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  1. #1
    reps is offline New Member
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    HGH for fat loss..

    Does anyone have any experience with HGH for fat loss? I am thinking of adding it to my Decca-Winny cycle to help recovory and fat loss. Would a 5-week cycle at 2-4 IU. a day work? Should I split the dose up or all at once? I am early 30's so this may be a good time to try it just was wondering what I should expect before I spend the cash.

    Thanks to the board for your help, Wishing everyone achieves thier goals this summer..Reps..

  2. #2
    goldenFloyd's Avatar
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  3. #3
    androplex is offline Donating Member
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    Mar 2002
    Do a search on hGh you will find a great deal of information.

    I have started speaking my mind on AR. You are not going to like what I am going to say but its my opinion. I give myself about three weeks left on AR before I am ask to leave for speaking my mind. I am tired of holding my opinion back and its not well shared.

    I am taking hGH under a doctors care. I take .44 mg per day 6 days a week. Thats about 8 ius per week. PER WEEK.

    I had blood work done last monday to check things out.

    Do you know your IGF-1 level?
    Did you know that the FDA highly regulates the use of hGH?
    Are you GHD?
    Have you had a growth hormone stimulation test done?
    Are you less than 3 ng/ml ?

    Yes hGH will take your bf down over a 3 to 6 month period.

    My doctor takes hGH too. He takes 6ius a week. He told me that taking hGH for ME, (since he knows me and has run many test on me and continues to monitor me) said taking hGH was less dangerous than drinking beer and eating pizza. I only take 8 ius a week.

    BTW my doctor also has me on a very restricted diet to make sure the hGH and my body work together and not against each other.

    Good luck.

    I apologize if I appear to be coming on strong its not personally at you I am just tired of seeing post after post of members that are taking steriods and hormones that are in amounts beyond what the human body is designed for.

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