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Thread: spring summer cycle..... just looking for your opinion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    spring summer cycle..... just looking for your opinion

    hey bro's,
    I don't post regularly anymore but i do lurke and post here and there. Anyways..... here is what i plan on running in april..... give me your opinions.

    1-20 Test E..... 1000mg's/wk
    1-12 Tren E..... 500mg's/wk
    10-20 Primo..... 600mg's/wk
    10-20 Masteron 500mg's/wk

    This will be my 1st go around with Primo and Masteron. I've ran test/tren enough times to know it's an awesome combo!

    the idea here is to basically add lean mass for the 1st 12 weeks or so and then use the primo and masteron to harden me up as much as possible. I'm going to be throwing in T3 and IGF somewhere within the last 10 weeks of the cycle also..... not 100% sure what i wanna do yet tho.....

    HCG will be used and PCT will be pheedno's style.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    not even 1 view yet!?!?!? lmao

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    It looks great man...nothing really to critique about know what you are doing and it looks awesome. goodluck.

    i guess the only thing you didnt mention was the b6 and nolv ed. other then that..looks good.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    thats a serious cycle, should get some quality gains off that, goodluck...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    From my experience with masteron.You really only need 400 mgs weekly.You will like the longer than suggested run with it.I've ran it 8 weeks and loved it.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Latimus
    It looks great man...nothing really to critique about know what you are doing and it looks awesome. goodluck.

    i guess the only thing you didnt mention was the b6 and nolv ed. other then that..looks good.
    I used to run nolva with my cycles but for the last 2 i havn't. For some odd reason..... i have never retained water..... never had a sign of gyno..... so i just keep nolva on hand.

    LOL i was running 800 test cyp - 500 deca - and 30mg's Dbol..... still didn't retain any water *shrugs* guess im lucky.

    The reason why i posted this thread was to make sure the drugs would all interact accordingly with one another. Don't need 2 compounds fighting for the same receptors..... you can never be too sure


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Oh....I'd run the Tren much longer than that as well.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    thanks pinn..... i'll kick the masteron down to 400 and keep it 10 weeks. I was also considering running the test 1 week past everything else to kinda make the pct a little easier. this way i wont be comming off 3 compounds at once.....


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Oh....I'd run the Tren much longer than that as well.
    Really? i've never gone over 12 weeks..... i'll think about it..... maybe 15 I don't want to go too much longer than that because comming off tren is a BITCH.....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    Really? i've never gone over 12 weeks..... i'll think about it..... maybe 15 I don't want to go too much longer than that because comming off tren is a BITCH.....
    The longer the better with tren!!I've ran it 26 weeks.

    But 15 is much better than consider that option.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    The longer the better with tren!!I've ran it 26 weeks.

    But 15 is much better than consider that option.

    ohhh your a bad influence LMAO! before i know it - i'll be on 26 weeks tren and end up with a 35 week cycle! lmfao

    thank god for powders eh? lol


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    ohhh your a bad influence LMAO! before i know it - i'll be on 26 weeks tren and end up with a 35 week cycle! lmfao

    thank god for powders eh? lol

    yeh and you will be able to shoot it into your kidney dialasis machine.
    Tren isnt somthing to **** around with.
    Your pee smells like that for a reason. I wouldnt do 500 longer then 8 weeks. Period.
    as a matter of fact.. i go no longer then 5 weeks on tren now. tren is VERY good.. but also very bad.

    just be carefull.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Richmond, Cali.(Bay Area)
    yeah that tren piss is an awful odor indeed. Kidneys working overtime on just 10 week for me, i cant imagine anything longer.
    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    yeh and you will be able to shoot it into your kidney dialasis machine.
    Tren isnt somthing to **** around with.
    Your pee smells like that for a reason. I wouldnt do 500 longer then 8 weeks. Period.
    as a matter of fact.. i go no longer then 5 weeks on tren now. tren is VERY good.. but also very bad.

    just be carefull.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    tren hasn't affected me like that..... yeah i do get that funky urine smell..... but for the most part.... i have clear urine. maybe due to lots of water and cranberry juice?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    tren hasn't affected me like that..... yeah i do get that funky urine smell..... but for the most part.... i have clear urine. maybe due to lots of water and cranberry juice?
    then either you're not taking the dose you think you are. Or you are very young.
    Or you have super duper bullet proof organs.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    then either you're not taking the dose you think you are. Or you are very young.
    Or you have super duper bullet proof organs.
    i'll attribute it to my age..... I've ran tren 4 times..... once for 6 weeks..... 2 for 10 and im on a tren E cycle now for 12 weeks..... no problems. All blood work has come back normal also.

    i made my own batch 2 times..... bought a batch made by a close friend the other time..... and this tren E came from a reputable lab..... so im pretty damn sure the dosing is correct.....


  17. #17
    definetley a heavy cycle... lokks good to me.

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