I wnated to know what u guys thiunk. is taking 50 mg of winstrol with a 50 mg of proviron a good stack or shud i try somin else. iwanna gain some weight but not water weight and puff marshmellow wieght. lean mass is what i want.
thanks mike
I wnated to know what u guys thiunk. is taking 50 mg of winstrol with a 50 mg of proviron a good stack or shud i try somin else. iwanna gain some weight but not water weight and puff marshmellow wieght. lean mass is what i want.
thanks mike
i think u need to research ALOT
win isnt all its cracked up to be
look into test and read around and i really not a big fan of an oral only
Gaining lean mass is mostly diet. Running letro with test will also help, but its mainly about diet i can get down to 5-6% bf using just test.
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