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Thread: hey guys need some info

  1. #1

    hey guys need some info

    i'm buying some juice and i want to know what test is best to mix with deca and d-bol's and i also im picking up some winni for after the cycle
    what do you guys think this is my first cycle i have done sus 250 by itself and no gains. i was stuiped when i tryed it i didn't know better thats why i asking for some info!!!!!!!

    thanks guy's

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    LOL, how is this your first cycle if you said you already ran some Sust??? I know I know since you did it wrong and didnt see much you're counting it out huh?? Kind of like when I bang a chick and if shes not that hot I dont count it. Thats ok lets get to work.

    If this is your "first" cycle. Keep it simple, run some Test E and Deca for 12 weeks.

    Weeks 1-12--------->500-600mgs Test E (Dose depends on what kind you get)
    Weeks 1-11--------->300-400mgs Deca (once again depends on what kind you get)
    Weeks 1 -4--------->50mgs Dbol ED

    The major strength gain will come quick with the D-bol. Once off of that everything else will be in full effect.

  3. #3
    thanks alot i read that test e is good, i bought santiago deca 200 and denkall d-bol's also denkall winni's now im going to buy some test e what do you think ???

    thank's again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by ufc fighter
    thanks alot i read that test e is good, i bought santiago deca 200 and denkall d-bol's also denkall winni's now im going to buy some test e what do you think ???

    thank's again

    Once you get the Test E you're ready to rock!!! Nothing is holding you back now. I've never liked Denkals products, especially that T400!!!!!! But have to say that I've heard good things about their Dianabol..

  5. #5
    i took the d-bol's before and notice i was getting bigger and thicker. I want to get bigger and ripped before spring.. I appreciate your advice thanks alot im going to get the test ethante . so i take one shot deca and the one shot test e once a week????
    and 30-40mg of d-bol's?????

  6. #6
    jayhova'a cycle looks good, here's how i would personally do it.
    500mg sustanon-weeks 2-11
    200-300 mg deca- weeks 1-10
    30 mg d-bol ed-first 4 weeks
    50 mg winstrol- eod for last 40 days-aprox. 6 weeks
    cycle looks good-safe and very effective
    also denkall products are very good- i've used the oral stanazolic before.
    don't forget your pct-you don't want to spend all your money on juice and then lose everything and feel like shit because you didn't use hcg and clomid
    good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulieM.
    don't forget your pct-you don't want to spend all your money on juice and then lose everything and feel like shit because you didn't use hcg and clomid
    good luck

    I like that info Paulie, most concentrate on simply gear and forget about PCT. Surprised me how some dont even know what PCT is. Good thing we have an entire forum dedicated to it.

    I saw that you toned it down on the D-bol a little in your cycle. If UFC feels more comforatable running a lower dose thats fine.

    Good luck UFC

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