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Thread: 4 Week Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    am destined to be

    4 Week Cycle

    Stated before that i dont want to juice till i get like one year older my diet could not be beter training days goes like this

    tue_40 min run
    thur_40 min run
    sat&sun rest days

    im thinking about a short cycle_ 250mg test,e once a week & a kick start like d.bol or var! remember this is only 4 vials i dont want to blast of jus yet

    this short cycle wont do that much to my natural test should it

    should also point out im 20 on sunday and im %110 fit

    i just need that booooost

    i need only the best information guys

  2. #2
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    Nov 2003
    a four week cycle is for the most part a waste of time and money...If you are 110% fit and your only 20 years old than there is no reason to get dtarted just yet, and if you are going to do it anyways than you dont want anything shorter than at least 8 weeks. Dont forget that the test will take about 2 weeks to kick in. with a four week cycle you will see very minimal results

  3. #3
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    am destined to be
    Quote Originally Posted by juict
    a four week cycle is for the most part a waste of time and money...If you are 110% fit and your only 20 years old than there is no reason to get dtarted just yet, and if you are going to do it anyways than you dont want anything shorter than at least 8 weeks. Dont forget that the test will take about 2 weeks to kick in. with a four week cycle you will see very minimal results
    i like it bro keep it coming

  4. #4
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    what exactly are your goals of your first cycle and what kind of shape are you in (bf% and height and weight???)

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    4 week cycle would be'll be shut down and have to deal w/ regular PCT...not worth it.......

    and your diet and training could not be better??? post both please

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
    4 week cycle would be'll be shut down and have to deal w/ regular PCT...not worth it.......

    and your diet and training could not be better??? post both please
    I agree 100%. Even if you were to use short esters, it would still be a waste of time. IMO, short esters need to be ran at least 6 weeks minimum, long esters 8-10 depending on what ester and what AAS.

    Quote Originally Posted by GetRichOrDyeTryin
    Stated before that i dont want to juice till i get like one year older my diet could not be beter training days goes like this
    I would also like to see both the diet and training. If you think they're perfect, they're probably not because nothing is perfect.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    am destined to be
    Ok there perfect for me i am in very stable shape i look and feel good i want to get that bit bigger without demanding to much of my natural self as i said im not old enough for a standart cycle i want a boost thats all
    thats why im asking my goals are just to look more ripped but with that extra weight on top at the moment my body fat is low i can just pinch it to get some fat

    anyone any info on a 6 week cycle & with some pct info .
    would help me some what

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    in your girls panties
    Send the gear over my way and i'll use it to run my next cycle four extra weeks for you. Deal?

  9. #9
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    Let me think

    no ..... anyway in my gym theres cctv everywhere but we have a special room at the bac for all the big boys & me ,,, and you can get juice easy as choclate

  10. #10
    you need to decide what you're tryin to do. if you just want a "little boost" go to gnc-they probably have something. i really wouldn't recomend anabolic drugs to anyone who's just trying to "shape up" or somethin. if you want to put on some quality muscle and lean up i'd suggest injectable winstrol,primo, and probably a little test. definately no shorter than 8 weeks. but from what it sounds like you'll probably just want a thermogenic or something along those lines. they've got some pretty potent legal stuff out supposedly. if i were you i would either stay clean for now or go ahead and "jump in". do some more research and you'll be able to make a better decision.

  11. #11
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    If you are really going to do this cycle be sure your diet is perfect. The thing is if you say your not ready for a full cylce that is still pretty much what you are gonna be doing. Lets say you do some low dose test and some winyy or var or primo. You will still get shut down and you natural levels will still need to recover and you will need the standard regular PCT........With that said if you are still intereseted in doin it i personally IMO would recommend test 400/wk along with var 40 md/ed.........followed by standard PCT

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    am destined to be
    sorry guys you must of mist the post today fitnessguy changed my mind about needles i l just need to keep that oral stash in my room for a year or 2

  13. #13
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Thats cycle is the worst idea evr, if you want to run a short one your first time , go with prop for 6-7 weeks at 75-85 mg a day.

  14. #14
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    I have to question the idea of doing a 4-week cycle to avoid shutdown.
    The 2-on/4off seems to quite effective to recover hpta faster.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    am destined to be
    sh*t wrong post im eating alot of food yeh dont worry things are cool honest

  16. #16
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetRichOrDyeTryin
    sorry guys you must of mist the post today fitnessguy changed my mind about needles i l just need to keep that oral stash in my room for a year or 2
    Find a good source and go with var, you'll stay lean wont shut you down and very keepable and people will think it was natural cuz you wont blow up to fast, just some nice lean gains.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Find a good source and go with var, you'll stay lean wont shut you down and very keepable and people will think it was natural cuz you wont blow up to fast, just some nice lean gains.
    thats the only thing i have touched before it was only short tho 30tabs 10mg

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    This makes no sence you state "i dont want to juice till i get like one year older" then why are yoiu thinking of running any AAS at all?

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    am destined to be
    forget the pics

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    on something that short, i think test prop would be more promising than test or c, JMO

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    am destined to be
    test prop now not for me thats stuffs to sore its out your body in about 3 days i think i was thinking deca durabolin because thats stuffs good for a guy like me no side affects apart from libdo im sure

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetRichOrDyeTryin
    test prop now not for me thats stuffs to sore its out your body in about 3 days i think i was thinking deca durabolin because thats stuffs good for a guy like me no side affects apart from libdo im sure
    libido issues are just a small part of the side effects from not running test.....just don't cycle now

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Richmond, Cali.(Bay Area)
    no soreness with prop when i cut it with b12. Stuff is fact acting and you dont have to wait around so long for it to kick in as one would say. I felt prop working in a little over a week.
    Quote Originally Posted by GetRichOrDyeTryin
    test prop now not for me thats stuffs to sore its out your body in about 3 days i think i was thinking deca durabolin because thats stuffs good for a guy like me no side affects apart from libdo im sure

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    am destined to be


    whats best in general anavar or primobolan depot (acetate)

    not with anything else just a question what works best for you

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