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Thread: Hcg

  1. #1
    starbuilder is offline New Member
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    iam in the miggel of my stack ,,,,i have 3 amps of suss left them iam going to use a 3o ml bottel of v ,,,,,,, but when should i use the HGC,,,,,,,, i hate having small BALL <<<<


  2. #2
    Rukkus's Avatar
    Rukkus is offline Junior Member
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    i would start it a two weeks before the end of your cycle. and one week after.

  3. #3
    Ms Figure's Avatar
    Ms Figure is offline Retired Moderator
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    Ok run the HCG as suggested but gets some clomid as HCG does not stimulate the hypo-physis to release more gonadotropin so that a faster and higher re-lease offollicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone occurs. This results in an elevated endogenous testosterone level.

    In laymans terms clomid gets the body functioning as you would like and will help ensure you keep some of your gains
    Ms Figure

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The island of Lesbos..where every guy wants to be.
    Wait 2-4 wks due to the esters in sust. It will still be active and the muscle building properties can still be utilized.

    Clomid---a must have. It will stimulate or increase a higher release of the LH and FSH(leutenizing hormone, folicle stimulating hormone)hormones.

    HCG ---will just mimic LH and if taken too long can lead to unwanted female characteristics such as gyno, etc. But that is if your on for a long ass time.

    Usually when used together its commonly done in this fashion...

    HCG goes first. 2,500-5,000 ius per wk for 2wks. Followed by
    Clomid for two more wks. THe first wk of clomid is usually 100mgs per day for 7 days...then the second wk of clomid..which is actually the 4th wk of your clean-up, is @ 50mgs per day for 7 days. This is pretty typical and there are a million different ways to do this. However this is the most common in terms of what you will read in books and on boards.

    If you have to choose between hcg and clomid..get clomid next time. If you can...use both. Good luck and keep the protein high even after your done.


  5. #5
    CYCLEON Guest
    First of all you have no need what soever for HCG , you will need clomid after cycle tho - please see the thread in the HOT TOPICS SECTION. If you do use HCG - NEVER USE IT AFTER YOUR CYCLE AS IT WILL KEEP YOU NATURAL TEST LEVELS SUPPRESSED!!!!! three weeks before the end of the cycle is fine but really only needed when ur on heavy or long cycles and even then clomid seems to work quite well if done correctly.

  6. #6
    xman is offline Junior Member
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    HCG after cycle.

    Where do you get your info that HCG should not be used after a cycle, Bill Roberts? I am presently talking to an endroconologist about this very matter. They prescibe HCG after a cycle if you LH and FSH are to low. I will report back more as I get more info from him.

  7. #7
    Delts is offline Junior Member
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    dude, hcg is awesome for after your cycle. way better than clomid. infact, i'm about to start mine again tomorrow. i keep much more gains with it than clomid. i keep pretty much all my gains with hcg. hcg alone is better than clomid alone, but hcg and clomid together is the best. also throw in some glutamine and zma and all gains are kept.

  8. #8
    The Iron Game Guest
    the net is full of information, I would sincerely recommend to stop relying on outdated information and to do some searches. There has never been a question that has been unaswered by one or more search engines. I always search before posting. HCG should be used during a cycle and should not be run after the ester or steroid is out of the system and clomid therapy has begun. This is sending 2 opposite messages to the brain and the clomid use will be ineffective. On a side note when hcg has been used it increases the estrogen levels far greater and in proportion to the fake test boost.

    HCG is purely image and will do more damage than good.

  9. #9
    gearedup is offline RETIRED VET R.I.P.
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    The only 2 times I will ever say for someone to use HCG is if they want to in the middle of a long heavy cycle or the only time I think someone should use it at the end is if they have been on heavy androgens for a long time!

    I am just getting off now and I have been on heavy androgens for 1.5 years and I have spoken with the doctor and am getting tested to make sure everything comes back normal! I will let you guys know when I am done with my HCG/Clomid/Arimidex and after I get my test results back to see how well it worked!

  10. #10
    The Iron Game Guest
    gearedup, I am assuming you are not going to be using the hcg along with clomid since you are using arimidex ?

  11. #11
    gearedup is offline RETIRED VET R.I.P.
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    I was going to is there a reason I should not? I do not know too much about post cycle therapy as I should because I usually don't come off much!

    I also posted a while back on anabolicfitness about this and this is what I was told to use since I have been on so long!

    Let me know bro I know this is your area and would appreciate the advice! Its been a long time since I have come off!

  12. #12
    Mike Guest
    GU -

    I would recommend against using HCG post cycle. I have not yet found a valid use for it. YES it will minimally raise test levels but it's negatives FAR outweighs the positives. For instance it actually raises estrogen AND progesterone levels. To be honest - I would stick with your airmidex and clomid. I can't conceive a need for anything else.

  13. #13
    The Iron Game Guest
    if I am not mistaken then using hcg and clomid at the same time will render the clomid use ineffective

  14. #14
    Mike Guest
    Here's an interesting article on HCG that ya'll may be interested

    Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

  15. #15
    gearedup is offline RETIRED VET R.I.P.
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    Here is a link to where I asked this on AF! I figured I would give it a try as I have always been against using HCG post cycle and have never tried it! Keep in mind I have only had about 2-3 months off in the past 3 years so getting my levels to come back is probably going to be a challenge! I plan on staying off for 3-4 months before I jump back on and I will do post cycle therapy until my tests show I no long7er need it!

  16. #16
    Mike Guest
    I recommend you stay off HCG - I think it would be detrimental is raising your test levels back up - I would stick with clomid at 300mg on your first day, 200mgs for 10 days, 100mgs for 10 days then 50mg eod for a week

    I couldnt read the post as I am not a member there - sorry

  17. #17
    xman is offline Junior Member
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    Did you get the message I sent you yesterday? If not please e-mail me at [email protected]

  18. #18
    Mike Guest
    hit ya back bro

  19. #19
    The Iron Game Guest
    inject piss and grow tits

  20. #20
    Mike Guest

    NOW who wants to sign up???

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