-1-cysteine) Good source of glutathione. Great for immune system.

    EFAs, especially ALA from Flax Seed Oil. It will do you wonders. Trust me.

    Juices. Leave them unless you want to get fat. Juice is low in nutrition, high in simple carbs, and nutrient poor. Fruits in moderation. Malic acid in apples is great, so eat some fresh apples. Kiwis and frozen berries (blueberries, etc.) great choices.

    I highly suggest the liver cleanse program, or a chelation therapy de-tox.

    Lastly, if you feel sick, stay out of the gym. Intense training lowers immunity. Get rest, get on with targetting immunity just as much as you focus on the training'll get better faster.. and ready to become a gym maniac, no worries.
    My doctor even told me to avoid juice and just eat the whole fruit instead. I still take back some of the "low carb" (diabetic sweetner instead of sugar) cranberry juice to help out the kidneys.

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