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Thread: ideal pin size?

  1. #1
    jasindude1 is offline New Member
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    ideal pin size?

    hey i was reading on steroid .com and it says 22g 1.5 inches is ideal,, im taking test c and am using 22 and 1.5 but ive heard 23 or 25 g as well with 1.5 pins... but with a 23 or 25 wont it take longer to inject? what about scar tissue? whats a good pin to use for glute and thigh injects with test c or e, and whats a good pin for glutes and thighs and biceps with test p? im not worried bout the pain cuz a 22g 1.5 works fine but im worried bout scar tissue and not going in deep enough,can u use a 1inch for glute and thighs?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    yeah but I use 1 1/2 inch for glutes. You can use 22g smallest imo cuz it gets harder to push the oil the smaller you go. I use a 21G.

  3. #3
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada Ehh...
    21 hu, thats almost a harpoon.
    I use 25 guage for everything. 1.5 for the ass and 1 inch for everything else: tris, bis, chest, delts,quads.
    yes it is slower but whats the hurry? the slower it goes in the better.
    aspriate and then whatch as the golden goodness flowes in

  4. #4
    jasindude1 is offline New Member
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    what about for thighs is a 22g 1in ok?

  5. #5
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    I use 23g 1" for my shoulders, ass, and quads...25g 5/8" for my tri's...Been using these sizes for 5 yrs and countless cycles and never had a problem...

  6. #6
    jasindude1 is offline New Member
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    oh so its better if it goes in slower? i thought the longer it takes the more chance for soreness, if thats the case the a 25 is fine?

  7. #7
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
    Danbrooks2k is offline Member
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    i use a 25g 1 inch for everything bis, tris, delts, thighs, even glutes... but I dont have much fat back there and 1 inch is plenty deep enough for me

  8. #8
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasindude1
    oh so its better if it goes in slower? i thought the longer it takes the more chance for soreness, if thats the case the a 25 is fine?
    no way the only way i get sore is if i inject too fast, or if i jiggle the pin a little while its in, i use a 25g 5/8" for chest and tris and a 25g 1" for shoulders and quads and for the ass i use a 23g 1.5", i dont use these gauges becuz im afraid of injecting pain, but it forces me to inject slower which alleviates the after injection pain atleast for me, also it only seems logical that the smaller pins leave less scar tissue do to the smaller circumference of the hole they create

  9. #9
    Mizz*Jacqui's Avatar
    Mizz*Jacqui is offline Female Member
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    I notice with the 25 if your doing anything over 1 cc it takes forever!

  10. #10
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from the dead.....
    Gotta love those 25g's... By the way slower is better....1.5 for glutes...1 inch everywhere else......

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