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  1. #1
    DBJuice is offline Banned
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    Acne. Who has it? Who's gotten it? and about it.

    I'm thinking of starting and i would like to know about acne cause i dont want any and i heard it can get pretty severe.

    Whos gotten it or have it?
    Is there anyway to stop it from producing?
    If it starts to get bad or severe what should or can i do?

    I DONT WANT ACNE....cause it apparently goes on the face, back, chest and shoulders

  2. #2
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    The only time I got acne bad was the first time I ran fina. I ran too much and the acne was horrible. It took months to clear up. It was on my upper arms. shoulders, and back. There was nothing I did that helped it stop except stop the fina and wait it out.

    When I run a cycle I will get some acne but never anything to get worried about. I use B5, medicated soap, and shower twice a day. This all seems to help. Also tanning helps.

  3. #3
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    If shit gets too bad you can always take accutane. I'd go with MudMans words first. I use B5 year round becuase I had bad acne when I was younger and I don't want a repeat of that.

  4. #4
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    never had it.....then I did 1200mg/week test and BAM! major back attack. I have used soaps,creams, perscriptions and it wont go away. even a year later.
    only way I have found to make it go away.......I am covering my whole back with a tattoo. lol, I like it. got pics if ya want, might give ya an idea or two

    lol, not trying to scare ya. guess Im just ****ed up

  5. #5
    THEjuiceISloose73 is offline Associate Member
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    post up that pick dive

  6. #6
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    ok, here it is
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Acne. Who has it? Who's gotten it? and about it.-ink.jpg  

  7. #7
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost more work to come. it will come up right across the shoulders and down a little lower. it also comes right around the ribs.
    looking at about another 45-50 hours. if we want to get into tattoo talk lets go to the lounge.
    I blame this acne on a test cycle I did last november to april.

  8. #8
    Reprisal 6's Avatar
    Reprisal 6 is offline Associate Member
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    I had acne pretty bad a while back. This cleared up my back and my shoulders within a week.
    I took small gobs of dish soap and applied it to the affected areas on my back and shoulders, I let it dry on my skin. I would shower it off later in the evening. If you feel your skin get too dry, don't do it for a day. This is tricky because dish soap can actually burn your skin a bit. If this happens it's ok just tone it down some. Don't put it on your face though. The skin on your face is real sensitive. You may burn your skin too easy. This along with tanning and my skin had never looked so good.

  9. #9
    elitetky is offline Associate Member
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    hmm not everyone get acne for my case i got shit acnes u can run accutant as mention and just ran test itself u might get less acnes

  10. #10
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    it eill be different for everyone. some will get it some wont.
    me, I did not get it till this one cycle

  11. #11
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    The only thing that gives me acne is test! Ime done with test for good now.

  12. #12
    chromes is offline New Member
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    did sustanon and satnozolol at the same time

    500mg per week (two shoots) and 4 tabs of stano a day for 5 weeks straight...

    heres a link for pics :

    so from what i see, dish soap and b5 vitamin will help...

    i'll post feed back in 2 weeks

    good luck!

  13. #13
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reprisal 6
    I had acne pretty bad a while back. This cleared up my back and my shoulders within a week.
    I took small gobs of dish soap and applied it to the affected areas on my back and shoulders, I let it dry on my skin. I would shower it off later in the evening. If you feel your skin get too dry, don't do it for a day. This is tricky because dish soap can actually burn your skin a bit. If this happens it's ok just tone it down some. Don't put it on your face though. The skin on your face is real sensitive. You may burn your skin too easy. This along with tanning and my skin had never looked so good.
    I have heard a lot of guys have good results with using dish soap like Dawn. I hope to never have a problem like I did with Fina but if it happens again this is a good idea.

  14. #14
    Reprisal 6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    I have heard a lot of guys have good results with using dish soap like Dawn. I hope to never have a problem like I did with Fina but if it happens again this is a good idea.
    Dish soap is made to cut grease. Anti-bacterial as well.
    $.99 cents for dish soap, and a 30 day tanning pass has worked very well for me and I had acne pretty bad on my back and arms.

  15. #15
    DBJuice is offline Banned
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    Wow thanks for the ideas....i hear alot of guys taking accutane in the PTC, but theres no way for me to get a doctor to give me that there any way to buy online?

    The dish soap idea sounds good too. But theres no way im going to use that on my face.

  16. #16
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reprisal 6
    Dish soap is made to cut grease. Anti-bacterial as well.
    $.99 cents for dish soap, and a 30 day tanning pass has worked very well for me and I had acne pretty bad on my back and arms.
    Dish soap, most especially like Dawn Dishwashing liquid in North America is the preferred anti-acne soap. While it contains and controls during cycle cycle acne, it might not be completely effective for PCT acne. Since I am 2 months post cycle now after 9 months on deca , 10 month with test, I am finding even dawn cannot keep all the acne away although I find some subsidence when I take 2 showers a day with dawn. I am in Florida so with summer/fall/winter humidity, dry skin isnt so much a problem.

    It seems clear that there is a connection with the oilyness of skin on steroids and the acne and most dawn soap users do find a very real "relief" from acne even if its not as effective as prescription internal drugs, but it can be nearly as effective as benzoil peroxide on the back.

    BTW, acne on the face isnt a steroid signature acne, its primarily on the upper arms and back. I wouldnt recommend soak in and presoaks with dawn... just lather up a wash cloth and use it in place of bar soap in the shower. It leaves less soap film as demoed in Zest commercials, and also get the oil out of the pores leaving them cleaner and unclogged, thus less acne.

  17. #17
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from the dead.....
    tanning works wonders for me....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Dish soap, most especially like Dawn Dishwashing liquid in North America is the preferred anti-acne soap. While it contains and controls during cycle cycle acne, it might not be completely effective for PCT acne. Since I am 2 months post cycle now after 9 months on deca , 10 month with test, I am finding even dawn cannot keep all the acne away although I find some subsidence when I take 2 showers a day with dawn. I am in Florida so with summer/fall/winter humidity, dry skin isnt so much a problem.

    It seems clear that there is a connection with the oilyness of skin on steroids and the acne and most dawn soap users do find a very real "relief" from acne even if its not as effective as prescription internal drugs, but it can be nearly as effective as benzoil peroxide on the back.

    BTW, acne on the face isnt a steroid signature acne, its primarily on the upper arms and back. I wouldnt recommend soak in and presoaks with dawn... just lather up a wash cloth and use it in place of bar soap in the shower. It leaves less soap film as demoed in Zest commercials, and also get the oil out of the pores leaving them cleaner and unclogged, thus less acne.
    so you are saying that steriods dont cause acne on the face???? even if aa a teenager you had mild to moderate face acne????

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