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Thread: finally... time to go on....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    New Jersey

    Talking finally... time to go on....

    Ok so second cycle, first one was when I was 18 I was a moron, and some shithead hooked me up with test and eq I ran it 500/400 for 10weeks no pct, yea... 3 and a half years later and 40lbs heavier Im ready to go on again.

    18yrs old
    140lbs 13-14%bf
    5'8"(im guessing)

    ~22yrs old
    183lbs 8.5%bf
    about 6.5yrs training

    ok, so after much contemplation I will be running a low dose Lean mass cycle:

    500mgs EQ (ew) weeks 1-8
    225mgs TREN ace (ew) weeks 1-6
    150mgs TEST prop (ew) weeks 1-10
    50mg WINSTROL (oral) (ed) weeks 6-11

    PCT: WEEKS 11-13
    40mgs nolvadex ed
    100mgs clomid ed

    ***the test and tren I plan on dividing the doses into EOD***

    Not sure if I should run the test and tren a bit higher, but I am looking to keep the sides milder and run a low dose cycle. Also I was thinking of sub-ing OT for winstrol...

    any comments would be great, thanks ahead of time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    if thats a first cycle it's over kill. Also your numbers are all off. Eq isnt long enough, needs to be minimum of 12weeks, test isnt high enough doses, tren seems low dose and also not long enough but thats jus my opinion....stick with the basics man test e 500 for 12 weeks no point in wasting money on everything else. And if your set on a second compound maybe winni at the end...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    i think u need to research .. ALOT! LOL

    allow me to clarify w/ bolded inserts

    500mgs EQ (ew) weeks 1-8 DURATION IS WAY TO SHORT by this week u will FINALLY BE FEELING IT so its JUST starting to kick in so u kinda wasted 8 weeks of this stuff
    225mgs TREN ace (ew) weeks 1-6 Ace is an ED Inject and VERY HARSH btw i think ur duration is krap for it as well and you do not fully understand the proper way to use this compound and it is NOT FOR BEGINNERS BY ANYMEANS!
    150mgs TEST prop (ew) weeks 1-10 Better but this shud be administered ED
    50mg WINSTROL (oral) (ed) weeks 6-11 this stops 2 days after last prop shot NOT to week 11

    so u if you remove EQ and Tren and run Prop for 10 weeks and win from weeks 5-10 u have a deceant cycle but first let me ask you this

    DO YOU understand the difference in Enanthate and Propinate esters ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    New Jersey
    yea, i understand the difference, short acting and long acting.... I am a student in rehab and sports medicine, my understanding is that tren run longer than 6 weeks is harsh on the body, test i just wanted enough to keep the ED off, and the eq was a typo I meant I would run it through for 10 weeks.

    not my first cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    New Jersey
    Also I do not have the means to Inject ED, eff it... I'm just going to hold off until after the new year. then i can do EVERY DAY injections

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by need2Bbig
    yea, i understand the difference, short acting and long acting.... I am a student in rehab and sports medicine, my understanding is that tren run longer than 6 weeks is harsh on the body, test i just wanted enough to keep the ED off, and the eq was a typo I meant I would run it through for 10 weeks.

    not my first cycle
    tren is HARSH but 6 weeks isnt going to do much but it will supress the hell outta you for a good while since its metabolites are extremelly suppressive.

    i would suggest if ur so determined on running tren to run it for 8 weeks since it doesnt really kick in till week 3

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    so how frequently are u going to shoot the short estered compounds.. and if u stop prop and eq on the same day ur aware that u have to wait 3 weeks for eq to clear the system to begin pct and by then prop has left the body and u will be crashing fairly hard, no?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    New Jersey
    yea... It didnt even cross my mind that my test levels would be supressed... Back to research... let my case scenario be a lesson to every one who thinks they are the smartest person alive.... I'm a dumbass. thankyou and goodnight

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