Ok ive noticed it used to be really easy to get accutane now there are only 2 research sites i know of that sell the isotretinoin suspension. Why has accutane become increasingly harder to find?
Ok ive noticed it used to be really easy to get accutane now there are only 2 research sites i know of that sell the isotretinoin suspension. Why has accutane become increasingly harder to find?
because of all the lawsuits associated with it. Every other commercial on TV nowadays is some attorney asking for your business if you took it or 100 other drugs.
Something about depression if I remember correctly.
Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
Yea tane is getting harder and harder to come across. Even if you have a presciption you have to have your Dermy place a yellow sticker on the script that is only good for a 1 month supply.
so am i pretty much screwed then?
Goto your dermatologist, if your acne is bad enough to warrant the tane then Im sure he'll prescribe it to you...If its not then maybe you can get some other type of prescription acne med...Originally Posted by elite2kr
i dont have acne now, but i break out like a mofo when on gear and i want some acutane to prevnt it before i start my next cycleOriginally Posted by thegodfather
Originally Posted by elite2kr
Didnt you say that you know of 2 sites that sell it now?
yes, they sell accutane suspension but i heard its not effective in liquid form and ive heard lots of people complain about there stuff.Originally Posted by Jayhova16
I've been on accutane for 4 months now and God damn is the shit a miracle. I dont have acne bad enough for a dermy. Im just using it to stop future break outs, because I break out bad PCT for about 4-6months..ANyways I get my accutane off a website..Its a legit site but the problem is price. A script will cover it, but its ver hard to get..Im doing 60mg ed. Thats 6 a day @ $1 a tab for 7 months...Thats pushing like $1300.00. Price I have to pay to stay acne free, but well worth it.. I dont want to post any websites on this board and get flamed. So PM me if you need accutane that bad and I'll give you the link..They have everything, but my man jayhova on this board told me all there other shit sucks..Mostly all Chinese generics, but the tane is a gelcap.
**** it it makes u breakout when u start taking it and then u get better that shit makes u feel like crap and people kill themselves on it if ur life is good on it u will be fine but if u get liked dumped u could kill urself **** tht medicine never again i live with a few pimples and its hard on ur liver and can kill u so **** it
Originally Posted by THEjuiceISloose73
What are you talking about kill you?????? How can accutane kill you?? Can you post and documented info on people dying from accutane to back up your statement to share with us??? I'm sure you cant.
To further comment on your initial statement, I ran Accutane for 5 months and didnt breakout worse in the beginning. As soon as I started I dried up instantaneously and haven't broken out since. And that was about 3 years ago.
IMHO accutane is the only thing out there that was 110% effective. If I had to do it all over again I would in a heartbeat.
I'll be waiting for your debate over how hard it is no your liver and all the bodies accutane has claimed. I'm sure I"ll be waiting a very long time
Originally Posted by orosco
After my experience with the Tane I had to share my results. Plus I'm very good friends with a dermatologist and they told me numerous stories on people that were treated by every oral and topical and nothing worked. As soon as the switch was made to Accutane it was like a miracle.
Seems like the original Roche gels work better then the generic caps
i hear the same thing about the roche being 100 times better then the generic stuff. im on the tane now 3 months in and seeing some very good results. plus i havnt killed myself yet!!
Originally Posted by anaBROLIC
Yea I still remember when you were posting in the Spa about starting. Awesome to hear you're liking it!!!
its quite easy to get isotretinoine powder (active ingredient of accutane)...cheap ass hell compared to accu, only downside is that the powder reacts with O2, so in time the powder becomes less potent...
i will get some documented info on poeple dieing from it
why do u think u have to get blood tests every 2 weeks well on it cause it can kill ur liver permannently and then kill u
it has a low death rate but some have died from taking the product
thats fun u dont even know that haha risky business playing with ur life over some acne
Originally Posted by THEjuiceISloose73
The reason for the monthly Blood work is to make sure everything is under control. They mainly check for liver values and cholesterol. Its a precaution. Anything and everything has possible sides. If one is prone to these sides then Accutane will most likely effect them, I can agree with that. But saying that its going to kill your liver and kill you is an overstatement.
I had my bloodwork done monthly and nothing budged over the course of 5 months. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I was cycling while on the Tane for a portion of the time. Once again if you are prone to sides they are inevitable.
I'll be waiting for the documents on people that have died from accutane
Get a script from a dermetologist, they don't cost much at the pharm...
Originally Posted by ironfist
When I got my initial script my cost for 90 20mg Roche gels was like $700!! Obviously insurace covered it though.
Does anyone have any idea how much accutane costs in mexico? I know you have to get a script for it in TJ which costs about $25.
Take a shower...Originally Posted by elite2kr
Maybe use shampoo on your skin. I dont have acne, nor have i done a cycle yet, but i always use shampoo for some odd reason.. maybe because it cuts through the oil on my skin real well.
Shower before you go to bed and wear a shirt when you sleep.
Isn't Niazcin REALLy good for your skin? Try that maybe?.. and if im right about using niacin, get the flush free kind.. otherwise you'll turn red, and get itch and maybe even dizzy for about 15 to 30 minutes. lol
Damn, I guess it would be better to use your script and then order it from canada...Originally Posted by Jayhova16
Damn, I took the first 4 weeks of the brand name, and the last 8 weeks of generic. Now I'm on week 16 and about to buy the next batch, I think I'll go with the brand Roche then if you guys are saying the generic sucks? I did notice that the generic doesn't work half as well and was wondering why?
Originally Posted by inspector_injector
I tried both and there was no comparison. The original Roche gels were 10X better hands down.
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